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Posts posted by Aleetric

  1. Hi, I know this may be a shot in the dark. The beginning post asked what other items we would like to see. For me, it would be a dream come true to have more ethnic/textured hairstyles added as a base option in character creation or as head adornments specifically for male characters and for all races(especially Lyn). And to have the same with beards for face adornments. Here are some examples. Again its something I been wanting for a long time and other MMORPGS games(LA and BDO) from Korea have them and it would mean to world to me if the one I have dedicated so much would consider the same. 

     Ethnic/textured/black/hispanic male hair examples: 











    Beards + hair : 


    • Like 5
  2. My TOP 7: 

    Galaxy Wings, adornment, event, I believe 2021 Anniversary 

    Crane Maker wings, Adornment, Hong moon store ,no clue when it came out(before 2020), 

    Vanguard, Costume, Hongmoon store, before 2020

    Showrunner, Costume, Hongmoon store, Before 2020

    Kick start, Costume, Hongmoon store, 1 ncoin box in 2022  

    Aurealis Shimmer, Costume, Event 2019, 

    Ashborne Hood, Head adornment, event 2018 design custom contest + hongmoon store 


    Would Also love

    ( Costumes + Hongmoon store + before 2020)


    Shadow Slayer 

    Flower fall 

    Sky high 



    Night Fortuna 

    After Hours 




    Holiday Bash 



    (head+ Hong moon store + before 2020) 

    Flower fall 

    Shadow slayer hood 





  3. I completely agree with the above, rewards at the end of the season should be exciting, and what is currently there is something you can craft in game very easily and is given for free all the time. Please rework the rewards to be worthwhile. I think maybe could be for outfits no longer available, BM raid stuff, high tier gem vouchers. Currently as is, it's just a complete spit in the face of players who play 6s and arena. 

    • Like 1
  4. 19 hours ago, WarBoob said:

    we Dont need anti cheat just remove hm coin from pvp solution all of u free player want free hm coin 

    Then there will be little reason to pvp at all besides fusion stones, the players I see at the top of battlegrounds worked hard and deserve to be there no matter how much of a pos some of them are to players. You just sound jealous. 

  5. Although I myself am not using any modifications to the game, please do not act like you all will stay if they enable the anti cheat program on the game. You all will then complain about not being geared, the payment model, and next thing you know, we will have a casual focused scrub fest of a game like ff14 and pso2. Players who quit the game and are returning should have the least priority when it comes to demands. 

  6. I believe the out is way too expensive, and having it require you to buy items you do not want like summoner's pet outfit is unfair. Is there any possibility that this bundle can be sold without the summoners pet outfit in order to reduce the price to something reasonable? Nearly 100 dollars for an 3 piece outfit seems very overpriced in my opinion. 

  7. Currently, in pvp Blade masters, blade dancers, Des,  Are way over tunned. Blade masters, have a lot of resists, full screen combo starters that 100 to zero you, a block. The blade dancer is similar. 

    The warlock class is currently very very weak in pve, and somewhat weak in pvp. Pve is currently dmg, it's awakened dmg needs to be buffed to compete with other classes and their awakened skills. 

  8. Hello, 

    I have been playing Blade and soul for about 6 to 8 months now and was hoping to make a friend that can help guide me in what I can be doing to obtain glamour, dailies, powerful weapons, and get into the end game raid scene as well. I have been playing a long time by myself and would truly like a reliable friend. 


    Please respond below if you are willing to at least mentor me 


    Alexander ( characters Aleetric and Alusive) 


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