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Posts posted by LynMasterRace

  1. The thing with people that swipe, honestly...is most of them suck. I've been in parties with incredibly powerful whales...and yet I've been able to keep up with them in damage output. My main is a Lightning BD, I sustain about 10-11m DPS at 2.7k AP. Was in a party with a BM, 3.2k AP...and he could only sustain 15m. While he was outdoing me, I've seen weaker BMs do waaaaaaay more. In comparison to the power differences, if we had equal AP I probably would have surpassed his damage.


    Just because you swipe doesn't make you a god. Those that swipe tend to learn the game slower, which is a key factor to it all. Playing the game, even with its grind is a far better teacher in my opinion then relying on a credit card.

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  2. 26 minutes ago, Dema said:

    lol ok what else , a lawsuit? xD man this is a forum, what else is it for, certainly i didnt want to start a discussion between player to discuss compensation valeus what we never get to see at all doesnt matter what we dream here

    You have no grounds for a lawsuit and risk your account by calling for one. They can refuse to provide service to someone threatening legal action.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Shekinah said:



    Wait a minute.

    You have to ask for more punishment against cheaters and wintraiders? Just who do you have to ask that and why? Isn't that part of your (NCWEST) responsibility?

    Shouldn't it be obvious that cheaters and wintraiders offending tos and ruin the playing experince for other players? And thus customers?

    But at the same time, you kind of acknowladge that you have done too little in this reagard. Still not sure if this is good.

    It's well known that NCWest has absolutely zero authority to do anything...not that they know much about the game in the first place. The streams prove that much.

  4. On 9/4/2021 at 8:49 AM, storeagebot said:

    ngl KR had decent performance untill they added back the same local.dat that they had in ue3 and it started to have fps issues again. 

    I've never seen any indications that they've done this and it certainly would have come up in Alice KR Discord if it had.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mizuki said:

    i'm currious aswell i guess we have to wait and see. 

    what i would like to know aswell is about the 14 char slot, is it gonna be possible to have 14 characters? 


    Yes? Like why would they make it so you could ever have 13 of the soon to be 14 classes?

  6. 1 hour ago, FeuchterLyn said:

    So i looked it over here is the total cost of a PC that should be able to run BNS UE4 without a problem based on system requirements:

    1x Prebuild with I5 4590 (not much difference to 5th gen),8GB ram, Hard disk with like 500GB cost around 100€

    1x Cheap SSD (in my oppinion a must) 30€

    1x GTX 680 4GB Version (i doubt it needs 6GB since there is no 6gb GT 730 to my knowledge) 100€ if you find a cheap RX 550 its good too.

    1x Windows 10 4€


    You could also just buy a NEW PC with some kind of Ryzen APU game will run perfectly on that too and its like 300€ for a Brand new PC.


    Its a total of: 234€ and thats not even the best combination i just didnt wanna scroll through the whole internet to find the best possible combination for cheap.


    If you complain about you game possibly not being able to run after UE4 you simply need to upgrade ! its like having a PS2 and expecting to be able to play the newest AAA Ps5 games on this thing your Hardware is simply to old but would you complain you cant play the PS5 games on a PS2 ?


    I wouldn't go that cheap...I'd target a budget around 500 to 700 USD currently. Get a Ryzen 5 5600G, 16GB of decent (DDR4-3200 to 3600) RAM, a m.2 SSD (Wester Digital Blue is about middle of the pack performance wise)...and see if you can't find a mobo that supports BIOS updates without a CPU. I imagine any new ones would have a proper BIOS for 5000 series Ryzen out of the factory, but it never hurts to pay a little more for a lot more peace of mind. I know some people will be upset at built into the CPU graphics, but it sounds like Vega 11 ain't terrible. Just not great.

  7. 1 hour ago, FeuchterLyn said:

    Thats where you are wrong kiddo.

    Its true you can get far as F2P but before i quit i was probably one of the best equipped free to play players and i just barely did like 28 million while whales did already like 50 Million.


    Thats simply cause of stuff you cannot aquire in a reasonable ammount of time in this game like max gems or max Unity stones which are pretty much unobtainable without pay to win and thats not all just take the psyches for soul etc as example which cost atleast 15k each and you need up to 5 for each item.


    This game is definetly pay to win cause this dmg dosent stay in pve it also get to pvp aswell. Imagine playing against summoners with 20k crit dmg and 12k mystic in pvp. BTW they still have full PVP gear even with thoose stats.

    We will have to agree to disagree on this matter. I do agree the gem situation is absolute garbage though, and has been for a long time...even with really good bundles that come up it probably would cost about 50-60 bucks for a maxed gem...and that's not counting Dyads. Unity isn't as bound to those constraints and the opinion of many I've spoken with is Unity cash shop bundles kinda suck anyways and is a hilarious whale trap.


    Most of what you are describing is end game tier stuff, though...when you're at a point where there are few other upgrades and you need to consider things like that to push further. Also I didn't say it WASN'T pay to win, I said it was not all that strong. Also if you quit, I'm curious why you are still here, part of a community for a game you no longer play? It damages your stance when you don't have up to date info on matters in game.

  8. My main is nearly 100% free to play. Most of the time if I toss money at the game its for a outfit, and not personal power...and yet I have SS9, Silversteel accessories and soul shields, and generally have a fair amount of power. I'm still not on par with whales, but sometimes I outperform them because they bought power and never learned how to actually play.


    The P2W isn't that strong in BNS folks.

  9. 18 hours ago, Izuma Xiao said:

    It is unfair for the other players who love the game but we do not have a pc with the requirements demanded by the new graphics engine, there should be a server for those people

    Minimum specs are not the lowest you can get the game working on: it is the lowest specs NCSoft personally tried during testing that got the game running. Keep in mind those specs are from 2014 to 2015 or so: if you got a PC older then that, it's not NCSoft's problem.

    11 hours ago, Sayahell said:

    in stream ppl say if y play min hardware settings is worst like ue3 32 bit y cant play it !°


    dont know why nc soft dont say nothing about this or test in raid ! ue  4 with 10 -20 fps in raid  y can delete game !


    only ppl with 3000 euro pc can play good without problems!  but ue 4 is old and raizon 7 and gtx 3000 for this game is only sad !

    Stop spreading false and misleading info...and poorly spelling your info at that. It's 'Ryzen', and there is no such thing as a GTX 3000. You undermine your clearly anti-BNS position with such statements...please just quit if you're not having fun and leave the rest of us alone.

  10. 27 minutes ago, stahp said:

    What exact version of Unreal Engine is the game gonna use?


    And is there any chance for bns to upgrade to UE5 at any point in the future? Because, from what I've read, games developed on 4.25 will be somewhat "easily" transferable to UE5.

    UE5 isn't even out of BETA yet. Why even ask this as a question? It's literally like asking them to stop their current efforts with UE4 to use something that isn't even complete yet.

  11. 1 hour ago, Belido said:

    on the page Minimum Computer Specifications for Unreal Engine 4 (https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en-us/news/article/5237/minimum-computer-specifications-for-unreal-engine-4) you mention a NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 6GB!? Is that for real? I mean, even 4GB was quite exotic for this GPU and I don't remember any 6GB builts.

    Probably a typo, since NCWest can only post what NCSoft in KR tells them to, including typos and errors.

  12. 2 hours ago, Talaus said:

    Patch was just launched, yet the the Sacred Vials and Pet Packs from the event are already locked behind the Account Weekly Limit. What's up with that?

    They've...always been? They've always had a limit of 2/week for almost every event in the last year I've been playing. This limit is not linked to the other two you can get via Honing Oils, so I'm not sure what issue you are having exactly.

  13. On 8/7/2021 at 7:19 AM, sFMos said:


    Dude "Cricket! Get ready for our UE4 Update with our Hongmoon Resurgence event. We want to give you as many Hongmoon Resurgence Boxes as we can, so complete 3, 5, and 7 Daily Challenges and collect the Boxes from the Login Rewards during the event period."

    Look how they promote this event, like it's some awesome event that should get people to play again to get ready for UE4...

    But all they give is trash.. ncsoft completely lost touch with reality and doesn't seem to understand how bad the things they give really are..

    I mean Hime acts like getting a purple unity stone is like getting 50k gold for free... like it's some super special reward only given out to people that watched the stream... they even limited it to 1000 people for god sake..  (not that there are that many active people, let alone people that watch the stream, but still... the fact they limit it says enough)

    No wonder they think an event like this will get people ready for UE4... they are clueless about this game.


    EU4 isn't gonna change anything, it's not gonna get people back, not gonna solve lag, not gonna solve the endless cheating in this game..

    i dont even understand why they spent so much time working on this update, if they don't even do some proper events and talk with the community to get people back..
    Do a proper event, listen to the community, stop the p2w,  start banning cheaters.... or else doing an update like this is completely pointless and it will change NOTHING AT ALL.

    Every stream I've watched has had about 2,000 viewers, and there are indications there are at least that many active players daily for BNS. If it had less then a thousand, NCSoft would have shut it down ages ago. Not justifying the stream rewards, most of them are kinda not great...but keep in mind Hime has ZERO SAY whatsoever what rewards are provided on stream, or any content whatsoever. They're a Community Manager, not a coder...not that it would matter as NCSoft dictates what features and content are added or removed from the game, and NCWest has zero say in any capacity.


    This is why suggestions are meaningless as none of them will make it into the game. You can complain all you'd like about it, but at the end of the day, you're complaining to the wrong people and the right people don't speak English.


    I will object to your claims that UE4 won't solve lag and performance issues: we've seen countless streams from KR that indicate performance and lag are greatly reduced on hardware made in the last five years or so. It's not perfect but much better then before. Also the game is pretty popular in KR and since we always get updates from KR eventually, it's not really the people in NA and EU working on it (other then translation/voice acting maybe???), but the KR devs simply passing the patches along.


    Also I dunno why they won't ban cheaters, honestly. I stopped bothering to report them ages ago because nothing was done. I agree with a lot of your post, just certain facets of it I don't.

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