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Saito Sacchi

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Posts posted by Saito Sacchi

  1. On 2/6/2023 at 4:24 PM, Senna Keres said:

    Again, how's a new player supposed to know they kinda suck at handling things? "Mistakes often slip through" - new players have no clue that their money could go poof for unstated reasons....

    New player huh? I wonder how (we ignore possible lvl60 voucher) one would decide BP is mandatory. It  doesnt even bring that many perks and esp if a new player would choose to buy stuff unneeded?



    On 2/6/2023 at 5:09 PM, Senna Keres said:

    I fail to understand how buying something from the shop, and then being told that spending money wasn't necessary anymore, would make someone sus in anyone's eyes.
    Eldeny has fully explained their issue. If you have doubts about them being a new player, just check their profile - they joined on 7th Jan.

    nad you joined Jan 8th and made the same oopsie? yeah NC could check, but why would one buy stuff in a rush. its a timed event so we could see to use potions on last day if we wouldnt make it. you wouldnt know that hence you are new here too, but Id like to offer advice where it is due.


    On 2/6/2023 at 5:26 PM, Senna Keres said:

    No, it only means there was a bug from the get go. Eldeny thought they'd be locked out of the rewards if they didn't buy the potions - which also makes me wonder how in the world someone would magically put paid fixes in the shop and then take them away after fixing the quest rewards and be like "oops it was a bug"...

    alr commented though. how would getting potions day 1 change anything when there is little to no good items in BP anyways.



    On 2/6/2023 at 5:44 PM, Senna Keres said:

    Well here's the thing, they shouldn't differentiate. They made a mistake, they fix it. People abusing the system is ALSO a product of a mistake on their part, how do you fail to see this? Bug abusing is common in MMOs. Thus, punishing everyone for a common issue is unfair.
    People like Eldeny were misled into thinking that they HAD to buy that stuff to progress, it doesn't matter when.

    They fixed it in time and rare enough made aware of the issue. Jumping to conclusions shouldnt be any of their concern. Would be nice if there was a refund, but that is a different convo.

  2. On 1/30/2023 at 8:13 PM, Grimoir said:


    they said "lighter content" which means what we get in February will not be something major or a lot, but there will be an update. Nowhere did they say they are skipping an update.


    never have I mentioned lesser "updates" - if I did pardon me. "lighter" content if we speak about shouldn't be like recycling events and not adjusting anything in there. PLUS even if the need is to recycle: we have plenty other old events we'd like to see again *glances at raid outfit*


    Still by that logic its month 3 now - so we shouldve gotten a major update.


    On 2/1/2023 at 8:58 PM, Zalerius said:

    Agree with Sterlings and Stigma Crystals, way too low Amount what we get for Upgrading Stuff.


    Also they should bring old Pet`s back in F10 for new Player, that ppl collect them in f3 Collector AP System/Achiv 😉  ( with old Pets i mean the Pet's that ppl need to collect AP Achive, in F3 you can find them Greenstorm 🙂 )


    AP arch(F3) is rendered almost useless hence removing way to much content. Sterlings used to be a problem, not so much anymore it seems. Stigma on the other hand are rare, which sucks after all.



    On 2/2/2023 at 8:36 PM, Saito Sacchi said:

    simple re-introduce merchant of wonder (hence stuff exclusive to them for collections as well) and put some items in there...ez


    according to website we get 2 recycled events, one of which (windrace) is betitled as endgame ... well. as for next soul boost. I mean we should already had it by January so not alot sense to postpone even further.


    as for dungeon: no mentions

    as for 3rd archer - while we had new spec last time soulmate event happened - seems to only lowkey be introduced, if at all that is


    @Green Storm no patch preview stream today? what happened?



    either that or soulboost will slowly integrate max stuff. well previous max stuff that is.

    and second (hongsils toy soldiers) doesnt give any sufficient exp. run takes ~40sec with SB gear and the only "gain" would be if you stack keys and use soup. but then again for every 1min run you have 2min loading screens....talk about recycling.


    windrace - whatevs. ppl will still usain bolt across the map and so idk.


    as for streams. yeah I wondered the same.

  3. for (ask anyone but me) you get redirected to bns.com/de-DE (or sth) and if you don't force english here (would be bns.com/en-US) forum also will malfunction. aint a fix but rather a work around.


    as for why this happens? I wouldnt know. Game shouldnt support any but english at this point, yet many more dump files do exist.




    minor note: maybe you got auto-translate ext. unlikely to be the cause, but might be.

  4. lackluster event. new track wouldve spiced things up. yet same as candy cloud NC doesnt care.


    rewards/amount of are meh at best.


    On 2/13/2023 at 8:43 PM, slowcow said:

    Woah, slow down there, big boy. This event is pretty amazing considering the amount of rewards and how little effort it takes. You rather have 2 vials/sterlings per week for doing 7 dungeons every day? Yea I think not 😆

     yeah, lets entice running actual content. would liven things up for once. put in a big pack of vials for plenty event currency and have ppl work for fixed upgrades.

  5. well, people will always leech since others demand ridiculous stats for regular content. maybe you just misread things since I often rec for Eva EM, simple to help out since that dungeon doesn't reward anything good anymore.


    21 hours ago, Pimboli said:


    And there's a universal rule: you will be treated the way you treated people,




    by that logic I really should start being the villain hence being treated like one anyway

  6. keep a desktop? Okay...I am uncertain what to make out of this. anyhow, I am at my wits end of ideas here. some win11 also didnt work but even thats stable now.

    since some applications start malfunctioning when time shifts I wouldnt be surprised if some happened aswell. even if some faulty driven happened to install incorrectly.

    about FHD/windowedFS....well, BnS has its fair share of issues with upscaling. giving that this is just a fancy version to a mobile game now, Id assume smaller screens do benefit here (even I "perform" better on a 1080p window than on 2k/4k) why that is....have no clue. but this is all gameplay related and not screen shots problems. I hope this resolves, I have no further ideas as of now.

  7. On 1/31/2023 at 4:53 PM, Zini said:

    Last time, we got xp automatically as "1x login task" from all dungeons we couldn't play anymore.
    They should do the same this time as well.

    They did Oô shoot even I wasn't aware of that.


    On 1/31/2023 at 4:53 PM, Zini said:

    Soulboost is running 6 month. When you change the game in that period of time then of course you must change the tasks too.
    It's a normal thing to do. Don't offer something we can't do.

    Issue here is KR doesn't fix their OP dung for west, and remove older content too fast. same time soulboost again malfunctions and this sucks. even best AP archievement can't be obtained AGAIN, since removing HM.


    On 2/1/2023 at 3:20 PM, Machence said:

    I don't wait someone to make SB daily run - I make my own. Simple really.

    kudos to you, I like to read.


    On 2/1/2023 at 3:20 PM, Machence said:

    His point would`ve stood tab better if he was talking about the solo dungeons. Finishing Mao with SB gear is all but fun

    depends on the class 😉

  8. 23 hours ago, Zalerius said:

    Also they should bring old Pet`s back in F10 for new Player, that ppl collect them in f3 Collector AP System/Achiv 😉 

    simple re-introduce merchant of wonder (hence stuff exclusive to them for collections as well) and put some items in there...ez


    2 hours ago, dannythenut said:

    but back to the letter, does this mean we dont get next week the new dung., not the new unity levels, not the new archer spec, etc. 

    according to website we get 2 recycled events, one of which (windrace) is betitled as endgame ... well. as for next soul boost. I mean we should already had it by January so not alot sense to postpone even further.


    as for dungeon: no mentions

    as for 3rd archer - while we had new spec last time soulmate event happened - seems to only lowkey be introduced, if at all that is


    @Green Storm no patch preview stream today? what happened?



    8 hours ago, Zalerius said:

    But well nothing will happen about that and all Player will end on Casual Heart and Talisman any Day 🙂

    either that or soulboost will slowly integrate max stuff. well previous max stuff that is.

  9. 12 hours ago, CatchSpeLL said:

    "The first month with lighter content will be February, and the second is projected for September. "

    This actually shocked me too. After pointing out going bi-monthly now due to your own valid reasons, now we won't get anything on Feb 8th? What content we did get for Jan then? Will archer 3rd be pushed to April then, since bi-monthly but skipping February? Quite unsure if this letter actually has any content or is just the draft some intern published by mistake?


    12 hours ago, CatchSpeLL said:

    "With the Gold economy in a better place, we are currently gathering and analyzing data to strike a balance between Gold and material acquisition, focusing on making the in-game experience smoother."

    Better place? Feels more like real-life now since we are forced to pay 4.38 times the amount our income got increased. Yeah, 2k sounds alot at first which is merely 1click to fail upgrading. Thus the numbers have shifted, but that aside where is this better place?


    As for material acquisition I will again nitpick on Soulstones[!] It ain't a dire ressource we are unable to gather, yet it is way more difficult since West decided to remove old plains and not to implement the new area. Smart decision to limit a ressource and actually lower the gold balance again. And to conquer this we have darkwead now to buy Soulstone crystals while certain recipes ask for actual Soulstones. Not much thats screeming smooth here.


    12 hours ago, CatchSpeLL said:


    "We’d also like to highlight the changes to the Dragon Express for Premium members. Hearing from Premium users that the rewards felt outdated and unrewarding was feedback we took to heart. "

    Mixed feelings about that. Yeah, premium has more perks now though speaking about outdated rewards you neglected log-in rewards. Atleast the sites been updated and stopped claiming different levels of premium, though thats a thing which might be re-introduced I hope.


    With coming soulboost I wonder if prem tab will receive updates too. Like fashion tickets [as seen in KR]would really be enticing,.



  10. 3 hours ago, Nicolee said:

    Here's an example image (sorry for delay, had to sign up on imgur and play some more in game

    use discord free space(?) embedding img from there like forever and still works.


    unless any other screen capture software is running, I am dazzled. Is this exclusive to darkweald? Haven't taken a screenie in there yet nor cba to go check this atm. My latest screens do not feature any distort.


    since print is default on windows aswell this might be conflicting. w7s1 doesn't get updates anymore so it might contradict with something here aswell [not saying to upgrade to 10/11, but still using win7 is a statement].


    as for your monitor...well, clearly not one I would roll with but it would only display whats happening on your hardware. maybe some faulty software, try updating drivers? might even be a combination of new drivers you need but cant use on win7.


    lastly, window or windowed fullscreen - never try  fullscreen. idk why but BnS is a special snowflake here. also FHD will be sufficient.

  11. I mean as per your screen you didn't land on a bonus field. If however you did land on the missing field, let them know that.


    Ticket and Forum been seperated so they might not even know what is happening on the screens you've provided. Hopefully it only is a visual bug and still gives bonus when landed on.

  12. well, anniversary coins are bland useless so it is okay I guess. still some things seem to be confused this patch so I don't trust blog posts alot lately.


    error is human, storm is working hard. so I dont see any reason to play a blame game here. sometimes we benefit, more times nc will benefit from fixing the game. again error is human, so no need for much drama.


    only thing I do hope is, people who bought multiple iterations will get back their anniversary coins. can't buy alot though but 5copper still better than 1copper.

  13. as stated in the corresponding event thread: there is no point for weeklies rn. the extra coins aren't enticing [should enable every character to get 7chests per week]. So is upscaling weekly rewards enticing? No!


    I agree that it is rather vast hence not as many runs happen during the week and still many daily groups are running this content. Also it is true tue>wed after last drake ppl [I mean we dont do drake either now] stopped going for weeklies. By now I only do weeklies [accounting IA/BM plebs] only on chars I actively play on a daily basis.


    yeah, rest rewards actually is the main reason we won't care for weeklies that much since "7solo" can't be cleared when you skip 4 out of 7 days. to add insult to this weeklies only [like you mentioned] will only reward 2k so by the time forming a group....


    Allthough we can go down that blame train I did wonder. We naming alliance here which contains up to but atleast 7 players. While IA pleb outdated I will focus on plebmoon [and yes IA can be run alone at some not so late point, as older weeklies always been]. We dont even need 7 players there either. If you needed alliance for loot [imagine those days] 4 people is all you need to open one - heck even 3 accounts with 4 characters in total is sufficient.


    Next let's follow the very timeline of releases, which sees anything soulboost being stronger that IA.


    So at this point "all" you could own prior running plebmoon [or raid] you will get for free. With recent packs even better, thus technically any character after soulboost could run and survive, by the time though 2 bosses are killed [twice] quick dungeons you'd need anyways will always be faster. Especially when the current event will barely give enough currency when running all dungeons [daily].


    It is less the people who doesn't care for 2k [not enticing] but it is NC forcing the playerbase to spend their time [intentionally] anywhere but IA/BM plebs. Do I think we could revive weeklies if we got more rewards? I mean, it already got densed out: 7solo, 5heroic,... that only adds bonus rewards to what you'd do anyways. I'd even remove those and revamp the old weeklies [ET,TT,VT,BT] which is 7 dungeons plus IA/BM plebs which could be upto 4 'actual' weeklies if you may. Now just have NC give more rewards on 7,9,11 weeklies done and thus might not even change a thing.


    weeklies always been a good way for alts to fund your main. now gold is the lesser issue thus weeklies are not needed at this point.


    Still even at 2 a.m. [as I type] I see people recruiting for weeklies. Might be not very popular now, still people will join. Maybe not recruit though, that however is a general issue I face alot myself.

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