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DualShock 4 support


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I know that there is a controller support for Xbox 360/ and likely Xbox one controller (,which i don't have). Is There a way to use a PS4 controller for this game? (I can't game on a keyboard :/ ) D



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You can try ds4windows do a google search - It emulates the Xbox One controller so that the DS4 can work with Windows 8/10.


Trying to get it working now. Will let you know how it works. I like my controller. I find it WAY better for action games like BnS.

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If you can't seem to get the ps4 controller working, one controller I've noticed that works for most games that say only an xbox controller is compatible with is a brand called Rock Candy. I got mine from Fred Meyer for around $25 if I recall. It's shaped like an xbox360 controller though so you might not like the feel of it in your hand if you mainly play on playstation.

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