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Sh0ck88's Achievements

  1. Maybe old, still active quest of the Peach level?
  2. By good, open and honest Communication with the Players, you can also build a good Team. If the Players feel comfortable and don't feel stalled, you will also reap more than just Shitstorms. Many of us have been in this game from the Beginning and know how Things usually work.... just like You do with your Experience. Your Words are only as good as what the Game has to offer - the Game only has Something to offer as long as it is played Don't get me wrong, we just want some fairness... as best we can I think we all deserve that
  3. In any case, there is displeasure in the air. I think it is time to speak clear words that explain this situation.
  4. @Hime The UE4 update was a great Success! Let the game live - Give the game a chance All we need now is an Anti-Cheat!
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