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This is the way of how NCSoft get money from you


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Basically, this game is P2P in another format. To all None- Premium players, please stop complaint about the queue system, this is how they make money. You'll have to wait 6+ hours if you are not a Premium Member. Paid people always priority than none paid people in both games and in real life. So they make you to buy the membership if you really want to play the game so bad. What if all people get memberships? Do you think this queue system will ever exist? Sorry for my bad English. 

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We need a queue for people that want to suggest this is an intentional money scam.  :)



You know the difference between tens of thousands of people trying to log into a game on its first day and a Denial of Service attack?




I'm sure NCSoft is doing the best they can under the circumstances. They have a pretty good track record over the last ten years which is why so many people want to play B&S.



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It's more so the lack of combating the bots and gold farmers. They're the ones destroying the queues.

The only decent and realistic way to combat bots and farmers alike is to require a credit/debit card to create an account only for identity tracking (not charge it, or charge a small amount like $1 that's reimbursed through a in-game item or something), and only allow 2-3 accounts to be created with said card number. 

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They seriously  need to do an AFK lockout .... that would help a lot. No one's logging out because the que's are so long they don't want to do it again. And they don't have a limit on gold sellers and dorks just sitting around AFK'ing and mucking the whole system up.

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yea however not all country's have credit cards as theyr form of plastic payment

the netherlands for instance use mostly Debit since its so much easier to use there

and only company's are People that own theyr own company's or are Rich own one and wont use it for something like that

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7 minutes ago, Beheadedstraw said:

It's more so the lack of combating the bots and gold farmers. They're the ones destroying the queues.

The only decent and realistic way to combat bots and farmers alike is to require a credit/debit card to create an account only for identity tracking (not charge it, or charge a small amount like $1 that's reimbursed through a in-game item or something), and only allow 2-3 accounts to be created with said card number. 

I agree.

I also think GW2 and Tera have done a great job against botters and gold famers. In GW2 there is a level 20 requirement before you can type in global chat and you can only type every 30 seconds. And in both of these games you can buy the game's currency with real money. Idk for Tera but in GW2 you can also exchange in-game earned currency for the currency you buy with real money. So there is no need for gold farmers, even though they still exist you barely see them.

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