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Your experiences with the Free Transfer so far.


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After almost 13 hours from requesting the transfer off from Windrest to Wild Springs server I'm almost done with the whole ordeal.


My new character got my old name, she also received all the founder items again and all I'm missing at this point is the NCoin refund. I bought some Pouches with the old character.

Have to say that it's pretty odd why the NCoin refund is taking this damn long after receiving all the other services already. It's been around 2 hours now from the time I got my name changed I think.


They deleted my old character just like they said they will. What I'm interested at this point is knowing how they got the name for me again because it was already taken on this server :P

Are there now 2 Fyurias on Wild Springs or what's up with that?


How's the transfers working out for you guys atm? Tell me about your pain, hopes and dreams.


EDIT: Ofc I receive most of the NCoins back right as I put this thread up, but still missing 80 NCoins from full 7200!

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I'm glad it all worked out for you!


Names are region-based, not server. There may be another Fyurias on NA, but not on EU.


Is it possible you spent the 80 NCoins on something account-bound rather than character-bound? If not I recommend submitting another ticket, we don't want you to lose out!



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