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Gold sellers and bots.


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This really needs to be addressed.


People are waiting to play the game and they have to wait because there are gold sellers and gold farming bots up all over the place.


Please take a more pro active approach on banning these users so that your paying customers can play your game. Or at least let us help in some way.

(Anyone can log on and see 20 spammers at any given time. So dont tell me it is hard to spot them.)


On a side note why is there no easy in game way to report someone? You should be able to just right click on them or the name and hit report and have a pop up for options.




Offensive name?

(I saw someone with a cat named the N word and could do nothing as they ran away freely. If I missed some easy way to report tell me guys! <3)


*Please keep things polite. No attacks yo.


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