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Posts posted by ZigZack

  1. Just now, Silverium said:

    To extend your request, it could goes to why queuing so long, it is unfair for F2P user to spend ages to queue lol...

    Might as well just give away everything and everyone would be happy.

    like i said priority queue is going to become useless in the future.

    hell i haven't been put into queue for the last 3 days and im f2p.

  2. Just now, Yed said:


    Just wow..



    you don't know they have a cash shop in game right which most if not all f2p MMO's have. you pay real $ to buy things from there right?? and you're telling me to waste my money on premium for 1 feature when it should be free for everyone and i could be putting that money into cash shop and support them from that.

    i'm sorry but theres more than just "buy premium" to support them.

  3. Just now, Yed said:


    Weird what you consider content. All you want is being a freeloader. It's time to realise that running MMO's cost money and as such bonuses for subscribers is a thing. Most F2P have real content locks like limited arena/BGs, limited dungeons, limited levels, can't use the AH without paying etc etc. A locked wardrobe is nothing compared to all the rest you are getting.


    Are you new to F2P?

    just because i don't buy into premium membership like others doesn't make me any less of a supporter.


  4. Just now, Seemslegit said:

    Yeah because they aren't truely premium , they just wannabes .

    yea you're funny.

    they have as much as of a right as you do so calm your little jimmies rustled.


    Just now, Yed said:

    I honestly don't get people, BnS has a great F2P model compared to many others, zero content is locked behind a paywall. I advice you to try and play ArcheAge as a F2P with zero time-investment to begin with, you will love the model in BnS I can assure you.


    I am currently Lv39 and ran into zero problems as F2P, I can do everything I want without being locked.. Without some bonuses why would people want to pay for Premium...


    Stop asking for even more free stuff and start enjoying the FULLY free MMO you are playing or buy Premium to pay for the service you are enjoying..

    wardrobe is content lock do you even know what wardrobe is?

  5. Just now, Cyradus said:

    This thread has turned into the welfare argument disguised as a video game topic. You cannot reason with welfare people. They think the world owes them everything for free.

    so whoses on welfare? i don't recall anyone saying they were on welfare.

    if you find people being smart with their money as being on "welfare" you got some real issues that you need to get checked out.

    should i go spend $15 come back and still demand F2P get wardrobe? saw plently of premium's come in here saying wardrobe should be for everyone.

  6. Just now, Puppy Pie said:

    well than don't get costumes another easy fix it's just cosmetic not like you NEED them.


    $15 dollars is really nothing to me per month heck I've spent a lot more on this game haha.

    and unlike you $15 is worth it to me. Anyways gl with our issues later

    well i'm not as stupid as you to waste my money on this game not in the shape its in atm.

  7. Just now, Puppy Pie said:

    Than buy pouches to expand your warehouse. Easy fix

    or even better if you really want the wardrobe just buy prem.

    it's not an easy fix i've already looked at max inventory its not enough.

    i just told you premium membership is not worth it so idk why you keep trying to force people to buy it.

    but i guess you're the type to roll over and take it and just take the easy way out.

  8. Just now, Puppy Pie said:

    ah so you are good with spending $20 on a virtual costume a month, but that extra $15 dollars is going to break your bank.

    LOL well have fun with that! maybe you should get some dragon pouches and just expand your things since you don't have an issue with paying like a real f2p would.

    naw wouldn't break my bank i just don't find premium membership worth it so why waste my money on that?

  9. Just now, Puppy Pie said:

    sooooo you're saying that you don't want to buy prem, but if you had the wardrobe you would be willing to buy costumes that cost more than prem... yep makes sense... 

    sure because then i don't have to worry about space to put said costumes, instead of wasting $15 per month when i could put that $15 or even $20 in the cash shop.

  10. Just now, RaikaVernana said:

    i oppose completely to this the wardrobe are one of the principal benefits from premium so i think things must remain like that, pretty useful in different ways is a privilege too much good for simple plebs

    what to scared of us plebs having something you hold so dear forever and forever?

    sadly it don't work like that and a good public outcry will be heard.

  11. Just now, Mishi said:

    Maybe as a happy medium for the wardrobe for F2P, vs P2P would be:


    Add the wardrobe free for all users, however add it to where it is an account wide wardrobe for all premium players, so they do not have to buy a costume a 2nd time, or mail to their alts?

    Also allow it to only be used from anywhere for players paying for the subscription, and only at a NPC for free players to be able to use the wardrobe.


    Thus allowing all to use it, however the convenience of using it anywhere, for any characters on an account being linked to subscriptions only. 

    they can do whatever they want to do as long as everyone gets to use it.


    Just now, Graystone said:

    what happens to stuff in wardrobe after premium expires

    you can take it out but you'll never be able to put it back in unless you pay for another membership.

  12. Just now, Furholden said:

    So how does costumes prevent you from experiencing the game's story/pvp right up till the end?


    I'm just curious.

    i could care less about pvp.

    outfits in this game are collectables people like to collect stuff like these what do you not understand? but once they find they can't store their collectables in the proper collectable storage area that was "Made" for said collectables. Seeing it locked behind a paywall which it has no business being that way.


    Just now, Furholden said:

    That's the trouble conversing with people who demand everything for free. I hope your welfare coupons can get you your next carton of beers!





    here you are again accusing us of demanding that we want everything for free..

    get off your high horse.

  13. Just now, Furholden said:

    It's hard to explain pay2win to a player who has never experienced it. I'm an Asian and i tried literally every MMORPG out there.


    The cash shop here is really fine. Trust me.

    so you know what i have and have not experienced? LOL

    you think selling end game items which you can only use if you're that level is pay2win then i feel sorry for you because i've seen far far worse.

  14. Just now, Furholden said:

    NCsoft should do the right thing and not just hand everything out. They would lose the bulk of their current profits.

    1 thing isn't everything why do people keep saying f2p wants everything?

    making wardrobe f2p would allow said people who want to buy said outfits and place to put them which in turn lets NCSoft make profit??? wut

  15. Just now, Ghennkins said:

    Agree with zapp. This is a feature that should not have ever been paywalled.


    Never fails to blow my mind the people that actually defend paywalling features like this. "No I don't want something that is free in other regions!". You don't want a free and important feature? The first top rows in my vault are filled with outfits and I plan on getting more, except I have no space to put them anymore.


    I will never, not ever... be forced to buy something i shouldn't have to. Not to mention c-shop outfits. Why buy those if I have no space for them? This was an idiotic idea and people should be complaining. I should WANT to buy things, not be forced, manipulated, or influenced to buy things through lame limitations.

    naw they just want you to chuck out your hard earned mats and other items or even your hard earned outfits to "manage" your spaces.

  16. Just now, Furholden said:


    Except that you left out how pay2win the other versions of B&S are. My F2P friends are happy with how the game is, especially when they came crawling out of the Pay2win mess the other servers are in now.


    good for the other versions.

    pay2win has nothing to do with cosmetics neither does the wardrobe so why you bring it up in this conversation is beyond me

  17. Just now, Furholden said:

    Which is why i had already mentioned that costumes are vanity-only items and not required to complete the game. And hell even the faction costumes that are required to quest don't take up much space. My alt doesn't even use F3 wardrobe function as a Premium user. Only my main does.


    People just want everything for free without paying.

    no i don't want everything for free.

    i want something that should of been free from the get go but became locked because NCSoft is greedy.

  18. Just now, Furholden said:

    NCsoft won't hand out a vanity-only feature to free players.


    Guess what, they'll just announce the closure of B&S NA/EU because it isn't profitable enough. The only reason why f2p players are even able to play is because of premium subscriptions. Think the game will survive on the occasional f2p guy who spends a few bucks on a costume without becoming pay2win? Think again.

    then why are the majority of these vanity items free in-game by doing dungeons and etc.

    but put the storage system for said items behind a paywall?

    thats backwards thinking.

  19. Just now, 0kita said:


    Failing to see how unsubbing would prove to me that I am wasting my money? In the end, the amount of entertainment and time spent will make the monthly sub, undoubtedly, not be a waste in my eyes.

    well if the only reason you subbed was for priority and wardrobe.

    the first option is gonna mean jack in the next few months.

    unless you really care about all that extra fluff as you put it.

  20. Just now, 0kita said:


    Waste? I end up ordering one less tea or beer a week and hot damn, I have money to spend on a game that brings entertainment and I have a bunch of friends playing that we can just sit back and have good times; meanwhile I don't have to stress out about having to manage my costumes. 


    I'm willing to bet that people will make it work, as they have in almost any other game. 

    unsub and then manage your outfits then get back to me.

    till wardrobe is unlocked for everyone they won't get a penny out of me and i'll put my money into a more deserving game.

  21. Just now, 0kita said:


    More than likely it'll be a mix of subs + cash shop purchases from premos and f2p that hold the game over since that's the trend in every F2P MMO with a sub.

    I hope you "figure out" how to manage your inventory :)

    i doubt the ones who want to buy the outfits will spend anything on this game knowing they can't store their stuff without having to worry about their main spaces.

    but i hope you have your fun wasting your money on benefits that will dwindle when the time comes.

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