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Disconnected. (2000)(132, 10060)


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I've been looking for a solution to this since CBT 1. Nobody seems to address it, and whenever another player makes a post about it, it just gets ignored. So far, it seems that most people affected are on college internet(?) and that it may be their university blocking access to the game. Is it possible that I can get confirmation on this, or if not a confirmation then a solution to the problem? I paid money for founder on this game and I STILL have not been able to play.

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I'm on college internet and I'm getting the same error right after I enter my 6 digit pin.





Microsoft says that 10060 is a connection time out. So, it seems reasonable that it could be the college blocking access.

I didn't try any of these solutions myself because it looks like it just extends the amount of time for the connection to happen, but if it's blocked by my college, I don't see the point.

Feel free to try it for yourselves though, but be careful as it looks like the solutions edit your registry (looks like in a harmless way though).

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I has to be server/software side. Not your internet connection. I'm getting the same error 2-3 times a day. During beta I had zero disconnects. Only since headstart do I get this. Well, my error is the same but instead of 2000 it's 3000. Once I got a 1000. rest of the numbers are the same.

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From what I've looked at, a lot of people have been getting this specific error before the last patch update (myself included).






And the people who get the 1000 or 3000 error seem to be able to at least get past the 6 digit pin and enter the game.




and here's an old 3000 post just saying people with similar errors end up quitting the game:


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