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korean (original) voice pack option.


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i don't know much about the terms and copyright, but if possible, can NC Soft PLEASE give us back the original voice acting?


i'm not the only one complaining about this childish and ridiculous dubbing... on the korean server (and a private one called Atomix) i saw npc's with a perfect voices, i saw female npc's with delightful voices that make me enter over and over again like a virgin nerd just to hear the same line of words, and now, these same npc's are MUTE just waiting to receive more one deplorable childish voice pack, unwillingly work of disprezible anti-gamers dubbers, bad profissionals of a terrible dubbing studio!


so, i know some can and will say they rather the game in english and don't see problem in a childish gross voice acting, but to me this is a feature less once the game have a amazing voice acting, and differently of those who like this way, many, no, with sure the great majority rather a lot the korean version of the game or even the japanese one once the anime style of the game matches a lot with it and japaneses usually don't waver in this kind of work, i know will be a problem to have the copyrights, but, with some time, NC-Soft will be completely able to have it, the game is free to play, but i for example would love to have a wardrobe and some others things only vip players can have!

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