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I've got quite good pc and my framerate is insanely low


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Hello dear community, firstly I'll start of my pc settings:


Motherboard: Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming3

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5 GHz

GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960

RAM: DDR3 Corsair Vengeance Black 8 GB (2x4GB)

SSD: SSD Kingston HyperX Fury 2.5'' 240GB

HDD: WD Purple WD10PURX 3.5'' 1TB


Everything is okey, I can stream other strong games as example  CS:GO and I got around 300 fps when I'm streaming, but whats wrong with this game I can't imagine :(. When I'm playing this game I got 20 fps ~ it's impossible to  play... All friends said that on your pc its impossible to have 20 fps, everyone saying that you must have around 120 fps easily but I haven't.. Any suggestion will help me guys, please help me

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Next time you go in game, try this: press ALT+ENTER while in game. Press these 2 keys at the same time, not ALT and then ENTER. You will know when you've successfully done this as your screen should go black for a second. What this will do is it will force the game to enter true full screen, as it runs on false full screen by default.

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1 minute ago, Princess Zelda said:

What is ur OS?, what is ur PSU, and when you open the game and it runs at 20 fps, check GPU usage as well as RAM CPU and MEM and disk using resmon.exe if u are using windows 7.

My OS is Win 8.1, my PSU AeroCool KCAS 700W, 80 PLUS Bronze, and yes How I can check GPU, RAM, CPU and MEM usage?

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I've read a couple of these post, and the one common denominator  with people having problems is low RAM also make sure your drivers are all updated. played russia server on outdated PC that had junk parts, ran it on windows mode and it was fine, maybe give that a try?

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2 hours ago, ToeTagz said:

I've read a couple of these post, and the one common denominator  with people having problems is low RAM also make sure your drivers are all updated. played russia server on outdated PC that had junk parts, ran it on windows mode and it was fine, maybe give that a try?


There´s no reason to believe this is a ram issue. Techspot made a report proving, that in a modern Tripple A title like Batman Arkham Knight (one of the more demanding newer games) - there´s no difference having 8 GB or 16 GB ram - even with 65 chrome tabs open at the same time!!




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12 minutes ago, mikkoTV said:

Maybe its mid range card but alot people from my clan have lower cards and more lower PC settings and they able to play 120 fps.

There is my settings in game:

https://gyazo.com/7f94271a3ddaee5f0780c294209f4c09 Btw I have tryed fullscreen and windowed still low fps and lags.



Ok, at that resolution and settings you should be 100FPS+ No other programs running in background that hogs resources? Check CPU usage while you play.  

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