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BnS Reaction Gifs


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My friends when I finally enter the arena after days of avoiding it.



What they expect.






Me when someone says I'm bad (even though they're right).



It's on now.



When I win.



Yeah I was pretty amazed. My friends were like.



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On 1/20/2016 at 9:14 AM, Cheepit said:

Me when I use a quest object that spawns a mob, and another player waits and attacks the mob after it spawns.



Me when that same player follows me around and does it 2 more times.



What I feel like doing.




that's a hint, maybe not even from the player whose may be doing it without even knowing it, that they want to group up (or interact the least) to get some social interaction which should be the point of a MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online, let me recall the full typing because some people might not get it) where you are SUPPOSED to play "with" (or against w/e) other people instead of solo-ing and giving up on your battle against social anxiety (if you've ever tried, but I'm sure most players suffer from that)... yeah sure I'm not telling what to do, you can smack him, that's interaction too, anything you do with that person is interaction, just don't fool yourself about the reason you're playing an MMO, you know you could play single player games instead, unless you really want to play this game but wish it was a single player one which is kinda weird but understandable (props to boobies and people behind companies who know to take advantage of guillable players)


aside from all this, I convene on the fact that it's quite annoying to have shared quests and targets, you may not want to relate to random players other than friends (or acquaintances) or you're just not in the mood in that moment, but that goes off-topic in a category where it all depends on what the people behind the game wanted to express with this system (considering all the paragraph above mentioned), if they wanted to make a friendlier and less annoying game under this aspect than they could have just looked at what other companies did, not to mention their associate ArenaNet with Guild Wars 2 which is in relation with NCSoft


anyway to keep myself a tad bit inside the topic, my reaction is mildly happy as I just focus on the positive aspects of a game while playing it otherwise I would lose all the points of playing a game if I'm not having fun


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