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Saito Sacchi

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Everything posted by Saito Sacchi

  1. good lists, also we might add that we lost @Primali too hopefully @GM Minigusto will be more like @Green Storm
  2. guess you'd need to go some BG. which is so stupid since we had offals/elixer in last SB
  3. it is just day 1. people busy to do (mostly solo) on main and probably start LFP around weekend.
  4. So daily reset is ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ like @GM Minigusto announced, but how is login not affected by this? more important: When dailies will get reset now?
  5. interesting way to enforce veganism @Primali@NC don't want living creatures in f2 - so smart! I mean removing humans from game support long ago already too. not surprised at all here. should we be surprised when they put up old trove again? not for everyone either though. Wish they'd notified so we could...oh wait. We couldn't save any f2 either... 2 cases here: beloved (and probably ascended) pets commisioned artwork what harm do those f2 offer @Primali@GM Minigusto help us understand
  6. all hail King @Primali what happened again with keys?
  7. I mean during night, good thing. But at midnight? not healthy
  8. mainly (HM/CS) gems are prized and people should let orb get loot, since you wouldn't have finished your daily otherwise. as many of those rules or player made up agreements, majority does follow. some will jeopardize things.
  9. take this essence as token of NCs brilliance to actually make quests work
  10. kinda 30hours (if watched every scene) until chapter 9 I believe and we are at chapter 12 now I think. (might be called akt - both words sorta ambigue to me). hmm, you dont really get to play story on maxed out char. since noone of you decisions actually matters you might consider watching a playthroug while farming? but groups, well. slimmed to 4man groups now. if you fancy recruiting you might be in good luck
  11. first off: yes, you can record them. but quality will be meh (sadly) second and more important. f2pfp will be removed/discontinued so save yourself the hassle
  12. I mean, I kind of get it with outfits at the time the event happened (one time only) wasn't even obtainable since we couldn't clear the dungeon because it had bugs and flaws. then people with potatoes showed up and traded in for said outfit, still the point is valid [and yeah we have had a megathread once - which died with Green] how we (new) players could obtain some outfits for archievements which are locked away in ue3?
  13. removing old fuses kinda makes this whole ordeal p2w imo you can't legit farm packs (nor ToO) to follow suite. also some pet gems are NCcoin exclusive anyways.
  14. yeah, most books (SoM and NC aside) do come free in soulboost
  15. only for a selected few dungeons. some and I believe EL is one of those who been revamped (since you skip much now) can't be changed difficulty anymore
  16. as already said I guess only 3 classes have aggro skill, which can be outruled by HMpoints and most time a melee tank is required to umm prevent range checks. as for your journey becoming a healer...does any aside SF have an active heal anymore? maybe new class might receive heals iunno that
  17. and most likely wont be, unless the playerbase bothers to create one that is. so basically they are saved somewhere in all those files. I have no clue to access them files either, so good luck my friend.
  18. and again, asssuming no issue first place. they faked a bug to seem capeable
  19. /giggle I would tell you, but I get moderated. Good luck
  20. Saito Sacchi

    No Text

    some quest even in english show #no text, probably removed content. idk
  21. true, true. since boar just appeared the blue orb blended in too much. though waiting inside again for more time seems stupid to me
  22. having first hit, having aggro, having last hit. but any interference not counting? not sure if I have to praise such genius or laugh at this oddity of a joke.
  23. KR prolly had same mistake or it was implemented to seem capeable. idk.
  24. so, yeah. yeay, we got keys. no compensation for a week we didn't get any but thats beyond my point. opening a new ticket only presents ticket homepage and basically not letting us submit any complaints. is it just me? or a name feature I wasn't aware of
  25. stick to the times. regular times we rarely see hunger nor can we spam boar kek
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