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Posts posted by Tracmar

  1. 5 minutes ago, KaLnoX said:

    CTRL+X times two erases GUI and Names.

    Graphic settings carried up to all, max res up to all, depth of field on(blurs background when focused on toon), physics on, everything on lol. Oh and your graphics card's setting set to highest quality. If you still have the 4 yr old painter look...you need a better PC/LAPTOP.

    done done and done ..but most of the time , I need to keep pressing Alt + rotate my mouse for getting the actual view of my character ... any tips on how to bypass that ? 


    and thanks again :D

  2. The Yun are a warrior race of Females who use their special skills to kill anyone standing in their way. 


    Every year , during the spring , the chosen batch of Yun females are selected as a raiding party to descend like harpies upon the unsuspecting population of various towns around Veridian Coast, Cinderlands,  Moonwater and Silverfrost. They defeat the guards and armies stationed there with their vile, guile or plain butt kicking , and then force themselves upon the fallen but still alive warriors. Thus impregnated, they would wait the 10 months to see the sex of their offspring. The males are killed off at birth by drowning and the females are groomed to become warriors along with their sisters 


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