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Radiant Ring possible bug?


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As the title states, I believe the Radiant Ring profession is currently bugged as the only way to level it effectively(which is not effective at all), is to craft gems or keys, both which need refiner samples from Merry Potters. However, I remember being able to craft accessories in CBT and now I don't see them anymore. Using the sandstone to gain 1, yes ONE, point every half an hour from ordering the supplies is not efficient whatsoever. If anyone has any knowledge as to if this is a bug, or if there's something we need to do to unlock the accessories for crafting, please help.

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It seems that it is intended that the accessories are removed, however the Secret Technique teaches you how to craft these.

Sadly here is a bug I guess, cause when you learn them they are not shown in the crafting menu. I found each so far and they don't show up for me.


I have a ticket open, but no reply so far.

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The ones from the endgame (crafting level 3) drop in the level 45 6-man dungeons, highest dropchance is in in Brightsone Ruins tho.

The lower ones, I'm not sure but I think you have a chance of them dropping in all dungeons of that region.


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make diamonds...

i'm pretty sure they removed it and killed the drop rate for merry potters(?) recipe to slow us down...

so rip. no ring crafting for us :(


on the bright side, diamonds, although very inefficient compared to accessories are still decent exp.. I'm maxed in radiant ring now but... 

... rip so few potter recipes out there

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