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Posts posted by LynMasterRace

  1. 53 minutes ago, Uldrum said:

    As you.. yourself mentioned it's not "Locked" You can get them by just doing the daily dungeon for like 3 months.

    Two out of four PVP accessories are utterly impossible to attain unless you know of a alternate source for the ring and necklace. It's also still UNREASONABLE when the belt and earring were attainable with FAR LESS GRIND.

  2. A response is needed to confirm if this is being worked on. No one saw this coming since it was unannounced. While you can get some of the pieces though EXTENSIVE grinding (the belt and earring can be attained though Spectral Shrine, but it takes 900 of one of the currencies Eva drops for each and you can only get a drop three times a day) it is unacceptable to lock things off like this.

  3. 1 hour ago, Iconic Stuff said:

    ? They are making the game easier for newer players so they can go do hard mode or demonsbane. What are you actually complaining about. This is a change for the better. Theres still time to just delete this.

    Making content pointless is poor design.

  4. On 12/5/2021 at 9:22 PM, Kogaruh said:

    You're only talking about the people that abuse the features...
    GCD Editing is cheating as it's hardcoded and only modifiable via 3rd party tools.
    But disabling Global GCD should be an ingame option as it is for W@W and other popular MMORPG that has it implemented.

    Uhhh...no. No MMORPG to my knowledge has a means to disable GCD. I played WoW very recently and it has no such option, nor does FF14 another popular MMO.

  5. Quote


    Heroic DungeonEasy Mode

    Silversteel Soul Shield will now drop instead of Thornbreaker Soul Shield

    Agitator Accessory Selection Chest now has a chance to drop in Easy difficulty

    This item is no longer available in Normal mode.


    Does anyone at NCSoft play this game at all? You literally kill any point of doing Normal Mode with these changes! Might as well just remove it at this point.

  6. 3 hours ago, Belido said:

    As mentioned, I did not specify about any region, it was BnS2 in general. So as I did not talked about english version, KR is out and without language skill I can't tell about about region locks.

    You are twisting my words. You know damn well when I say 'we will never see BNS2', it purely refers to us, as in our region. Reported for trolling.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Belido said:

    Well it is there, you haven't asked for any regions releases. And yes it had kind of a P2W issue which brought quite an impact, but still it brought way more income in slightly more them one month then our BnS in a full quarter. Check the Q3 data. The stock value, I don't have the numbers, but also keep in mind some new rules in china had impacts to the market in the area.

    Please point out where that site says when we'll get BNS2.

  8. I usually don't defend NCSoft, but...uhh...buddy. Content isn't meant to be cleared day one, or even day thirty one sometimes. Also you do realize KR is ahead purely because they have a heart tier we don't and three more Mythical Accessories we don't, right? We'll have them eventually, why bother making the content easier now? It'll make people complain like they did when they buffed Spectral Shrine's health.

  9. On 11/17/2021 at 6:55 AM, poweROFLuck said:

    What for ?
    If you are going to change something, drop rates,enchant rates or anything about aerodrome are you going to do it by the sneaky way ? 
    Where is information ? Because i know for sure even you don't need 4h45min for maintenance,usually taking 2.30h
    So ?

    Maint has always been shockingly long for BNS. The shortest I've ever seen is 3 hours for them, and only a few times. They only have a couple employees at NCWest that know how to do it, so the delay isn't a sign of alterations or changes to the game whatsoever.

  10. 18 hours ago, Cupidstar said:


    This has been a problem since Xigncode 3 was implemented.

    With GameGuard, it was very rare to see the "you're using 3rd part programs" message.


    This happens regardless of what you use to run the game, including the NCLauncher 2.

    I have no idea what causes it, as I run the game without antivirus (Windows Defender, but the BNS folder is added to the exceptions) analyzing the files.

    And yes, I've been using NCLauncher 2 to launch the game, I do not use macros, and I still get that message from time to time.

    Xigncode is not active in any way, shape or form currently. The file are present, but not enabled, proven by simply deleting the Xigncode folder.

  11. NCWest has no authority over the server hardware or its connection, as they moved it to Amazon hosting earlier in the year. Even if they didn't, orders would STILL have to come to KR as they have no authority to change, alter, remove, or add anything, including improving the server hardware. They are utterly beholden to KR in a way that makes me wonder why anyone would willingly work for them.


    They'd rather focus on the cash shop anyways, as NCWest's new CEO is a former casino operator. Expect all events to have RNG boxes for now on.

  12. 4 hours ago, Iconic Stuff said:

    FM is still good in PVP also lmao. Again, you guys need to take the time to get better at the class instead of just saying the class is bad.

    There is significant proof they've nerfed FM quite hard. Please stop shilling for NCSoft.

  13. 3 hours ago, Divinehero said:

    lawl.. ya'll realize it's been 2 (3 if prem)  for the longest time right? this was the 1st time it was 3/4 and ur whining about it goin back to normal now?

    Defending NCSoft's actions is the mark of a shill.

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