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  1. since there seems to be no real reason to remove the feature in the first place, and they havnt said a word on the subject since, Im betting they removed it just to regenerate buzz about the game in hopes to refresh the playerbase or something. Since when does a game need to REMOVE a core feature that has been in the game since forever ago just to update it? specially when theres evidence of it still working somewhat if you had the settings setup to use it before the update. its BS. came back for the UE4 update. no controller support made me at least 80% more likely to quit before i get much into it again.
  2. I just came back to the game, found out controller support was removed a long time ago. However when i play the game all of the skill icons are still using the gamepad icons and now i have to slowly map out which controller buttons match up to the keys on the keyboard since i have no way to turn it off apparently. How is this not fixed yet?? If you remove a feature at least fully remove the feature, don't leave stuff in the game that will no longer work correctly after only part of the thing is removed
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