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Saito Sacchi

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Everything posted by Saito Sacchi

  1. Bard never ment to be a tank afaik, so yeah you'd die alot. Still, the only changes are in my talents hence it ruined my playstyle and - yeah - this rendered me a bit squishy but nothing out of the ordinary. or even full PT or maybe any PT could be devastating at the beginning. Then again dying out of combat really hits some other nerf: bleeding. Unless OP did tinker with game we can't bleed out of combat afaik. as for darkweald: yeah there are big mobs, which take longer to kill. as ranged you may aggro many mobs which will gather around you and you can't heal agains much at the beginning. and HM20 is far from over *wink* as for shadow(?) of masters: I assume you did a NM by mistake. Happens to me all the time, since I cba what I do aslong I finish the daily in it. Then again it comes down to runes you'd pick. Some can proc and benefit you - here lies the twist - sometimes they won't proc and you don't get any benefit. This can explain waves 2 or 5, yet with full storymode gear HM stg 10~15 seems to be the sweetspot as for general: do a filescan! I mean its highly unlikely but occasionally patching the game wont fix but break stuff. On my end: I re-install BnS every year since some patch always finds a way to corrupt my game. food for though: -> share your gear/F2/P/runes/compound/etc -> record SoM runs so we can visualize
  2. I can cover every character on a daily basis, dw. It is NC however who neglected [again I might point out here] the possibility of 15 characters/account. Difficult wise candycloud can be completed even by afk-ing and watching 5 people to clear those recycled remains. And since Eva is a thing, you always find help to finish that And since Hong/Mao is a thing, you have soulboost gear and can just solo that And since Nayul ez, slap clap proceed...that so getting everything is possible, yet we can't buy the chest which lowkey is the only somewhat enticing thing this event. since I added login reward to my calculation I easily can substitute weekly gains for it. Yet even weekly is kinda tricky one since that takes somewhat longer than the rewards do cover in return. at this point, nothing will change like just so many bugs in this game...
  3. Though we have multiple threads already and hence noone was merged so far, I think this OP put the most informations into, so maybe @Green Stormhas some time to review this topic. As for There isn't really one. Between exploiters cheating top rank in demonsbane so only a selected handful of people would obtain HMC, the only somewhat efficient way seems to be from shop or via excessive gold farming. After looking throughout most areas older pvp zones seem to give some SoulStones however arena seems superior to that still. Since F5 not dried out yet scalpers either are botting there too or somewhere huge amounts do exist. Though it is funny how it is SoulStones of all materials that skyrocket yet again in price. 6k/3day [therefore 2k/day] seems to be "all" you could do, though it again only would be roughly more that you'd get from your 14min queue. still it seems like the more efficient way if you use your rest rewards which would triple your income on day 3 BUT still will limit you. as for some other sources: - weeklies - F10 via HMC which could be gained via F9 if gold sales (didnt do the math here) - trove (appears we get boxes there, "free" tries after lv36) - event currencies (not anymore though) after I log back I can check few other places, thus will edit at some point
  4. yet this seems to be an issue. plus w/ storygear any soulboost dungeon should be manageable - slowly but steady. and depending on what server I have to point out to many daily groups recruiting for soulboost content. "not enough dps" however seems to be the issue. since neither soulboost dungeon really brings a dps requirement, therefore I assume you seek free carry which occasionally does happen.
  5. dw, you're not. though it's a valid point. still - and this is where I'd want to nitpick - I read somewhere that 'after bp/login' there would be different ways to obtain. Since I can't find any on that topic I might just have imagined it. and yet again: Isn't this too specific to misremember?
  6. we have a candycloud outfit Oô I really must be living under a rock then. actually never mind, there used to be an items like this. a little enticing. rn, as the quest goes: welp, get a random headband from rng and you are basically done for. what's even more intriguing: candy cloud dungeon chest doesn't include anything not even the fortune potion [yeah, that's our grand price last year] but now locks you from multi-ing? That's a weird kind of bug... would need to run them, but Hong should be very easy on story gear, Mao I could kill with story gear and old soulbost halfway done. and just so I put it out at times: Try things and hone your craftmanship. Nayul might be rough on story gear, but its highest solo for now. well, that case: just let us start only when 6ppl are insided the dungeon - as in koldrak - and we won't see any illfated...unless one decides to lfp after kill. If we disable = GG
  7. shared storage would mostly be a feature I could see being added for premium. would bring many benefits for us players, but wouldn't regulate our gold. Therefore I doubt we will see that type of storage after all. Maybe - just maybe - that is more than wishfull thinking.
  8. basically this discussion will boil down to... and any ETA on a continuation of this very system which [as it's been introduced] should have some impact on people running dungeons multiple times per day to farm some bonus stats. a limit of 500k [compared to the initial] is still low but ultimately will cap us at 210 and tons of unity charms will pile up without any further use. Also 1 copper value for "any" item also feel a little lackluster. Still eventually you'd increase the unity level, what happened there? Am sitting on 210 for over a year now and no changes, yet we still get so many unity charms/day as if it still would be a thing. Suggestions I mean, I'll try to be more practical than realistic since you added a second page why wouldn't we get more slots instead. Or even just more stats on our raw unity level. Increase the level to a point we would consider this a neccessity, not an artifact which was discontinued alongside other systems such as 'bonus attributes'. We don't need to invent any new system, just refine and tweak it so charms aren't a rather useless relic. Same would lowkey also apply to blue/purple unity stones...why is this still a thing? rng rarely works here and ultimately we'd need a sufficent way to farm vials to upgrade them. I really like that faction tokens aren't a requirement anymore, but still this systems feel like an outdated shred of random data, which would be worth farming if there was actually a way to farm this. So, I was wondering: Will unity see any updates or are we just getting weird log in rewards/ bonus rewards/ loot which isn't going to affect anything since unity is super dead now. On that note - how are we supposed to utilize this system when it caps really quick? Could we get like a unique trader NPC where we could get something usefull for this? Like unity token? Best szenario would be if you'd add this like the skystealer crystal: one could trade in a fix amount of unity for tokens/or loot in general. Probably easiest to implement would be if unity charms will be antiqued and traded in for tokens.
  9. for many events I can agree, though [and that I have to dig up] I think we always helped our friends on main in candycloud thus making no lock here. but I might be wrong hence easy dungeon. My question would be: Why recycle this content again? Speak NPC, do EVENT DNG, do SOLO DNG, speak NPC whole "event" is find some guy in a place where we wouldn't normally go. and if we didn't "finish" solo dng before [not handing in] prior, we can port back and forth and create more artificial "online/activity" time, where nobody really does content. AND having tons of people around jadestone will increase loading time, so for a player its absolutely horrible. as for the issue OP presented, same counts for HM/CS and I don't really see the "benefit" of scaling bosses up. Ppl can still get trapped there.
  10. starcross aside, I can agree with your list. would like to see starcross already yet it feel way too early.
  11. Legacy comes at HM8 now if you wonder. There isn't much skill tweaking (as compared to back in the days though), you have "a build" and pretty much play this on 90% of content. Affirmentioned grad for example is used alot since debuff demage is a thing (can view it as "special skills while grabbed minus special skills annd more like dmg increase). We indeed have class change vouchers, probably again with archer 3rd in march(?) <.- this just a wiiiiiild guess. Since bimonthly updated to the game april could be more realistic, then again march would bring spring trove so I expect archer 3rd to happen around there. So rn, no chance to switch, but let me ask why you want to switch. Especially (cutting nostalgic reasons short for a sec) you didnt play for long - maybe - you'd be better just making a new character to begin with. class change voucher is quite pricey if it comes along. and voucher is real money exclusive so, just be informed that changing class isn't the cheapest option [drastically changes though if you have like higher gear] in a way only trove will give you hepta fuses now, but thats caused by the fact that trove rewards not really get adjusted as fast as we get new items. you can already fuse octa now, but thats really some topic you might be able to avoid on a casual play shedule. Don't get me wrong, octa fuses do have benefits. Their costs is in no relation to their increase in stats so one can just as easily skip them. now it is more like pet gems which are almost unobtainable. then again you can get an rng box weekly and gable for either "low octa" or square (oh right, after octa itr is triangular, square, penta, hexa, hepta, octa now). But I dubbed "low octa" low since we don't actually have the "older" gems anymore. In fact soulboost even gives us penta gems (triangular for pet).
  12. hmm, in that case you might wan't to continue the story first until you grow just a little stronger 🙂 and if it is Yura you cannot win against, we are not supposed to win there
  13. yeah, on that note moving to UE4 only caused more vram usuage while not really improving any visuals (however this is possible since all my other games look crisp after upgrading, but yeah...it is what it is). then again don't be fooled by ingame fps/ms counter, often times it is far off (game says 40fps, nvidia says 70fps). what you possibly can do (DISCLAIMER: you might need to check EULA and stuff prior to that since I don't recall if there been changes) is using shaders. won't improve your performance but might just fool yourself enough to view at a more crisp game. Again, might conflict with ToS or stuff now, in the past we could and on my old system atleast subjectively it looked way better.
  14. Hmm, still room for discussion though. As I also mentioned you won't be able to receive enough currency to possibly cover all characters 😕 might be a mistake I hope.
  15. point given where it is due. if they know class and dungeon I'd love to invite/join their group. am repeatingly doing so, however... same geared characters do exists and smh gain the majority now, which can't play their class nor have a single digit clue about mechanics (tbt there aren't many) therefore @op many "advanced" aren't willed to carry people along which do slow the run down. No joke here, and am not even sure how this got established, some people (1 or 2 char on that account) could play content withing aggro timer (as a group of 4) yet decide to slow dungeons down even when there is an "advanced" carrying the group. why you'd need to compare the dps which is class specific and reliant and rare instances aside you won't run with same class only. in the end it's called mmo where you can earn some goals together. one might have less dps but does perfect mechanics still a win. you could have 4 highest dps and people only flame another all day. Stage 1 has always chance to drop starcross and is easily solo-able if "the others" seem to be the issue here. Ifone dies to mechanic/rotation go learn. ez.
  16. Funny enough I did read on some news that we'd be getting new ways to obtain more, seems like it did not.
  17. well, reduced might be a little misleading. it shifted. hence if you aim at the BiS gear you'd find yourself spamming dungeons still.
  18. As the title suggests this event currency kinda brings another issue with it. (feel free to mege to patch problems mega thread) In terms of dragon express we can exchange 18 festival coins on a daily basis for the festival chest. this can be done per character thus log in rewards are neglected. Heroic dungeons (hm, cs, sub, halls, shrine) will award 5 Demonsbane (poh, altar, grim, lab) will award 4 we can open all 7 anni gifts due to keys working, thus giving 7 more keys unfortunately we don't get any coin from completing daily challenge, nor do we have 2 completed daily dungeons either, which will render us to only aquire 16 coins per day. for one character (2 free from login 30min/2hr) you can get the festival chest [2characters if we have premium rn] so I was wondering when the next emergency maint will happen @Green Storm? Kinda weird to brirng a chest which can be claimed by up to 15 characters - technically. Also it seems we could aquire 6 coins from doing weeklies. Putting it into math again: 16 coins/daily 0,85coins/daily by weekly OR 112 coins/weekly via daily 6 coins/weekly => when divided by 18coins (what the chest will ask) only returns 6,55.... Do we have yet another bug here or is this as intended and if so, why?
  19. well, unless you can recover your login a ratehr long story will await you. also pvp is basically dead. 2hrs/day will be sufficient though login rewards cap at 3hrs. since your time sounds like before I even started I might not be able to cover all changes, just be aware there are many. even fm isn't alike fm anymore. compared to my first character you advance at highspeed now. new freebies almost get you to 2nd BiS anything. trove still exists and will be accompanied by other cash only events.
  20. since ToI and prior POH/BM SS are obsolete now why we would need older ones? yeah some NPCs are gone indeed, but if we make a list what this would actually affect ...though the graveyard below mushins still exists so clearly not an performance decision to remove them.
  21. Well, well. And here I was expecting the fact 'cant clear Halls stg 3'. With bimonthly updates I was certain we'd get more time. Story wise, yeah sucks. Still freebies for just logging in doens't sound too bad either. yeah, ticket support sadly refuses to read tickets or patch notes so I highly doubt they could provide any links. plus old "news" do get altered once mistakes are found by the community and just then they will point to their "truth", so always take screens to be certain 😉 on the topic of soul boost: how does one "learn" that there are daily/weekly challenges? usually gamer click on new icons.. therefor (while its annoying for people who finished story prior to soulboost) it might suck, yet we have plenty other quest to finish
  22. Indeed an incorrect assumption. Sadly many tools to help the playerbase are never invented which is on devs from korea not team west. Still some (no idea since just not reading names would indicate any shift of employees) ticket support does make it really easy to "ignore" tickets and demand to post things on forum instead when it is a majority of players experiencing a crucial/game-breaking bug. Moreover what do we as players expect? (and yeah, Ill pick up that point again). Team West - to my knowledge - is a localization team not the developement branch here. The only issue I do see with game files where do previous versions go? If something breaks we are stuck with a broken game instead of extending things for a week. I think mega-threads about many things could help out alot. Especially ones which include community votes. We - as a community - may got greedy now since with @Green Stormwe finally have someone to work out all the mess which got dusty over the years. I appreciate it. Slowly but surely people will notice this and bring up more and more issues, which you shouldn't have to shoulder alone. Some tickets used to get closed with no comments and threads removed without any reason given - issues never resolved. And those like real issues (bonus stats, enviroment) are ignored to a point where even the community doesn't believe in any changes for the better. As stated above: It is good to see you wrapping up all loose end and yet with trust in you all past issues will slowly but surely arise again since you did give us new hope. as Kitah said it best: some food for thought.
  23. So canon-ly saying because your character could not survive the mark of the black rose on their own it is because ....what exactly? Devs deciding to give you a proper challenge in playing a story? This being your takek away here, I suppose, I would agree 100% that "elitists" are an issue. Again what your demand is - and I hope to be corrected here - to get free carried and like true weapon drops for free since you didn't spend 50hrs+ yet and couldn't farm few gold coins? You die in content you are not suited in for. It is intended and there is even a death timer for every boss fight. Since I like the idea of categorizing: (unclearing content based of) -> lack of surviveabilty -> lack of dps -> lack of knowledge and advanced/elitists arre at fault you don't clear based by -> their gear (sustain&dps) -> knowledge of character/enviroment which both comes overtime. Give me a fully gear BiS +20 FM and I can ensure you I wouldn't even clear Darkwyrm. I have no idea how ever works. So even if you end up getting freebies (soul bost/events/f10) you shouldn't die nor have too little dps to clear a specific next tier enviroment, which by the sound of your wording never occured once. Yeah, you even pointed this out. You don't want anybody to progress because you refuse to learn mechanics? Heck I've raided with only the very basic items and close to no sustain, simply because at that specific raid my class was needed. I learned rotation and mechanics and we cleared without me dying from anything but failing mechs. Can't apply this logic here, in real life or elsewhere. Imagine having your progress nulled at this point! By now you said you can't get into parties which in itself is mainly endgame content. So you did advance to a certain point so far. Still there are and always will be new accounts with even less than you do. Are you willing to sacrifice everything each time a new account gets created? Would be nice to run the story with other elitists over and over again -right? Thus basically sounding more like the hongmoon way. Regarding F8 though. Not much in there anymore, so "only" demonsbane would provide gear now. Since falling (unevenly divided) in all four groups listed, I feel like adding a fifth possibility: 5) Inheriting their mentors character when they decide to move on This (just quoting you now though I think I read it a few times now) seems to be an after effect of free gearing weather SB or carry runs. Many ppl won't put in any effort, even refuse to learn things like grab, soon enough those people will be infamous to avoid. Also applies to clans: at times you run "multi" with clan XYZ and they refuse to listen, you'd go by clan weather to take any of their members or not. And thus OP would start at lack of knowledge on your own character before also applying to content you'd be expected to play. Lastly, if you struggle to get to the next threshold of content, that you may ask and will mostly just receive hintson how to accomplish it. Still demanding people who may have only obtained everything by themselves OR who spent time/money for many moons to just carry you would only work if you are willing to put in some effort, which can be from forming a group or providing value yourself. Also if a dungeon asks for 50dps, it's timer is adjacent.
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