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Merlin DE

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Everything posted by Merlin DE

  1. Since we can windstride to every place nessesary mounts are not very usefull anyway. Also people going F8 doing dailys and thats it, no one realy roams the open world anymore so mounts would just be a waste of diskspace and preformance. Also even if they would introduce them, they would be an F10 exclusive item like pets BnS is an martirial arts mmo, what you want with battleships? you can use F5 or even the f-chat for trading, maybe you should make some specific sugesstions what they should change / add Time where people roam the open world are long past, you can walk from viridian cost to every other region and wont meet anyone, ok maybe one or two players who are leveling an alt but thats it, sad but true since all fieldbosses are removed or their drops are not even worth the time to kill them NC-Soft completly ruined their reputation and credibility. Every streamer went on a rampage about the BS NC-soft did in the last few month, messing around and lying straight in the face of their playerbase. Even the best marketing wouldnt help anymore as long as NC-Soft continues ignoring the playerbase and keep messing around with the last players left. Even if they would publish UE 4 in January 2020 it wouldnt change much. Some old players will check the game, some new players might join the game but at the very latest they will leave when they realise they cant realy progress in a reasonable amount of time without selling their hous, car, kidney and firstborn to nc-soft and will stuck forever at average gear no one will take them to the higher raids like TT / ET and overall the upcomming new one, while the community also try to rip them off like 100+ gold for a VT-Run, yada, yada, yada...
  2. you forgot to mention that you als need to be quite masochistic to do BG without decent pvp gear caus you are nothing more than food for the gun for those whales xD
  3. And? are there any legal age verification involved? No all they do is asking for your date of birth which is NOT a legal age verification cause even an 8 or 9 year old child can calculate the date needed to be typed in to look like legal age. In contrast to german and many other european countries know children will always be kids doing stupid thinks and parents cant monitor them 24/7/365. Therefore they made laws to protect either the child and their parents. In a perfect world it might work, but we dont live in a perfgect world and neither our kids nor their parents are perfect and there will always be ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ to be happen. Thats why stores not allowed to sell alcohol / tabaco / cigarets to children and teenager under 18. Thats why children are not allowed to gamble or participate in any lottery. Game publisher avoid these laws by just rating their game but dont make sure there is an actual legal age verification. Well the result is quite easy, some contries already thought about to rate FIFA and other games with microtransactions 18+ Even if you cant win real money, RNG-Lootboxes are gambling but they are not regulated as normal gambling, there are no controlling and you basically can do wat you want and rip off your costomers at its best and even ruin them. NC-Soft drove it to the top by offering 20.000 NCoins for 250 EUR what is basicaly Oh and Btw: do you think its an mistake or coincidence that you cant get a ccomplete set of soulshield psyches befor a new raid and therefore a new soulshield set will be released? No its not, it to trick people in buying the freaking rng lootboxes / trovekeyes to get their psyches faster whil it is impossible to get them in time farming them. But anyway, discussing with you is like taking with the wall behind my monitor while i still think it would make more sense to talk with my wall ;), you will always defend every BS NC-Soft do. They should realy offer you a job, you would be a great and loyal employee who would always blandish and find excuses for everything ;)
  4. No its not, no one denies parents are responsible for their kids. But what you are saying is basicaly like "my kid is drugaddicted because authorities didnt ban drugs and let dealers do their 'Buissness' in front of schools" or "my kid drinks alcohole / smoke cause autorities let stores sell sell theese stuff to kids without age verification" These gambling functions are especially and psychological made / planned to entice kids. As i said "its just a coinsident" that in candys are placed always in front of the check out in every damn store / supermarket. No its not. Its psychological / tactical placed their cause they know kids always want candys when they see them and ask their parents to buy them. Therefore its not only the responsibility of the parents to protect their kids, its also the responsibility of authorities to protect our children from psychological tricks uses by shady bussinessmethodes especialy made to entice kids. On the internet there is no age verification, at last at those games which are public available and BnS doesnt have a legal age verification at all. Oh and the "Enter your date of birth" when you open the english BnS Website is not a legal age verification at all. At the german page there is not even this "layer of protection", the german website is accessible without any age verification at all.
  5. Yeah right Parents are responsible for their children, but parents cant controll their children 24/7/365 and even when they thought their child whats right and whats wrong, they still stay children who sometimes do stupid things even you as parent thought them proper maners. From what you you say you could also let a drugdealer sell their stuff in front of a school cause its paarents responsibility to theach children drugs are illegal and they have to watch them. Sometimes i realy ask myself what the hell is wrong with you dude. At least in germany we have very strict laws how many money a child can spend. Children can speend their pocket money freely as long as the item the child want to purchase is suitable for his/her age. Even a child can purchase games suiteable for his/her age doesnt mean a child could save his/her pocketmoney and purchase a gaming console. It depends of the age. If the child is below 15/16 most retailers would ask them to come back with their parents and wouldn sell it to the child. Even if they do, the company has to take the item back when the parents clain the child purchased it without their permission. Lootboxes are psychological planned to trick children in spending their money, same why candys always placed in front of the checkout in Supermarkets. There is a whole industry just researching on who to make customers spend their money. Ever asked why you suddenly dont find your stuff at the usual aisle in your supermarket and why they rotate stuff on a regular base? just to make you search for it and buy more stuff you wanted. We had quite some lawsuits cause mobil providers offered chidren a mobile contract without limits and parents where shocked when their children suddenly got a bill over 600 and more Euro. While retailers easily can guess the age off a child or can ask for a age verification you dont have such protection on the internet. And kids will always be kids and will do stupid stuff, regardless on how good the parents are and as i said, you cant monitor your kid 24/7/365. Be glad you dont life / work in germany xD 1. you respectively your company would have to take back the X-box you illegaly sold to a child and had to refund the whole purchase price, at least when the child was under 16. 2. you respectively your company might even face a lawsuit if you refuse to take back and refund the purchase price. Even if you take back the item and refund the purchase price you might face a lawsuite depending on the goodwill of the childs parents. We have strict laws cause some companys targeted / entice children to make contracts they legaly cant do and try to get the money from their parents mainly some mobile phone companys (keyword Ringtones or even mobile phone contracts sold to children for example) Advertising just send an sms to xxxxxxx to get your ringtone and children thought its only the 30ct for the sms and not 3+ euro which wasnt advertised or in such small letters one one could read. Im not all against Trove etc. Im against what NC-Soft did. 1. they target children / people with a gambling addiction 2. they betrayed their own philosophy, you know... 3. meanwhile its nearly impossible to keep up with your gear. you need redcolous amounts of stuff while they constantly limit the spots to farm them. for every new dungoen they add, 2 or more old dungeons get their droprates nerfed or even removed. You need more and more time and get less materials / gold and its just plain booring This is done on purpose to force people to buy stuf from F10 or participate in trove or even more worse rng events like the current one. 4. most likely you dont get anything valuable or worth the money you spend. you mainly get some potions / soups no one need or some crystals which are close the same price you have to pay at F5 so its just a freaking scam. At least give give some valuable thinks worth the money it doenst cost NC-Soft anything, instead they put some fabrics in a freaking 3 star crit, seriously? When i came back after the awakening patch i had quite some fun, i got my main to GC 9 and ET badge in quite a short time dooing MSP like crazy but now im burned out. More and more of my old friends keep leaving the game and even i meet some nice new friends, i totaly lost interest in BnS cause its the same freaking bullshit every day, doing dailys / purple train, beeing upset about all those woth/useless crap you drop and seeing you just made ~ 50% of the gold you made a few month ago while it takes much longer. I even was eager to upgrade my alt to GC weapon. Well i did at least to GC3 (just because its a sum) but thanks to the great "Weapon Cost Reduction" a few weeks ago, screw it. Im not even interested in doing my TT / ET raid which always was fun but it isnt anymore. Only reason i still contribute in my raids are my friends and maybe i start looking for someone who could replace me soon. BnS once was a fantastic game but thanks to NC-Soft and all the bullshit they did in the last few month. I always thought no one could be that stupid doing one BS after the other, screewing with the customers / playerbase. i was wrong and ... Im done this BnS (Bullshit and scam)
  6. WTF ?!? IP-Adresses in a range from to are reseved for private networks. Its a Class A Privat Network that shouldnt be accessible from public. Normaly ip adresses are used by large companys for internal networking / intranet (not to confuse with internet) and should be protected by several firewalls and access controll mechanism for connections from outside the network as companys dont want external users in their corporate net and have strict rules for access these networks from outside. Its very unusual that your internet connection is routed through multiple IPs from the ip range On the fly there are only 4 explanations i can think of. 1. you are using a VPN-Provider who uses ips from the privat network reserves ip ranges 2. you are using a corporate network via VPN to connect to the internet 3. your provider routing your connection internaly over a privat network (for example through multiple server centers using own fiber optic connections) 4. quite unlikely but still possible, you (or your provider) are a victim of a "Man in the middle" attack and someone piped your internet connection through a privat network. Anyway, if you dont use any VPN provider you should ask your provider why there are multiple IPs reserved for privat networking between your connection to your target what is quite unusual
  7. [zynism] what you are talking about, we have a very good supply. you can buy 5 gem powder on a regular base for a smal fee from F10, so no reason to complain. you have to understand poor greedy NC-Soft need to earn some money too [/zynism]
  8. Well it seems like the UK is the next country in europe which bans RNG Lootboxes as gambling. And guess what, i hope my country will follow even it might be the end of BnS in western region. I not all against Trove etc. but NC-Soft overdid it way to much with bad RNG and even more worse and worthless items from Trove and RNG Boxes so well, in my mopinnion they more than deserve a legal regulations of their ripp-off ;)
  9. You mean something like the PVP Event on Battleground like 2016? Where PVP-Players cried cause they where matched with some PVE-Noobs with no gear who ruind their ranking and PVE-Player cried because they where forced to do Battleground? Or do you mean an event like the Vallentine Event 2018 where full PVP-equipped trolls thought it would be fun to troll the players by hiding behind the wheel, wait for their ultis to be up and smash their ulti in the group waiting to spin? Pissing of the players even more, who already have been pissed to wait hours to spin the wheel and to even make it more worse, spin the wheel for 15 ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ seconds and also got trolled by "funny" noobs throwing pinchies bombs at them, when they finaly could spin the wheele? Yeah great idea :/ Realy? 1. you needed way more than 500k, as far as i remember you needed over 1 mio to kill last stage of the turtle and estimated 60-80% of the serverpopulation wasnt able to do this event. 2. Events should be independet from your gear and should be fun. The best event ever was the Poharan event with equalized stats for everyone. But people cried because they couldnt just burst the bosses down and had to do some easy mech. Well admittedly it took to much time and the rewards wasnt realy worth the efford, but it was fun. Personaly i would like to see much more of those events in older dungeons. There are so many unused dungeons which where so much fun back in time when they where actual and you had to do some mech. But then with some valuable rewards making it worth the time you spend in those dungeons. Let me answer this with some lines from an old song ;) (2002 Shania Twain - Ka-ching) Well a Network administrator would describe it like: We have some serious packet loss and CRC-Errors on our communication line between Community <--> Communitymanagers <--> Publisher/Developer Or a little bit nicer formulated: Either the "Communitymanager" or the "Publisher/Developer" switch/firewall drops all packets comming from "Community" cause they dont give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ I can remeber one such event, didnt end well, at least for Master vs. Master (MxM) ;) Something like fishing? ahhhh no thanks...
  10. Guess he talked about the lobby numbers not the amount of players ;)
  11. I never claimed Mao is not doable. It was just an example. Some classes can do it easy, for example Warden / Destro, whil other classes will have a hard time doing Mao. Compared to my meele classes i still feel like mao is much harder with my fm even my fm is way better equipped. Also for lower geared players mao can be quite frustrating cause the slightes mistake can and most likely will kill you.
  12. Hallo, das Starter Pack ist soweit ich mich erinnere auf 1x pro Account limitiert. Du wirst es also wohl eher nicht noch einmal erwerben können. Premium kannst du dir entweder für HM-Coins im Hongmoonshop kaufen (3 Monate) oder über die Webseite. Hoffe das hilft
  13. guess you never played a range class, especialy FM? You dont iframe / Dodge -> dead I iframe / Dodge -> also dead because you will jump 8+m behind the boss and trigger the rangecheck Even MAO is doable shes the most annoying and frustrating boss especialy for range classes So yeah what mechanic, just iframe .....
  14. Back in time you had way less problems to catch up or farm your gear, there have been enough sources, even for lower geared players, to farm your stuff. Sadly NC-Soft got greedy as hell and keep limiting Materials and Farming spots. So right now only the 4 highest dungeons are realy wirth farming, everything below Gold and Mats got nerfed to oblivion. Also NC-Soft decided to announce some cost reductions for weaponupgrades but actually did the exact opposite, now weaponupgrades are way more expensive. But dont be afraid. just skip the 10 steps @ImoutoMastersuggested, talk with your banker, get a unlimited creditcard and just practice some creditcard anicancel. you will catch up in no time cause everything you need (and nearly impossible to farm in a reasonable amount of time) is available at F10 for a small fee.....
  15. thats the way you force people to spend money on trov and rng on top of rng on top of rng on ...
  16. Create an alt and start over without the help of you main. In 1 or 2 weeks we talk again dude and see how far you get
  17. Indirect it is, yes. 1. NC-Soft continusly reduced material income / Farming spots making it harder for casual / New players to catch up. Reductions dont made it better and we all know what happend with the last so called "reduction" that made things way more expensive 2. with breaking their own philosophy, which i partial quoted, they made the difference between casher and non casher / casuals / new players even greater. That resulted in even more problems for lower geared to find proper groups. As someone said, only the highest 4 dungeons are worthwhile to run, everything below is not worth the time you spend for them since you wont get anything rewarding, neither gold nor enough materials. 3. Less Gold/Mats in lower dungeons -> even more problems for lower geared to catch up. And now it slowly start backfireing at the Mid to Higher geared players, cause its getting more and more hard to find propper geared players for ET, while the next raid already is public in Asia. And here most people havent even started with TT let alone ET. So yeah at least its indirect NC-Softs fault.
  18. Well the more they add and patch the more i feel the need to look for a good alternative. Anyone know a good MMO with a good combat system and some challanges and not braindad burst down anything? Im open for suggestions. Well we always head sol "elitists" with some absurd AP requirements for even the lowest dungeons, But what we have now, requesting TT / ET Gear for MSP is not only redicolous its a NC "greedy"-Soft made porblem. Thats what they have plausibly promised back in June 2015 ( https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/business-model-revealed/ ) Every buisness want to earn money and its ok but what NC-Soft did was just killing the game and grew a elitists toxic community buy making the difference between casuals and casher bigger and bigger. Now we are at a point where it even gets hard to find decend geared players for ET and the next raid is comming up soon, while most players are not even have TT Gear. Good game...
  19. oh come on dont play the BAD PC-Card we all know this is bullshit, i have a mid-top range Gaming PC and have problems anyway. Even people with top gaming pcs have problems in raids / MSP / Koldrak since bns is the worst game ever regarding optimizations. So dont blame people the loos interest in doing a bullshit dungeon where you freeze or even crashes and dont even get the freaking worthless loot in worst case. And honestly 5-6 weeks back in time befor the first rumors about Soulshield psyches came up, no on realy thought about koldrak could be relevant in any case anyway. So yeah, blaming people for not existend optimizations of BnS and blaming people for avoiding a freaking shitty dungeon not worth the time you spend and not be able to look in the future, that NC-Soft could decide to reuse old crap content for new stuff, is whithknighting at its best. 2 month agon no one could realy guess, NC-Soft would be that bold to ever use koldrak scales for anything new. And even then, only those people who follow korean updates or regulary check reddit (our Communitymanagers dont think its nessesary to keep us up to date untill its to late) knew about this.
  20. Yeah Koldrak was released quite some time ago, but Koldrak is one of the most annoying Dungeons. Not only it takes ages to finish, its buggy like hell and i wont even start talking about FPS and Lags. I know quite a lot of people who stop bothering farming this over the top shitty dungeon because of regular crashes, freezes, fps drops (yeah at Koldrak we count in Frames pro stunde / Frames per hour) I have ~20-30 FPS in every raid, even TT boss 1 with player visible, at Koldrak i have 3-5 FPS with people invisible I wanted the pet and outfit but gave up due to crashes, freezes and bugs. I dont know how many times i bugged / glitshed into Koldraks tail at his tailswipe and was pulled into the lava where i died because of lags, bad collissions and so on. And you expect people to do this shitty dungeon on a daily base where there was nothing worth the efford? LoL Dude, you are realy an expert in whitknighting...
  21. Technicaly its not a problem, it doenst make any difference whether you make a tradable item Character bound or accountbound once it was equipped. But it makes a difference for NC-Softs income. they just fear when the make pet skins accountbound once they have been equipped they will lose profit since you could send around between your chars instead of buying a pet skin for each char. So i highly doubt it would ever happend. Its the same like this realy bold rip off to force player to buy stamps to send a already buyed and PAYED outfit to another char. I wouldnt say anything for needing stamps to send event outfits, but for outfits i already payed an outrageous price? Well thats NC-"Greedy"-Soft
  22. Well ill guess next excuse will be something like" We are sorry to inform you that we had a typo in our table. Actually you need Premium Transformation Stones instead of Transformation Stones. Sorry for this typo and thanks for your understanding blablabla ... " LoL Honestly even it this table is correct Upgrade from Hongmoon Talisman Stage 5 up to True Hongmoon Talisman, wich are 6 upgrades will get more expensive. You save some moonstone-, elysiancrystals and blackstones but need 1 transformation stone even you dont need pet pouches by now. Awakened Hongmoon Talisman Stage 5 to True Hongmoon Talisman will get much more expensive, you will save 50 moonstone- and elysian crystals and 8 blackstones but you will need 10 (in words TEN!) Transformation stones what are aprox. 200 Gold True Hongmoon Talisman to Wyvern Talisman Stage 1 might be the same as now, you save 1 pet pouch but need 10 Transformation stones which are nearly the same price. Upgrades will only get cheaper from Wyvern Talisman Stage 1 and higher. Anyway this upgrade is a bad desission. After the so called "We mess around with our playerbase and punch them straight in the face" cost-reduction of Weaponupgrades the demand for transformation stones raised extremly what you could see in the price explosion. This update will increase the demand for transformation stones even further and the price for sure will also rise even further. The material reduction for crafting wont catch the much higher demand. In the end weapon upgrades will gettinge even more expensive, people will stuggle even more to catch up and in the worst case we will loose even more of our already very low playerbase. Sometimes i ask myself who is working at NC-Soft. For sure no one who knows at least a tiny bit of econemy and math. Seems like they just roll a dice and this dice just have 6 different choices on how to ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ of the playerbase even more.
  23. Depends on the deffinition of abuse, Using a bug to get an advantage is an abuse, Using alts to "feed" your main is just plain bullshit you are forced to do by the pure greed of NC-Soft. So technicaly its not an abuse. Also i play the game since release and i saw how NC-Soft constantly reduced sources to farm and put more and more stuff to F10. So dont get me wrong, i dont defend NC-"Greedy" Soft, i just wouldnt call a thing you are forced to do abuse ;)
  24. Ich zitiere mal die großkotzige Ankündigung von NC Soft vom 11. Aug. 2016: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/de/news/silverfrost-weapon-cost-changes/ Das resultat war die Einführung der Kristallvarianten der Materialien. Damit wurden Mondsteine bei Naksun entfernt, eine andere Quelle wurde nicht geschaffen. Hier hätte man durchaus den 20ten Stock, später Insel der Gesetlosen, Tempel des Gedenkens oder Mao als ersatz für Naksun hinzufügen können. Später hat man dann noch zusätzlich Mondsteine aus der Seelensteinebene limitiert indem man diese nur noch Sa. und So. von 13 bis 01 Uhr farmbar machte. Zumindest anfänglich konnte man die Kristalle noch einigermaßen gut farmen, es gab genug Dungeons in denen man diese Erhielt. Auch dies wurde limitiert, indem man 1. die Materaikisten / -Beutle aus dem Bossdrop entfernt hat 2. immer mehr Dungeons als veralteteer Content klassifiziert hat und dort die Materialen entfernt und das Gold aus der Daily reduziert hat. Heute haben wir noch - Becken des Himmels, was mehr als stink langweilig ist dort stundenlang für Pfirsiche rumzurennen - MSP, doch hier lohnen sich im grunde auch nur noch die Stufen 1-3. Die Stufen 4-6 lohnen sich nur, wenn man das glück hat einen Evolved Stone zu droppen, ansosnten sind die Kosten für die Schlüssel so hoch, das man die Heiligen kugeln besser verkauf statt in schlüssel zu investieren. Frage mich eh, warum ich noch wertvolle handelbare materialien nutzen muss um kisten zu öffnen die ich gefarmt habe aber na ja... - BC, WC, CC die 3 höchsten Dungeons lohnen sich noch einigermaßen was Materialien angeht, das wars aber auch schon. Zeitgleich mit immer weiteren Reduzierungen der Materialien wurden immer mehr Items eingeführt, die alle die gleichen Materialien und in immer lacherlich höherer Anzahl benötigen. Neue und schwächere Spieler kommen nicht hinterher, angekündigte Aufwertungs-reduzierungen sind tatsächlich preiserhöhungen von bis zu 50%, usw.usw.
  25. Another proof you dont read. I was talking about a specific stage which didnt require Pet pouches at all, all you save is what i wrote but therefore you have to spend 10 TS so yeah this specific stage would be even more expensive then now. Regarding the other stages well yeah you save pet pouches for sure BUT as i wrote, the demand for TS will increase a lot which will result in even higher prices. Ill guess 25-30 Gold for each TS might be realistic. Overall every upgrade, especialy weaponupgrades which need redicolous amounts of TS will get even more expensive. This is the biggest BS ever. 1. People who are not on GC jet will stuck on A9 cause you now need redicolous amounts of TS to upgrade GC Weapon. the alternativ path istn much better either. 2. Next raid is already rolled out in asia which will mean we will get it soon too 3. Most people are not even clearing TT and evhe if they do they will stuck on Arasu for quite some time because of the costs for upgrading GC weapon So while most poeple dont even can afford TT gear, let alone ET gear we have another raid comming, we also get SS Psyches, Ancient weapon level will come too and People cant catch up. This causes problems even for high geared players cause its already hard to find a decent geared ET group. It will be even harder to find a group for the upcomming Raid. So high geared players getting frustrated because they cant progress due to to less people with decent gear and low leve players getting frustrated while the cant catch up and in worst case even more players will quit. The difference between High and Medium / low geared players getting bigger and with every new content / item they introduce it will grow even more. Sadly NC-soft didnt see nor realizse they are killing the game, all they see is $_$
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