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Everything posted by 813387_1452549881

  1. Yes but you need A creditcard Or a paypal account with a creditcard setup. I have paypal i do not own a creditcard. It only gives me these 2 options.
  2. Where dit all the payment options go ? I used to be able to pay true IDEAL etc, Now im forced to setup a creditcard. the only premium i can buy with ideal is in the ingame store and thats 90 days...
  3. Thank you, just found it confusing. I never seen the live stream.
  4. Hello i've came back after a while.. I have recieved the horizon belt, King Gloves, and the Phoenix Bracelet. But the Phoenix Bracelet is for a Destroyer and I'm Playing warden is this a bug or do i need to do anything? Any info would help me out and sorry if it's asked alot already.
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