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Green Storm

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Everything posted by Green Storm

  1. We're aware that The Darkweald is currently not accessible via [F8] and are investigating.
  2. See this: https://twitter.com/bladeandsoul/status/1600582037530120192
  3. They're here: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en-us/news/article/9941/dark-awakening-patch-notes I also included a link in the Maintenance notice, and they were shared on Twitter and Facebook. Unfortunately they're not localized yet!
  4. Sorry, I forgot to mention in the Patch Notes (changing it now) that Skill and Item notes will come up later as we're still processing those details! I won't give you a full view of our processes but let's just say that we try our best with the tools we have. We started this process a while ago for the December release and it includes many people from different departments doing various checks. I know there are hits and misses, but that should also explain to you all why I end up publishing them later than the rest of Patch Notes.
  5. A la date et heure suivante, nous effectuerons une maintenance de tous les serveurs. Blade & Soul sera indisponible pendant la durée de la maintenance. Nous vous invitons à consulter régulièrement ce fil de discussion pour en savoir plus sur l'évolution de la situation. [Date et heures] Le mercredi 7 decembre de 13 h à 20 h (heure de Paris) La durée de la maintenance est sujette à changement. [Serveurs affectés] Tous Liste des changements : Consultez les notes de mise à jour pour en savoir plus sur la sortie de Cauchemars chimériques Correction de bugs : L'icône de la classe Musicienne a été corrigée sur la liste de personnages du compte dans les [F2] Infos du personnage. Problèmes connus : L'accessoire Fourrure de Noël s'équipe désormais via l'emplacement des accessoires de visage. Les coffres d'arme d'illusion ne peuvent actuellement pas être ouverts par des personnages de classe Musicienne. L'arme d'illusion de Guivre est manquante pour toutes les classes. Les personnages peuvent se retrouver bloqués dans leur animation de monture même après en être descendus. Plusieurs icônes d'armes d'illusion de la Musicienne sont manquantes. Le portrait de personnage par défaut de la Musicienne ne se charge pas lorsque vous le consultez dans les [F2] Infos du personnage. Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. @BladeAndSoulOps
  6. Hallo, Wir werden am 07.12.2022 ab 13 Uhr Wartungsarbeiten an den Blade & Soul Servern durchführen. Während dieser Zeit werden alle Server nicht erreichbar sein. Im Moment gehen wir davon aus, dass die Arbeiten 7 Stunden in Anspruch nehmen werden. Liste der Änderungen: Details zum Update „Finsteres Erwachen;rung“ findet ihr in den Anmerkungen zum Patch. Fehlerbehebungen: Das Symbol für die Klasse der Musikerin in der Liste mit den Suchergebnissen für die Charakterinformationen (F2) wurde korrigiert. Bekannte Probleme: Die Feierbereite Stola wird im Platz für die Gesichtsverzierung ausgerüstet. Die Illusionswaffentruhe kann von Charakteren der Klasse der Musikerin nicht geöffnet werden. Das Symbol für die Illusionswaffe des Drachengeborenen fehlt für alle Klassen. Charaktere können in der Reitanimation hängen bleiben, wenn sie von einem Reittier abgestiegen sind. Bei mehreren Illusionswaffen für die Musikerin fehlen die Symbole. Das Standard-Charakterporträt für die Musikerin wird in der Ansicht der Charakterinfo [F2] nicht geladen. Um sicherzustellen, dass ihr keine Informationen zur Serverwartung verpasst, folgt bitte unseren Twitter-Accounts @BladeAndSoulOps und @bladeandsoul_DE. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  7. Starting on December 7, 4:00 a.m. PDT / 12:00 UTC / 13:00 CET, all servers will undergo maintenance for approximately 7 hours. An in-game notice will be given 30 minutes prior to the maintenance start. For server status updates please follow the @BladeAndSoulOps Twitter account. List of Changes: See the Dark Awakening patch notes. Bug Fixes: Corrected the Musician class icon on the account character list in the [F2] Character Info. Known Issues: The Decked Out Adornment equips into the Face Adornment slot. The Illusion Weapon Chest cannot be opened by the Musician class. The Drakeborn Illusion Weapon icon is missing for all classes. Characters may get stuck in a mounted animation after dismounting. Multiple Musician Illusion Weapons are missing icons. The default Musician Character portrait does not load when viewed in the [F2] Character Info. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  8. You are correct that the forum Code of Conduct does not authorize to discuss cheats. I'm closing this thread and will DM you.
  9. Thank you for mentioning this topic in the first place! There's a few things I wanted to do this time around but I couldn't get to all of them due to the lack of time. But also there's a few things I do NOT want to do, such as streaming for over an hour (unless it's required for some content) or spending too much time reading details that are not useful to everyone (or listed in blogs and patch notes). As you said, more fun stuff for livestreams in 2023. And thanks for tuning in 🙂
  10. The action we took to adjust the Great Windwalk Race leaderboard due to abnormal times also applied to the Demonsbane leaderboard.
  11. I do not have an update to share at this time. This has been reported to our teams.
  12. The thing with moderation is that a message can break multiple rules. Being off-topic, false accusations (which we've seen a lot), and other things that most players can't see, e.g., behavior (past messages that have been infracted can't be seen). Technically you're right that we will not moderate because you say cheat exists, except if you phrase it in a way that breaks a different rule. We're not in the business of "censorship" when there's something we do not "like," and we try to stick to the rules to be fair to everyone. I'm sorry if I didn't make our moderation actions clear earlier, but the past few weeks were very busy (between communicating internally and externally, moderating forums, preparing for the December update that I just published minutes ago, preparing for the livestream next week, and a host of other things I can't talk about yet). It's a lot of juggling. There's one last comment I've wanted to share for a while, and then I'll close this thread. I ask everyone to be cautious about what you read coming from other players. I have seen firsthand lies being shared (hopefully you didn't see them because we infracted them), and also misunderstanding. I cannot share details, but here's a telling example: someone claimed they were incorrectly banned for cheating in the Great Windwalk Race, but it turns out they were caught cheating in another part of the game. That is why we cannot discuss the particulars of each case and that communication only happen with the Customer Support Team. The forum is not a place where discussions like these can happen for multiple reasons, and we made that clear before. Other players assume that we did things a particular way by misinterpreting our previous statements or, even worse, by twisting the meaning in rarer cases. We usually don't assume maliciousness, especially as not every Blade & Soul player is a native English speaker, but it has happened. Thanks everyone for your understanding.
  13. Bonjour tout le monde, (Remarque : ce message a été posté le 29 novembre sur les forums anglais.) La troisième semaine de la Grande course de Qing Gong touche bientôt à sa fin. Nous avons banni temporairement certains comptes, et nous surveillerons les actions de tous les joueurs participant à la Grande course de Qing Gong. Tout compte identifié comme ayant eu recours à la tricherie lors de la quatrième semaine sera définitivement banni du jeu. Ce n'est pas une action que nous prenons à la légère, puisque nous avons déjà émis plusieurs avertissements lors des deux dernières semaines. Nous aimerions également préciser que, lors de deux dernières maintenances, nous avons fait en sorte que les comptes aux temps identifiés comme anormaux ne puissent pas recevoir de récompenses hebdomadaires. Malheureusement, cela n'a pas été répercuté sur le classement visible par les joueurs après la maintenance à cause d'un bug dans le script utilisé. Nous vous rappelons une fois de plus que les discussions relatives aux bannissements et à la tricherie sont interdites sur les forums de Blade & Soul. Nous continuerons à agir contre les messages ne respectant pas le Code de conduite des forums, et à bannir les utilisateurs récidivistes. Les joueurs et joueurs souhaitant discuter de leurs cas individuels peuvent contacter notre service client, ou mettre à jour leurs tickets existants. Merci, L'équipe Blade & Soul
  14. Hallo, alle miteinander! (Hinweis: Diese Nachricht wurde am 29. November in den englischsprachigen Foren veröffentlicht.) Bald geht die dritte Woche des Großen Windwandelrennen zu Ende. Wir haben Accounts mit vorübergehenden Sperrungen belegt und werden die Handlungen aller Accounts, die am Großen Windwandelrennen teilnehmen, auch im Auge behalten. Jeder Account, der während der vierten Woche beim Schummeln erwischt wird, kann mit einer permanenten Spielsperre rechnen. Das ist eine Entscheidung, die wir nicht auf die leichte Schulter nehmen: Wir haben euch in den letzten beiden Wochen mehrfach vor diesen bevorstehenden Maßnahmen gewarnt. Außerdem möchten wir klarstellen, dass wir im Rahmen der letzten beiden Wartungen Maßnahmen ergriffen haben, die verhindern sollen, dass Accounts mit abnormalen Abschlusszeiten wöchentliche Belohnungen erhalten. Aufgrund eines Fehlers in unserem Skript waren die Resultate dieser Maßnahmen nach der Wartung in den Ranglisten für Spieler nicht sichtbar. Wir würden euch gern noch einmal daran erinnern, dass das Diskutieren von Sperrungen und Schummeln in den Blade & Soul-Foren nicht geduldet wird. Posts, die gegen die Verhaltensregeln für die Foren verstoßen, werden weiterhin moderiert und Wiederholungstäter aus den Foren gesperrt. Spieler, die individuelle Fälle gern diskutieren möchten, sind eingeladen, sich mit unserem Supportteam in Verbindung zu setzen oder ihre bestehenden Tickets zu aktualisieren. Danke für euer Verständnis, Das Blade & Soul-Team
  15. A la date et heure suivante, nous effectuerons une maintenance de tous les serveurs. Blade & Soul sera indisponible pendant la durée de la maintenance. Nous vous invitons à consulter régulièrement ce fil de discussion pour en savoir plus sur l'évolution de la situation. [Date et heures] Le mercredi 30 novembre de 13 h à 17 h (heure de Paris) La durée de la maintenance est sujette à changement. [Serveurs affectés] Tous Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. @BladeAndSoulOps
  16. Hallo, Wir werden am 30.11.2022 ab 13 Uhr Wartungsarbeiten an den Blade & Soul Servern durchführen. Während dieser Zeit werden alle Server nicht erreichbar sein. Im Moment gehen wir davon aus, dass die Arbeiten 4 Stunden in Anspruch nehmen werden. Um sicherzustellen, dass ihr keine Informationen zur Serverwartung verpasst, folgt bitte unseren Twitter-Accounts @BladeAndSoulOps und @bladeandsoul_DE. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  17. Starting on November 30, 4:00 a.m. PDT / 12:00 UTC / 13:00 CET, all servers will undergo maintenance for approximately 4 hours. An in-game notice will be given 30 minutes prior to the maintenance start. For server status updates please follow the @BladeAndSoulOps Twitter account. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  18. You misunderstood the message: the bug only affected the script that was going to remove the times from the leaderboard. The bans were correct and we did not ban players a second time.
  19. As I said multiple times before, I cannot discuss the specific of each case because I have no visibility or ways to check. This is something that can only be discussed with the Customer Support Team. Any other attempt to discuss it on the forums will lead to moderation, and even forum bans if this behavior is repeated.
  20. I obviously cannot comment on your situation as I do not know it. Only the Customer Support Team has that level of visibility. My suggestion is the one coming directly from our Terms of Use: play the game without any third party tools. They are not allowed and any player using a third party tool risks losing their account.
  21. It is our plan yes! We're hoping that the new script we have will work during tomorrow's maintenance.
  22. Hi, I posted about this in this update. The relevant part is the following: We’d also like to clarify that during the past two maintenances, we have taken actions to prevent the accounts with abnormal completion times from receiving weekly rewards. Unfortunately, these actions were not reflected on the leaderboard players could see after the maintenance due to a bug in the script that was used.
  23. Hi everyone, We’re approaching the end of week 3 of the Great Windwalk Race. We’ve actioned accounts with temporary bans and will monitor the actions of all accounts participating in the Great Windwalk Race. Any account we find cheating during week 4 will be permanently banned from the game. This is not an action we take lightly, as we’ve issued multiple warnings during the past 2 weeks. We’d also like to clarify that during the past two maintenances, we have taken actions to prevent the accounts with abnormal completion times from receiving weekly rewards. Unfortunately, these actions were not reflected on the leaderboard players could see after the maintenance due to a bug in the script that was used. Let me remind everyone once more that discussing bans and cheating is not allowed on the Blade & Soul forums. We will continue to moderate messages that violate the Forum Code of Conduct, and ban repeated offenders from the forums. Players who want to discuss their individual cases can contact the Customer Support Team, or update their existing tickets. Thanks, The Blade & Soul Team.
  24. I'm trying to confirm this but it's proven a bit difficult as some key people are busy or on holidays. I'll update as soon as I know!
  25. A la date et heure suivante, nous effectuerons une maintenance de tous les serveurs. Blade & Soul sera indisponible pendant la durée de la maintenance. Nous vous invitons à consulter régulièrement ce fil de discussion pour en savoir plus sur l'évolution de la situation. [Date et heures] Le mercredi 23 novembre de 13 h à 19 h (heure de Paris) La durée de la maintenance est sujette à changement. [Serveurs affectés] Tous Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. @BladeAndSoulOps
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