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  1. Not sure how the entire tournament format was a good idea from the get go, then making this change midway just made it worse.
  2. So putting on weekdays exclusively where people with jobs are unable to play is a GOOD idea? whats the issue with gating it behind sociable hours that are put on the weekend? Really isn't me complaining only making this post on behalf of others.
  3. Seems like an in-genius idea to lock certain BG's/arena to week days only not like people have jobs and studies to attend to. It's 2019 every large company is basically using trend analysis from other games to interpret what's best to do with their game, I've no idea who thought of locking BG's/arena behind a time gate would be a good idea never seen this once be successful in any game no idea why it would be in bns. Announcing another year of esports then doing this 10/10. It's June not April guys someone didn't get the memo for April fools.
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