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Kurisu's Achievements

  1. If TB weapon mat could become account bound that would be great
  2. The breakthrough chest drops regularly in normal mode, just get brave and run it. If you're at the point that you need the breakthroughs, you should have enough damage for normal.
  3. You're still misunderstanding it because all you have to do to proc Reparation is get hit during Primal Call.
  4. It's laughably obvious that you've never even pushed the Reparation button after the UE4 update because the skill is totally ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ broken. It literally *adds* 10-15% to your dps (depending on gear level) to use Reparation on cooldown. On my Warden, Reparation literally does 2m dps all by itself. AND it adds to breaker bar? AND it's an iframe? The skill is completely busted OP.
  5. I was able to upgrade the ring with Enlightened Jewels, but the earring will only accept Legendary Jewels as an offering, and then fails, probably because it's supposed to be Enlightened Jewels. This is on Dual Blade. Some Dual Blades on ranking have stage 6 IA earring, so either I'm missing something or they bugged in today's patch.
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