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Saito Sacchi

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Everything posted by Saito Sacchi

  1. how does the system actually "know" if we got the item? since its the very same item we got last 2 years too. which eventually would stack. or can I keep my points from this year and you still ship it because I own the item already? also since blog posts often are incorrect, how come it can be bought multiple times?
  2. Might have to toogle some different talents. I aint kfm main so I cant really help too much...What spec/talents are you playing though?
  3. if only a cosmetic thing maybe add it onto our megathread. while no promises, maybe we get lucky and see it again.
  4. Highly depends imo. scenario A: buncho peepos farmed the hell out of the game so they are legit and are now bored and sell runs, I could not be any more d'accord with it. scenario B: people using exploits/cheats sell rankings because they know howto clear without any effort. as said_ community is on it. at some point NC will have to take action.
  5. Then why dont farm it manually now? you could "extend" your range and have no mob downtime.
  6. yeah, ”anymore„ 🥴 to OP: yeah ranking is rigged, but NC can't seem too catch on how rankings get rigged. Back when ToI was still happening [a place with 100 Floors] the ranking had people clearing floors above 100 [they don't exist] with a time less than 0 seconds [-7 or so]. MINUS time to clear inexisting things. Them people still got rank 1 reward. and despite the community flagging those who temper with rankings nothing has changed for the better. Then again people start selling rankings now.
  7. Or tie "time" to "auto combat activated". Also add B2 for more advanced player so B1 can be actually farmed.
  8. -> get a better pc and be faced with same experience [yeah, that area ain't suited for any big amount of players. I suspect for it as "starter area" to be intended to have more room for players itself but less channels to distribute. sounds like its a stupid reason or explanation then it most likely is the reason] -> issue can't be avoided since ever first timers are forced to go to jadestone just to talk to pazuzu else cant enter via F8 despite that friggin' NPC standing there too -> why it's not "everywhere" is simple. it is recycled, which pretty much indicates the files exist but cannoot be decompiled so NC most likely cannot re-create said NPC other than re-creating it from scratch [so no copypasta] -> only "work around" to mankind. do all 4 solo dungeons and sleep in jade. turn them in when asked. repeat on day 5. still will cause issues in Jadestone though.
  9. Yep, spot-wise DW has differences. On the contrary many mobs indicate slow spawn rate - I was shocked. Still the problem [orintendednerf] persists: Same spot altered rates. Maybe we jsut need B2 for "stronger" mobs.
  10. Things is astro been teased to not be lyn locked. When released in KR they do have a fable for lyn so appearently this initial idea was scrapped. This might take a game dev to elaborate and still I'd like to take this whole ordeal a bit further... archer has to be meele, astro needs certain meters to actually have smooth attacks, sf "kicks" during a fist attack and so on...where do those examples lead? I wonder too, since the character design (and thus I acount for globally) only differs in one particular setting: the smallest Jin ist exceeding the tallest Lyn. So they are one, just the sliders are limited. We don't see faces usually so no real need to animate much - as far Id think - and if one character is bulked: gg we have Gon. While any of the above is true, we will not see KR put any effort in pleasing us I wouldn't even call this lazy. There seems to be little to no demand for more variety like OP suggested. I'd wish to change race too but in the end I noticed how flawed the animations already are. Adding a different character model [which also might only limit us to prevent visual bugs] might even worsen that. Again we also get race exclusive outfits or are unable to obtain old outfits for new classes. It is not KR focus or vision for this game. Sadly.
  11. Probs we are "killing" too fast rn. Maybe when we get B2 some stronger mobs/more exp will happen. Clear time only increased by 3min, so maybe it is only subjective. Still I also unndergo the impression to be like waiting for mobs to spawn while I am the only one around.
  12. right click the item on the info window (right side), according to ticket support this is intended and not a bug
  13. Best part of it: This issue happened multiple times before (Hong/Mao). Little surprise they still make it happen.
  14. Feb 17th ain't correct either. Event will conclude Feb 8th so expect prem after maint there. We get same "event premium" the third yeear in a row now. clearly the items would be adjust to the calendar which they are not teehe
  15. Dw, it does. You'll receive this chest with a free GC3 weapon. Mats to upgrade to GC6 will come in 3 of theese. True, you also need to spend some gold. Yet even 300 isn't "alot" compared to 2k gold daily income (actually little higher too)
  16. nargh, I will however correct you: 5 MINutes of clicking charms on ~12 characters. 5mil 500k charms should do the trick too I would assume, but not gonna jump ship here. Let's assume for once this sheet (data mined from KR server) is valid to come to us at some point. Not only is it a joke to move from to 520m total EXP just to add a mere 30 levels and some minor stats. we can even pinpoint from the new 240 benefits the increase stems from lv34: Also the number for "to reach" 210 is correct, I will assume the rest is true and can be confirmed. Therefor 520179620 [total EXP] minus 309889420 [current max lvl] will translate into 210290200 OR ~211m EXP to cap max level. as posted before I currently do have: 84 Magnificient Charms [100k ea/8.400k total] 6 Sparkling Unity Pearls [500k ea/3.000k total] 56 Exc Unity Charms [50k ea/2.800k total] 471 Eminence Unity exo [10k ea/4.710k total] 24 x 30k, 128 x 5k, 898 x 10k [10.340k] 123 Outstanding Rep Charm [50k ea/6.150k total] 8 Premier Reputation [500k ea/4.000k total] I am lazy so this should total around 39.000.000 per character on my account, let alone whats left in my mailbox too. So yeah, 30 levels big numbers. teehe. And I never remotely did farm reputation. I should pay close eye on daily train too. In fact daily challenge also would give 45k/char/day with rest rewards in mind easy 100k every 3days. So yeah, lvl 240 doesn't impress me at all. Just a bummer no new slots but maybe we get a system overhauled for west. Can't wait for it.
  17. Speaking of which: The "old" one also finished despite not having enough quests to satisfy the amount suggested we would need. Let's hope we only cannot see the amount we'd get in the end.
  18. Sicherlich komisch, da ich jüngst die Story bis Akt XI am 3.Jänner gespielt habe, komplett auf deutsch. Was genau hattest du denn in deiner local verstellt gehabt? ansonsten liegt evtl nnoch Müll von älteren INstallationen rum? Also evtl alles deinstallieren und nochmal frisch in einen neuen Dateipfade einfpflegen.
  19. Hmm, fixed rewards upon n amount of unity accumulated sounds interesting. Now I am hyped. 240? That's boring, so 5min of charms and I can delete all. Seems like it.
  20. Highly unlikely hence many games do offer this. Plus they can check if premium, then unlock last tab. So something would access the last page already. Hmm, guess only one way to find out. I'll report in a few still need to sit afk farming exp, stand afk getting an aquaric zoo, also is being afk to get login rewards still a thing too?
  21. how you even kill them too fast[?] I mean they are basically onehitwonders and still. I never managed to bug myself in there, just dont touch chest and you're gucci
  22. Maybe if we can get ahold of the full text lines, one or two out of the community might be willing to translate it themselves. Would strip workload off NC and we could help maintain our game. Yeah mainy european natives - despite knowing other languages including english - tend to stick to their tounge. Yet removing other languages do bring some perks with it: Basically speaking - co,mmunication in the game will flourish if all who play have atleast a decent exposure to english. also removing french will improve patch notes since KR>FR>EN>all other really only fails at the first part of it. Yet I tend to overlook one detail: removing it out of context. While reasons are clear, we should get like a clean cut. Moving to UE5 for example but only porting english audio seems to be one of those instances. Heck, any who could read the letters would somehow be able to figure things out. As for voice lines - again could'Ve been smoothly swapped with engine - maybe we have some dedicated players who are interested in voicing characters in their native tounge. Possibilities are endless. Just the first step awaits.
  23. Wildest stretch here would be you play on any language but english. another issue that comes to mind especially on a fresh install would be your local.ini file, which can be found as follows PC:\NC\BnS_UE4\BNSR\Binaries\Win64 and would typically contain the following [Locale] Publisher=ncwest Language=english [Country] GameGuard=US [again it might not be an issue if you play in english] if it looks different add the values shown. DISCLAIMER: Theese values are confirmed by support to be the ones we should see. What is does? Heck I don't know. I mean, I see whats addressed here, but this wont translate into the game which renders me clueless. Why this causes issues? Even ticket support was clueless. What I can confirm is, that the game somehow won't load files when file path error, thus may simply be as shown above OR and that's a fun part, because you have IE and/or Edge on your system and remotely used it. Microsoft might even have forced offline mode onto you and this creates all kinds of issues. Also any Microsoft program can be at fault here [looking on xbox thingie for pc]. Yet your specific error seems to correlate with a faulty local.ini which in itself has been brought to attention many times and still seems to be default. Time consuming would be an image repair/ chkdsk. Before you'd do that however try installing BnS to a different path. CCleaner is a neat tool has however its limits, and might not find all scrapped data with faulty partitions.
  24. Would need to disagree. If - for any reason - you wanted to put raid primers it would not matter if you needed to port to mushins or serpents. Soulboost will hand out 8x IA crit primers, which can't be upgraded anyways if you don't find a sufficient way for twisted wheels and even if you'd need basic primers to craft which come in a price range you could neglect but doesn't add any benefit. Instead after IA primers you'd farm CSC for better ones. So yeah, unless you farm old raid materials - whcih you'd might consider to exchange for solar energy - old vendors really serve little to no purpose nowadays.
  25. Funny enough F8 dungeos vary with weaponary you need to LFP [every swaps to higher tier when toogle HM] However what you can always do is to enter any dungeon and recruit from inside. your weapon will be ignored and you can get more people this way yeah, they moved but rest assured still exist. Do not frown new or returning players aren't stuck and if you stick to the mentioned guide you'll be well prepared to help new/returning players on upcoming soulboost aswell 😉 Oh, I think its less complicated since story would reward you with GC6 there is little to no need for enlightened jewels/elements. DE has really slimmed down. Bulked at other parts yet obsolete items slowly get moved.
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