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Posts posted by LynMasterRace

  1. 1 hour ago, Laura099 said:

    Wait hold on I have to recollect for a moment. I talked about west and soft, somehow Tencent got mixed in on the quote, I thought you were talking about the publisher in West because you said West had no involvement with development, but either the publisher or West themselves assuming they aren't the publisher had to have involvement in development since our game to start was very very very different from KR, and the early western development still shows today.
    Right, Tencent is the big company that bought a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ton of companies and other investments. So they're irrelevant. Let's remove them from the equation, twas a little mix up. Only invalidates the name in my statement, nothing else.
    If West was indeed the publisher...then back to the first point.

    The relationship between all these companies is as follows based on my understanding:
    -NCSoft in Korea is the overall owner of BNS. They're the primary developer, they create virtually all of the content and features, and are the final say as far as Blade and Soul goes for it worldwide.
    -NCWest is their NA and EU branch. They used to have a separate branch just for EU, but they were merged into NCWest before we got BNS. They manage the NA and EU servers and apply updates and support to those servers, adding little to no content of their own other then translation to other languages. They are completely owned by NCSoft however, and answer directly to them. Supposedly they used to have a lot more say, but now they seem to only apply patches mindlessly to the game, sparking all these threads about broken things.

    -Tencent operates the Chinese server. Unlike NCWest, they do have some say over content they get, and have a few unique features, though it is unclear if they developed them personally, or requested NCSoft to produce the patches for them. They do not seem to have a stake in NCSoft, or if they do, it's a relatively small stake without much control in the matter.

    -Another company operates the Russian servers, though I'm not sure of their name. Much like Tencent, they operate that server and that server alone, but do not seem to have any unique features, though we have seen cost differences for things in the past for upgrades and events suggesting they do have a bit more say then NCWest does.

    -Netmarble (not mentioned yet, but worth it for the sake of completion) operates BNS Revolution for mobile devices. They actually DO have a stake in NCSoft, about 8-9%, but have not used this to influence BNS on PC as far as anyone can tell.

    I hope this clears it up and resolves the debates in this topic.

  2. 2 hours ago, Cupidstar said:



    Doesn't Tencent own NCSoft?

    No? Tencent only operates the Chinese servers for BNS, and has no stake in NCSoft as far as I can tell with Google searches. They have no say or authority over any other region: if they decide to shut down the China servers, it would not mean NA and EU also shut down. I'm not sure where you got these ideas, and based on other posts, you have no idea how a publishing agreement even works.

  3. 2 hours ago, Cupidstar said:


    Tencent would never sell the Intelectual Property.

    Once BnS is gone, it's gone.

    Tencent only operates the Chinese server for Blade and Soul: they have no say over other regions whatsoever. So them selling things does not matter in this situation, though it doesn't matter: NCSoft also has never sold off IPs.


  4. 2 hours ago, Uldrum said:

    You know that you can't guilt trip them into answering you right?


    My assumption is that they are only allowed to write certain Pre-approved things on the forums.

    Thus why so much outrage is getting Next-to no responses.


    So it does not matter how you try to spin it, It is my assumption that they are not allowed to answer unless they are told to respond by their manager/boss.

    That is 100% accurate. They are not permitted to speak to us unless it is pre-approved and written. Even during streams, they do not interact with the viewers in the slightest. This company is a utter joke.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:





    Well, I stand corrected...

    The necklace box from ET is also bound to account, which makes it a bit more baffling that other things are not. I could get a lot of alts to TB6 in a hurry if they made the roses bound...

  6. 21 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

    Raid gear was NEVER account bound.


    Souls, Hearts, Pet Auras and Talismans are account bound, if you're willing to pay for it.

    But raid gear has NEVER been account bound.


    BT gear can't be sent to other chars, and that exists since 2017.

    Wrong. The boxes containing the earring and ring from both Skybreak and Nightfall are account bound. In addition, they're asking about materials, not the gear directly.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Sn00zE said:

    So maintenance is now done at anytime, why wasn't previous issues like the pet gems sorted in a similar manner? Or any other major game breaking issues like crashes during character changes? Why should we wait for maintenance week in months to get things fixed?


    Also, removing items for exchange that was only due to be removed in some weeks is a very uncalled for move. In the future just state "Everything can be removed tomorrow so don't waste your time hanging onto stuff!"


    Agreed. This is unacceptable behavior from NCWest. No warning maintenances, removal of event features, punishing innocent players...it's time this company was held accountable.

    • Like 2
  8. 15 minutes ago, Supertaro said:


    If you're making an emergency maint, at least state everything you'll change/remove. For example, the armorers remnants tab in dragon express is just completely removed, while not stated in the announcement. Also, regarding the same topic, it had NEVER happened before that previous event currency couldn't be used anymore right after the event ended. All in all, this is such a stupid way to treat your community, as we're missing out on those already rare vials and other rewards even more now with the armorers remnant page gone.
    Most people enjoy your game, make them keep these feelings instead of letting us think swiping our bank account is becoming the only possible way to gear up, thanks.

    It has happened before: last halloween they removed the transmutes which effectively made one currency completely useless. And the more recent Guiding Star thing, though that seemed more intentional and was clearly marked.

    • Like 3
  9. 1 minute ago, Snatchyy said:

    Sadly it's what happens when people cry on the forums with alt accounts about the Eva/spectral shrine EXP botting. Like i understand botting should never be okay, but the end result is NC will just make it worse for everyone than to find a better solution. Their idea is to just get rid of the EXP entirely from spectral modes to combat the botting issue. I don't think they realize that will suck for legit players that farm it. Also they even got rid of the event jackpot 12m EXP, and that event item had a 17 hour cooldown when used, so it's just sad to see them come with an unscheduled maintenance that will just hurt it's community/playerbase.

    And in the middle of prime time, too. Bet that's making NA players really happy right about now...NCWest should be completely gutted of employees and new ones found that actually care about the game.

  10. 34 minutes ago, Shiro said:

    I love how there's no way to farm exp legit anymore, while abusers will go back to botting moon refuge 🙂 Because you know removing the exp charm from moon refuge moonlight bud merchant is too complicated, better gut everything else BUT that.

    The only legit option is Ebon Realm, which got cut to a FIFTH of it's prior EXP values when we got UE4. With no warning whatsoever. It is impossible to get EXP legit anymore in any decent volume and it is clear that NCSoft does not care about its players in the slightest. I'm predicting a shut down early 2022 for NA/EU.

  11. Yes NCSoft, continue to make it impossible to gain EXP at any speed even remotely looking like reasonable gains. First you completely cripple EXP in Ebon Realm, now you're taking away EXP from Spectral Shrine and Realmrift. Guess you DON'T want people doing those contents? It is becoming increasingly tempting to just say screw it and quit and get my money back from my bank.

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