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  1. My argument is about keeping some exclusive content to remain unique, since this suggestion wasn't made so far. Of course the disappointment is there at some extent and I didn't say that I'd quit if they add Night Luna or Regium Corvus. This was already done and now the suggestion is made to make an halt to this, before more of the exclusive outfits become affected. It looks like you take this very personal. Please relax, I didn't mean to be offensive! It's just my opinion on how I look at this issue considering the contents offered from within the game of what's possible and what's not. The part talking about "skill" is something else and has nothing to do with this issue, that's why I will not further go into detail about this. To properly explain again what I mean: This is an online RPG for which it is required to give the consumers something in the game to make them reach objectives where they can be proud of. It is simply put part of how online RPGs are made in order to become successful. You will find this type of treatment in almost all online RPGs. However, that's not limited to skill-capabilities, but also includes rewards. You cannot look to all the content in a casual-thinking way. It is required to look at it with a wider view, as the community isn't based only of casual players. That's not something everyone would instantly agree with because not everyone has the experience associated with this type of treatment. NCSOFT will understand, they're experienced with many years of hosting online RPGs going through this issues several times. You simply need unique content for challenges reached in the past, in order to make these customers keep playing the game. There are several ways for this in a game like Blade & Soul and outfits are part of it as this game is also promoted with fashion and rewards based on fashion to show player respects. Let's take the Grand Phoenix set as an example. This piece was offered during 1st anniversary as a thanks to all those players who kept playing the game after it launched a year before. It was something to honour those, who actually were there during that time. Re-adding this outfit out of a sudden (and the taste if it looks good or bad doesn't matter at this point, nor other players who weren't there would like to have it back again at a later date), would treat those players who were once honoured in a very shameful way causing huge disappointment and disgrace. As I mentioned in my earlier posts, it is something veterans can be proud of having items in their collection not available to obtain any longer and the knowledge that it will remain like this for as long as the game remains live. It is a motivation for them and simply put the reward they've pretty much earned to hold something unique. You cannot make this available to a later date again, it would break the mould. We're talking about games which are there for entertainment and to have fun. Best Regards RAID
  2. @Neog Yeah I get the point. But on the other hand this game doesn't really offer anything unique to show off other than the outfits. Players can't even get a view to achievements of others, without linking them explicitly to the chat and there is only a few achievements not available to obtain any more. Highest tier gear isn't something unique either, because you can simply make use of Micro-Transaction and basically "cheat" yourself to max. gear with your real money. I call it "cheating" because it's the same as actually cheating, the only difference is that you pay with real money, instead of typing console commands or using a trainer. It simply doesn't feel rewarding if everything becomes common. I'd rather quit the game and play something else instead. There is not much left which keeps me from continuing playing BnS anyway, if they take this one thing away, then I say good bye, simply as that.
  3. They did say it on the live stream. Best Regards RAID
  4. 1st: Grand Phoenix Set was the most expensive outfit offered during 1st anniversary as a special one-time deal from the Microtransaction Store for a price of over 5000ncoin. Also you apparently didn't understand what I was writing. What I say doesn't mean to not see outfits from the past, as not 99% were limited offers. There are lots of common outfits. For example the treasure trove, rngbox, or 2-weekly rotations. It's fine to add those again back to microtransaction store over time, as these are non special outfits. The only limited outfit which was addad back was Ninght Luna and Regium Corvus which I am very disappointed of the fact they did. 2nd: It must not be a purchase always. Some were obtained for free too. And as I mentioned above, I am refereing to very special outfits from which new masterpiecees becomes added maybe 1-3 times per year. Besides, nobody will hate anyone for that. It is something even liked by players. If you visit other online games, you will realize that there too will be content you will never be able to get as a new player who missed the events from the past, because you were not playing at these times. For example world-first clear achievement of a raid boss, or special followers/mounts, or special skins for outfits/weapons. It is simply something to have to motivate players to continue playing a competitive game, as they will get a chance to get something which will never be added to the game. Pretty much like Limited Edition offers of games, available for preorder before a game gets released, once sold out, these will never be reproduced, while the standard version is always reproduced or offered as digital version. I hope this clarifys what I was referring to and I am sorry for the misunderstanding. Best Regards RAID
  5. I completely disagree. Certain outfits, including the Grand Phoenix Set were a one-time limited offer deal and it was said on live stream that these are not going to be added to the game again. At this point, it is the only Show-off content (including certain achievements) in this game which keeps Veterans motivated to own something not available and never going to be readded in this game making them have something unique and rewarded for being part of the game for such a long time. This experience must be kept for the future. That's what I like to hear. However, I do agree to bring back non-limited outfits back over time, but please keep limited outfits out of this deal, such as the Grand Phoenix Set or the Saberfang Outfit Set, or the 1-year Premium offer outfits just to mention a few of them. As I stated above, it is one of the few outfits which makes owners of that piece have something they can be proud of. Therefore please keep these outfits out of that deal for the sake of veteran players. The day it gets back to store will be the day I will quit the game, and I am sure that I am not alone at this point with this opinion. Every online based RPG needs something like that and the outfits in BnS are a very good way of that as part for the excitement of the game for players who are in since Headstart. As a suggestions, I would recommend to bring new, awesome one-time limited offers over the time, players definitely don't want to miss as these will be treated with the same rule. That way there will be at least one or two outfits in the game each year players may obtain which will never be readded again giving them the chance to get something unique, so for new players. I hope you will have understanding. Best Regards RAID
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