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Saito Sacchi

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Everything posted by Saito Sacchi

  1. I really would hope so. Ebonrealm was gone fast too without much notice. Certain other things do also just vanish (blinks at SSP), so all we actually can confirm is the bimonthly route which was announced. Minus announcements rarely hold only truth within. rn, I only see online/dbct as a source of hours. And even if the area stays [which is highly likely since there is more content] I expect huge exp nerf etc. To my liking mobs started to spawn alot slower now. Also I get roughly 25k less(130to106) exp already. And as for items, there isn't much to actually farm here.
  2. Imagine correct tool tips 🤩 How about we just make a mega-thread and list all items so team West only has to implement them. I feel that, took me ages to find one at my earliest play-trough.
  3. And yet the reasoning is unlear. I'd call it labour yet possible to click trough ladder and sent out rewards (I'd assume server should store them in a proper list so effort would be minimal) so while it is a good thing we still can improve our ranking (which was first announced to be broken), weekly rewards effectively also will have been corrupted at this point. And thus is whats not self-explanatory at all: If no further improvements -> end season early -> rewards -> done if further improvement -> ship rewards -> continue -> end season -> rewards -> done instead we do get to improve -> skip a week -> may get rewards since rn it more seems like an issue with rewards not working, therefor expect final rewards to be given delayed 😉
  4. There is more to come, yet the question remains if we will get it [as already stated here]. I'd only wonder if we would get more items to get with the currency? Like hourglasses themselfs? Also since we just moved to bimonthly updated I am sure it'll be either gone in february or updated.
  5. And thus I have to comment.... First off [assuming one got lucky while a free lvl 60 voucher was given, even with warlock pack (SF9 weap, max soul, basic skystealer which will happen in new soulboost too] after finishing story most content (dailies/stg 1) is basically solo content since your gear exceed any requirement. As an example I'd like to pin-point RT,EL,FoE(?) which can be farmed for bonus AP. It is 150 runs one [even with only story gear] will be able to run. PRO TIP: Be smart and look for 3 other people who are farming the same archievement by advertising via worldchat /f feel free to enable cross faction chat to reach more people, since majority is in Crimson and this might impact your experience just as well Now which will bee faster? Solo or as a group? I came to realize most people [even many advanced] are afraid to lead a party. Just go from here and pick out people to run with and befriend them to grind on later 😉 I have a million reasons why this will fail and yet I have a bunch of people that are active when I am to run dungeons and get some gear done. Further it might "seem" hard to catch up and most a dvanced will tell you soul boost made it easy - almost too easy. Rightfully so. At certain point dungeon knowledge is crucialy yet avoidable [by this I mean items drop too early]. Might sound counter intuitive yet we had 24man raids where we got only 1 drop which by chance would fit nobody of the alliance. And raids conclude an entry restriction. By that it is easy to miss your point that gearing is slow and you cant join esteemed groups. At the very same it's branded in an advanced players head, that gearing used to be hard. Does this conflict? Will always be. Skipping some parts hence the discussion has covered almost all points I could think of right now. And still we really have to blame NC Soft for this. Maybe Green Storm has some more intell when it will continue. We have [had] a solution already. Unity! We would need to grind all dungeons to get a fair amount of unity points. Even if it would be really any dungeon, it was rewarding to "help out". And I don't view this lightly as being one who got punished before for being too helpful (which again is a community problem - luckily not in this game). Sadly the idea of unity died with level 210. Bonus stats per level might be a little much, but this would've been a community driven archievement to head for. Still this wouldn't help out the advanced to advance further, and by this opening the gap. Anything which would endorse the advanced to help, could backfire, since the game won't know who would benefit. Another example are the repeating events (candy cloud): We can't finish this fast, because the dungeon demands to kill in a pattern. To appeal to advanced people they have more HP (probably) and wouldn't be finished faster even with BiS gear. To oneclap one would need like whale status and these esteemed groups only run in their enviroment. So which is more appealing then? Having to use all of the aggrotimer hence mechs might not be covered OR doing so but having a chance for good rewards? Kinda mean - I know. Anything what would benefit every recent created character will always benefit advanced people. One could even argue soul boost sucks since gear/psyches in it are lame. And yet many people are using soulboost to create a secondary character. Try recruiting and recalling names of people who helped out alot even though they might even had worse gear than you do. NOTE: I didn't get that particular impression of you, yet I feel the need to clear up one point here. Advanced people don't give free carries. They do! Just not as often. Spectral Shrine for example has many helping hand, since new characters can't steel loot. And as harsh it may sound, we as a community see those people quite fairly fast enough. Imagine now runs are slowed (not because demage is low) since people unaware or deliberate to sabotago fail mechanics? It is frustrating since soul boost rarely lets you see if a person actually played their class or this game before. At the end of the day we only have had 24 hours. And waiting for a random invite might take a while. Take the iniative and recruite yourself. NOT SO FUN FACT: I even always ended up getting carried weeklies [a relic of many moons ago] by whales just because I made a party. I did provide a buff and knew any mechs, so the run wasn't slowed. People just lazy and usually would rather join than create a run. Over all: Yeah, little disheartening we have a limited set of dungeons to choose from and with demonsbane its mostly only those.
  6. playing for no rewards? yeah (basically 2slots "free" and 2k/day, thereby 4k/day) thus means 35 days of 4k brings 140k by the end of this event, but most common event"rewards" sum up to 255k+ (only accounted for scales, oil, pet and stigma). so yeah, not gonna argue too much about that lackluster event here. So @Green Stormare we removing HM coins alltogether now or what is behind this? I know people are eager to speculate *hint,hint*
  7. so happy we finally had demonsbane dungeons and a new system which granted us some rewards on a weekly basis. innovation as its best.... minus... we had weekly/seasonal ranking in aero, sub, trials, shrine, altar, grim and poh for what its worth we had seasonal rewards before we had a patch arriving on patchday and not scattered a week early in exchange we get event, fortunes favor, BP, new outfit - YEAY new outfit - but nothing of it by today? so, whats poppin' with the team that again messed up a system which just worked fine? I see this happening for the first installment of demonsbane ranking or any ranking in total. why alter your code then, when it was just working? you didn't even bother with soul league before - even got event currency after the event concluded. as a result of your devs failing before, the solution is failing us again? So where is compensation then? Huh!? Which deamonsbane item drops in Sanctum of the Masters? Since it also would be effected for the n-th season. Lastly, the flying squirrel you did to the weekly rewards? Are we getting only 2x expected rewards? What compensation will be there? Really should plan those things when deliberately breaking things whch did work before. All jokes aside @Green Storm. Whilst glad you informed us kinda after the issue occured, it is 14hours+ since you broke the news. Any update? What did actually happen? Hence we all know a 'transition to a new season' is anything but not the reason for this mess.
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