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Posts posted by yatoooo

  1. On 7/15/2021 at 8:47 PM, Belido said:


    yes some know, some learn it on the hard way, but calling a plain 1-5 upgrade of a stupid soul a "Event"? It is about as much an "Event" to me, as it been to Transmute a event currency into another useful one. Ofc both can be called an "Event", but an event to dish out some big failure moments to the not that careful folks. I don't think that is the means of choice to keep your costumers happy. Esp. if you fail big time on it and make this questionable decision into a big crash event!



    Yes moonlit soul = event~!!!!!!!

    Please be useful once or forever community team.

    Please help me, i still have many emblems unused , please be considerate.

    and you didn't say it in the streaming too.

    I watched your streaming, I don't think it is there.


  2. 8 hours ago, Hime said:

    Outside of the current issue, the item was removed because the event is over. The item is also no longer upgradeable or salvageable.


    Please help me, I also this issue because I dont know soul stage 1 removed today. I always think it is part of event redemption and no reason to really remove it.


    Now all my efforts during the event is wasted because I cannot claim my weekly oils.

    Please give back the soul stage 1 because it is the event, and no emblems from dungeons anymore,

    No cheating for other players and no one will be disadvantaged if putting it back and allow people to salvage,

    it will not benefit people who didn't do the event too.

    The Crescent emblems are our tear and blood=we spent in the game for 4 weeks, now it useless just like that when in fact event redemption is not over yet.

    Sorry poor English

  3. 14 hours ago, chickenpoodle said:

    You're meant to be able to complete VT with BT gear.

    You're meant to be able to complete TT with VT gear.

    etc etc.

    Exactly my point


    14 hours ago, chickenpoodle said:

    I don't care if they gave out freebies for TT level gear at one point in time.

    New players who start now (well after the call to arms event has set sailed and gone), will not be able to come close to being able to complete this content with BT gear.

    Exactly as what I said but someone above using this stupid argument to counter ours. After I countered him back and now he is gone missing as he lost argument and face.

  4. 1 hour ago, Rhiakath said:

    Free TT gear has everything to do with it. Because no mains that didn't start yesterday should be under TT gear. No mains that started yesterday and completed the story should be Raven 9 because story gives a *better* weapon. With previous enrage timer, all those years ago, dps was 100k with raven 9. These days it's a lot higher with identical gear because of awakening. If enrage timer was 4 times shorter, people with same gear doing same mechs would be able to clear it. If they don't then they didn't put the minimum effort required into reading their skills and figuring out how their class works. However, nobody who actually finished the story is as low as you're saying, and nobody who participated in events three months ago should have anything lower than TT. Good job missing the point entirely.

    you are the one who missed the point entirely.

    What does free TT gear have anything to do whether a raid before it (VT) is made harder? Who said this has anything to do with knowing their skills/figuring the mech? DO YOU EVEN PLAY THE GAME SERIOUSLY? Do you even know how much a Raven gear tier player do (including their equivalent soul/heart/etc which is Blackstone tier)? And take those dps and there is dps down time (yes there is mechanic phase of killing spider SPAWNED BY BOSS) and just divide that Hive Queen's HP (1.25 B - there is boss healing, yes, if you play the game, which I DOUBT YOU DO because you basically don't know these if you still defend this enrage timer) and do simple mathematic with its current enrage timer? If you know a simple mathematic like this and you still can say about these stuff of knowing skills/figuring classes? LMAO.


    If you are not able to do simple mathematic, that's fine because I will do it for you:
    1.25B, enrage timer 3 mins, 2 phases of spiders

    Assume you need ONLY 30 sec to clear each spider phase, which is actually impossible taking into account Raven's gear + have to dps the mini spider spawned by big spider + the mini spider spawning delay time + mini spider explosion animation, boss moving animation from center/to center, etc), but for God's sake let's just say it is possible.

    You are left with 2 mins of dps time.

    I am generous so I will not count the dps down time of doing the CC - Yes you are not doing DPS when you are doing CC.

    So how much DPS per raid member need to do?  around 850k EACH PERSON CONSTANT HOLDING DPS AND NO ONE SHOULD DIE throughout the fight.

    HELLO? Can be done with Raven 9 weapon + raven level of gear tier (soul/heart/accs/etc)?

    HELLO? Still have anything to say to defend?

    Fine, it's 'probably' possible if you raid with 12 archers that has 150 max ping in Raid. Hahahahaha.


    what does free next raid gear (which was only once that is really free from the one box per account), has anything to do with whether a NATURAL raid challenge path is now made IMPOSSIBLE to do? Do you even play the game?

    WHAT EVER  you say, whatever gear you are given previously CAN NEVER CHANGE THE FACT THAT: TEMPLE OF ELUVIUM in the story line is the raid to be challenged by people with raven gear. PERIOD.

    Nothing could ever change that.

    Do you even open your Ctrl+J window in the game and check what is the gear required for the raid? NOTHING could change the fact that the raid is now NOT CLEARABLE with Raven level of gear with this enrage timer change, which is RIDICULOUS.  do you understand now? STILL DON'T? Then you prob should think better because your way of white-knighting the company doesn't make it. Try better. Goodluck.


    If you want to make the raid harder, you still need to make sure it is clear-able with the raid requirement gear, otherwise you are just breaking the game.


    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, blooash23 said:

    They should just reduce the reward (but not as aggressive as this daily dungeon reward reduction of 70%), I believe people will understand if the reduction is reasonable -> like the gold dungeon reduction last year which was about 20%.

    Rather than making the raid more difficult and causing people who used to be able to clear but now cannot clear -> doesn't make sense -> Asking people to give extra (A LOT EXTRA, the reduction in enrage time is no joke) for the same reward.

    What makes more sense is to think: "okay now you guys can clear the raids with more characters because of many geared players can carry you -> too much gold made by you guys -> we will reduce the reward slightly (let's say 30%)" >>> makes more sense.

    I agree that this is a better way to solve this, reduce the reward REASONABLY.


  6. 3 hours ago, Rhiakath said:

    We get free TT gear from past several events, and people are still talking about raven, despite story giving pve version of aransu 3? Do you guys live in the forums just to whine, or do you also play the game sometimes? It was doable with raven 9 before awakening, and awakening give everyone double the dps alone. We have free TT gear. But obviously, 1+1=potato

    ??? who said it was not doable with raven9 before awakening? AND NOTHING TO DO with free TT gear or whatever.

    With the previous enrage timer IT WAS TOTALLY FINE, awakening or not awakening whatever you want to say.

    But now VT is 3 raids away from the latest raid, AND YET, you try with Raven 9 now, WITH AWAKENING (as you think so high about it using this as excuse to say people can clear), go clear it with Raven9 and prove your words, I will give you some reward as well (to motivate you). I'm very confident you cannot do that, because why? Because no other 11 people with Raven9 that will want to do it with you.

    AND SO? No other people with lower gear want to do with you, but YOU EXPECT other people who are raiding this raid to do it with Raven9? So you are asking something that is not feasible for other people, but you expect not the same case for yourself? Hahaha.


    I ask you back the question, DO YOU ALSO PLAY THE GAME SOMETIMES?

    Do you know doing VERY OUTDATED raid for weak players/players with not so good skills AND YET unable to clear due to enrage timer IS NO way beneficial TO ANYONE AT ALL?

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