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Dungeon Loot Bidding


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Why even have this wretched system to begin with? I figured need/greed a relic of the past at this point, but this I might just dislike even more.

By chance all mmo's I've played the last 5 years or so have had individual player loot drops in groups. No drama, as fair as it gets, except for the old RNG.

This bidding and spam F to pick up as much as possible jank was a rather crude awakening though, and really contributed to  killing my enthusiasm for the game.



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the looting system is also something that really bugs me atm. bidding money to get an item should never be the meta. there has to be individual drops or complete rng, cause this one is totally unfair and annoying

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On 1/17/2016 at 10:56 PM, Laoshottie said:

Why do some people just waste every ones time by bidding at the last second of the timer "multiple" times?

That is a bidding strategy.. 


I don't understand why some people don't get the bidding system.  In addition I get just as annoyed at a party member telling me to hurry up and bid, or to pass when I don't bid as fast as they would like.  Some of you folks need to get over it and let us players who like to bid in "our way" bid the way we like!  I have had several party runs through the LFG system where there is always one very impatient player constantly complaining in the group about me or someone else not bidding faster.  I usually like to wait to the very last second before the clock runs out or ticks down to place a bid.  If there is something I really want, then I try to outbid the other by beating them with the clock.  Anyway, there are different strategies to winning a bid and the clock countdown is one of them.

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Well its considering time as a currency as well. If its something I need however I would bid large amount at once. Considering at this Level Rush, the faster you get to max level and the higher the crafting you can do, wasting time on low level bids are meaningless, Why waste time to save like 5 silver when you can earn 5 gold with the time being wasted.

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On 1/17/2016 at 8:56 PM, Laoshottie said:

Why do some people just waste every ones time by bidding at the last second of the timer "multiple" times?


Because the bidding system (which while I understand it's advantages, I'm still not a fan of even in theory) moronically requires it (which is why this implementation of a bidding system is completely rubbish).  The only way to ensure the person you're bidding against is a serious buyer and not just trying to raise the bid is to wait 'till the last second to raise the bid.  If you advance to the next zone/leave, you're bid is automatically cancelled.  So if you're just looking to push up the bid (to get more money yourself), you can just go ahead and bid.  If you happen to guess wrong, and end up bidding more than the guy who really wants it is willing to pay, you simply zone at the last second so you don't get stuck winning the bid.


The only real counter to this is to simply only raise at the last second.  Hopefully the other guy will blink first and zone.  Leaving you with the previous (winning) bid.

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to be fair every system in every mmo for loot has its ups and downs so just being against this one when just about if not every other setup for this out there has its flaws and there are just as many ppl who try to take advantage of them as im sure there are of ppl trying to take advantage of this on the other hand it makes people who are impatient and dont really need the item less likely to sit there trying to get something they dont need and cant use or even sell in some cases where as those need greed systems you talked about are sometimes managed poorly leaving said players who are just trying to take advantage instead of the ones that could actually use the item to gain inordinate amounts of ingame currency - atleast with this setup you can simply not bid if you think they are driving the price up for profit and let them shell out their money in which instance you benefit in some form or other lol so sorry but i actually like this setup a bit it rewards people for being patient tactful and prudent with their ingame funds while punishing players trying to usually either be greedy - which i dont always mind so much - or - much more to my dislike- just plain mean- in otherwords if you decide to run up the price on loot like that careful its a dual edge sword and you could wind up being the one to shell out not them lol i like that it encourages thoughtfulness in this regard

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3 minutes ago, capncronic365 said:

to be fair every system in every mmo for loot has its ups and downs so just being against this one when just about if not every other setup for this out there has its flaws and there are just as many ppl who try to take advantage of them as im sure there are of ppl trying to take advantage of this on the other hand it makes people who are impatient and dont really need the item less likely to sit there trying to get something they dont need and cant use or even sell in some cases where as those need greed systems you talked about are sometimes managed poorly leaving said players who are just trying to take advantage instead of the ones that could actually use the item to gain inordinate amounts of ingame currency - atleast with this setup you can simply not bid if you think they are driving the price up for profit and let them shell out their money in which instance you benefit in some form or other lol so sorry but i actually like this setup a bit it rewards people for being patient tactful and prudent with their ingame funds while punishing players trying to usually either be greedy - which i dont always mind so much - or - much more to my dislike- just plain mean- in otherwords if you decide to run up the price on loot like that careful its a dual edge sword and you could wind up being the one to shell out not them lol i like that it encourages thoughtfulness in this regard

Exactly why this system is good. However we do need to start watch out for trolls with too much hands on their time who runs the dgn with u, drives the price up really high, than quit the game before that so no one can get the said item or money.

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true there but my point overall and i know you get it is the current setup actually feels like it encourages people to think before they act with loot where as every and i mean EVERY other setup i have ever seen doesnt care its just click it if you want it and see how your luck goes in some cases quiet literally

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yea i agreed, and its more people friendly so it doesn't "luck out" any single one. Even for some of the top demanded item atm like the merry potter recipe, the auction went on for 34 G, but everyone got the devided money for that who didn't get it, so it was fair to everyone in the party.

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Again you wont be noticing the problem now, but when it comes to later stage and gold buyers, rich merchants, and hoarders appear. Getting the items will become more difficult specially if the market price for an item goes up too high. In CN its possible to get a 3000G market worth item with only 300G in dgn by an hoarder/merchant/gold buyer, when rest of ppl in dgn party on average has only about 300G-, so even with the money from there they wont be able to afford the item in a long time. As for now you can start seeing difference on ppl offering on the moonwater tears and Merry Potter Recipes.

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1 hour ago, Shangrifa said:

I like the current bidding system,


the only negative thing is, that people can bid for items, thats not for there class and untradeble:(

True but remember that one can break down those items (even if its not for your class) and get much needed material from the break down for crafting and for other things like material needed to upgrade your weapons.  I am not condoning bidding on items you don't need simply because one can, but someone made need material from said items.  

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overall i think most of us seem to be on the same page all systems for loot have their flaws and are exploitable in some way this one atleast has an incentive to not do such recklessly as it rewards the more prudent ppl who err on the side of caution which is somewhat rare in my experience and i kinda like it

 on a side not it kinda helps people understand how business works when you working small scale person to person lol it gives a sense of actually needing some business sense lol

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1 hour ago, capncronic365 said:

 in otherwords if you decide to run up the price on loot like that careful its a dual edge sword and you could wind up being the one to shell out not them lol i like that it encourages thoughtfulness in this regard


Nope.  If it looks like you guessed wrong and bid the guy up too high on something you can't use, just zone and you won't have to foot the bill.  Which is why people wait to the last second to bid.

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well then theres already a countermeasure people complaining never bothered me conversely that countermeasure also works against the horridly impatient lol i have seen other systems not quiet a bid but a roll if you left the area or zone your roll was meaningless it just went to the next highest person - something like that might be a good solution if instead of locking out the item the system just awards it to the next highest bidder still in the instance lol

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6 minutes ago, GnatB said:


Nope.  If it looks like you guessed wrong and bid the guy up too high on something you can't use, just zone and you won't have to foot the bill.  Which is why people wait to the last second to bid.

If you zone though, I'm pretty sure you also don't get any money.

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On 1/18/2016 at 3:45 PM, Shangrifa said:

I like the current bidding system,


the only negative thing is, that people can bid for items, thats not for there class and untradeble:(

Ok, so why do you like it? It's a stupid system. I haven't even been able to get past the login queues to try this game, but the more I read about it, the less interested I become. I mean seriously, bidding on loot drops? Things like that make me lose all confidence in the people who designed and developed this game... and in people who actually think this is a good idea.

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