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Posts posted by FlatIsJustice

  1. Okay this was very helpful, some bots seem to accept players however spiders is completely flooded with no accepts, I got an accept in moontide bay (1/2), the blightwoods was empty on one server but flooded on another, lunar grove also had a bit of activity however parties would accept. I may have overreacted but I still don't fancy paying a third party for an afk bot. 

  2. Know thine enemy has the requirement to "kill feral creatures in moon refuge". However every single area in every single channel has been flooded by bots. This has been going on for months. This makes the quest impossible, making acquiring the rewards also impossible. 30 gold, 500k xp and the rest of the gear supplied are all very useful for newer characters/players. Can something be done about this? 

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  3. On 29/08/2020 at 7:44 AM, Amarathiel said:

    NCsoft definetly didn't handle it so well. My guess is someone along the chain of command thought to themselves "We can fix it later, no one knows about the exploit anyways" and thats why it took so long for it to get fixed. That type of bug should be fixed instantly.


    I also blame players themselves too. I mean using currency(in this case threads) to get more said currency infinitly without restraint is most certainly something that should make you stop and think "Hey this is not how it is supposed to work." But obviously it did not and that tells alot about these people. Imagine if it was something bit more meaningful like RL money. You wouldn't exploit it then would you? Since it would most likely get you into reeeal trouble.

    Dont know about you, but I found cookie clicker quite fun. Was checking out all my outfits, looking swagger dagger. I enjoyed running around in moontide outfits wayyyyyy more than grinding out dailies that keep having less and less effectiveness. NCSoft had prior warning months before we did, they made their bed now they can lay in it at the cost of our enjoyment for the game. Your issue about currency, first viable farming method in months!

  4. Depends who picks up your ticket. Most of them will toss it into a junk file, however there are others with your interests in mind that will help you. Either spam them till u get banned and post it on reddit or accept they don't care.

  5. 1 hour ago, ImoutoMaster said:

    There is a difference between TOS and actual law. For example if your company is acting from the US your TOS might be correct and you are safe but since you have customers in other countrys too your TOS need to be changed and i doubt they have TOS for every single country depending on their law. This means some of the stuff written down in the TOS cant be used in some countrys for example germany or even better Belgium.


    In germany they atleast have to give you back the same currency as you paid but from events happening in the past we know they would give out Hm coin instead which would be against the law. If you argue with some special offer they had which resulted in you buying ncoin for that purpose you might even get your real money back since you cannot buy this special thingie anymore.


    This is also why i was seriously impressed that no one sued NC back when you could buy unlimited Xp charms off F10, people bought alot of them but got HM coins as refunds.



    Long story short: If TOS are written for a company in another country you dont have to take thoose TOS 100% serious since law is always above TOS.

    I did notice in the URL it was under a US domain, however since I couldn't find one from the EU I concluded that we just followed the same one. Thanks for confirming that is in fact, not the case. 

  6. Quote

     NCoin - You may obtain NCoin from NCSOFT (or a third party authorized by NCSOFT) for use in connection with the Game or other offerings by NCSOFT. NCoin is a virtual currency which you may, at NCSOFT's sole and absolute discretion, exchange for Items, services or to access other specific forms of Content or activities not otherwise available without NCoin, as well as opportunities related to any of the foregoing. Any Items, services or to access other specific forms of Content or activities offered by NCSOFT in exchange for NCoin may be discontinued, modified or removed from the Account by NCSOFT at any time in its sole and absolute discretion.

    This is pulled directly from the ToS. I'm not a lawyer but wouldn't this prevent most legal attacks? It's not a nice thought losing all your NCoin cuz of some human error. So if I were you I'd be happy there WASN'T a rollback.



  7. Be ncsoft

     - Get sent tickets about a "typo" that is very easily abused. Proceed to ignore them.

     - See forums full of people complaining and talking about said "typo". Ignore those aswell.
     - Now there's quite a few channels in bamboo village and the economy is well, yeah. Proceed to tell everyone looking at the forums how to abuse this "typo"

     - Now leave this alone for the next couple of days because all the devs are working incredibly hard on fixing the low fps, terrible ping, adding ways for new players to get items a little easier and much much more!
     - Oh yeah when everyone has gotten bored of playing cookie clicker THEN we will decide to patch it. 



    You're attempts at removing items and currency from players isn't worth it, the sheer amount of items that got circulated is beyond a joke and would take a ridiculous amount of time to fix. (Just have someone look at market history once every month or something and see what went from 2k gold to 2 gold) 

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  8. 17 hours ago, Amarathiel said:

    Here's my point of view. Everything you say is well double-edged blade sort of thing at least in my opinion, not wrong but also not completely true.


    Main problem in my opinion is indeed the acquisition of moonstones. Developers kinda wanted to make the game be both pvp and pve oriented where you do both things. That doesnt really work in EU/NA where half the people want to do only pvp and half want to do only pve. Therefore making it hard to get half of the materials needed because they mainly come from pvp only.

    As for gold, developers do not want you to buy all the materials required to upgrade stuff from market with only using gold, that's not the main point. Reason why you dont get any insane amounts of gold per day. This is something i see most players do alot even though game wasnt really designed for that purpose and then they say there isnt enough gold. If developers wanted you to buy so many resources from market using gold, they would buff that gold gain alot :P

    all the upgrade materials except moonstones and soulstones are relatively easy to gain once you learn all the solo dungeons.


    Developers just should give players way to farm all materials in equal quantities through pvp or pve depending on their preference, especially moonstones. That would solve things partly at least.

    Then perhaps I could recommend the same fix they used for Draken Cores. You get a 1 off bulk reward to give you a hand to grind something else. Because when crafting, Moonstones and Elysian Orbs seem to on the same tier on rarity (or that was how it was supposed to be). So you do X quest to get Y moonstones so you can go grind them at Z. Perhaps a third Celestial Basin/Moon Refuge. 15-20mins of grinding per Moonstone/Elysian Orb seem fairs, no?

  9. 21 minutes ago, Nemises said:

    Not really. You will be told to post your thought in this forum and then they will be summed up with all the other ideas worth to mention and send to the developers team for discussion. At least this is how it is supposed to work, as far as I understood the NC employee right. If that really happens all the time, I don't know. Actually you will never know which idea from this forum is shared with the developers for a discussion. There have been plently good ideas, were we never had a feedback like "the developers decided to not implement this in the near future, because *insert reason*". 

    If this is true would an official update be possible? 13/25 of the threads on the first page have complaints about the current patch. New players are being turned away because of it.

  10. 20 hours ago, LunaBlood said:

    Can someone please tell me what animal ears are below? I think they are supposed to be a fox, but I can be wrong at that, so if someone can help with that it would be appreciated. I don't know how to put the image here, but I do have the URL, so I'll post that below.



    It's a manipulated image, however a Lynx sprung to mind instantly. https://www.deviantart.com/slashriot/art/Blue-Lynx-373362440.

  11. 6 minutes ago, FlCosmin said:

    Yes NCSoft with their recent and by recent in the past few months the game changes are all over the place with no consistency but however the community is also here to blame for their toxicity and also for the management for allowing them to be like this, the main problem is that there are no active GMs playing the game to actually know how things are going in to the game like other MMO's I played where GMs where interacting with their player base through actually playing and get more insights on what the game has and what it lacks but there is none here.

    I like the game but hate the community and how the game is managed it saddens me.

    Is there a way to contact the GM's directly with all the information they need on a silver plate? Because I would happily go through all the statistics and go asking communities directly what they really want. Even make some recommendations of my own. Seeing a game that's so brilliant at it's core crumble for such a petty reason is... agitating. 

  12. TL;DR: Game is too much of a grind for low rewards, players are leaving NCSoft is losing money and going completely the wrong way about it.


    Please note: I am not an experienced player and my knowledge is very limited however I would like to share my personal point of view of my experience. 


    So I started Blade & Soul a couple months back, never played an MMO before and I was loving every bit of it, however the more I moved on the more it became a chore to play. The idea of dailies is great, I don't mind that at all, in fact I enjoy it since it helped me learn team play and mechanics of basic bosses. And since it was a daily 80% of the time there was a carry so if I failed we would be alright. However the more time went on I started noticing things were a little off, now don't get me wrong I'm down to sit down and grind when I have the time but when you're limited to just dailies and weeklies it's pretty annoying to wait around.

    The most recent patch (Blade and Ghoul) was designed for new players. However this isn't quite true.

    Let's start with gold, a new player will get gold from finishing the main quest and dailies/weeklies. However with the gold reductions, prices of required items have shot right up. It is getting harder and harder for a new player to find their feet and do what they want, so what happens when a player can't find their feet? They leave. I left for a month or two and came back because I couldn't find any other good MMO's and it was mostly down to the combat system, it's perfect for me. However players I've tried to invite have just got up and left after finishing the main quest after claiming the game was too "Pay to win", "Complicated" or "Too much of a grind". So I did what I did best, tried to find an excuse to say "No it's not". But unfortunately it is. 


    Upgrades. The upgrade system is pretty much like any other game, get X to upgrade X using X. This game uses processed materials (the common ones) and transformation stones.

    Transformation stones are ridiculously hard for new players to get their hands on. The ingredients to make them from Forgekeepers is: Special Metal, Rare Element, Soulstones, Moonstones, Sacred Orbs and Elysian Orbs. The first 3 items are quite easily obtainable, however Moonstones, Sacred Orbs and Elysian Orbs. What do you want me to do? Dailies?

    Moonstones. You can get 9 (max) a week for doing all your chores or you can get nothing. 
    Sacred Orbs. 6 minimum or 17 maximum. + Some of peculiar chests.
    Elysian Orbs. 0 Minimum or 9 Maximum. 


    I mentioned the market earlier, where players can use their gold they got from dailies to buy items from the marketplace.
    Moonstones: 21% increase in price.
    Sacred Orbs: 3% increase in price (Not really an issue, sacred orbs are no longer a problem for now)
    Elysian Orbs: 19% increase in price.


    Well why not buy transformation stones directly off the market instead?
    Transformation stones: 58% increase in price in the space of 2 hours. 

    (Information gathered 18/10/2019)


    After looking at all this I asked around what on Earth is going on. The replies were often "Use your credit card", "This game is dying" and more and more replies just like this. 

    Please stop.


    I've loved this game up until seeing all this and I've seen myself and other people saying "Don't get too devoted" because of this exact reason. I get what is going on, it's a free to play game but there has to be ways to make a profit.

    I've always said "If the game is good and isn't completely riddled with pay to win items I will pay up." This still holds true to this day. If developers and other workers are gonna sit down and bash out good updates and an enjoyable environment then I'm all down to pay my part. Great skins, great events even the odd RnG box now and then, see what I get. But quite frankly, right now I won't be paying a penny because it will encourage these types of actions. So if I'm like that, then what if there is someone else like that? Maybe even hundreds of people thinking the exact same thing. If you want to earn a profit first fix your relationship with your community, it seems lately companies have started caring less and less about the community and I really hate that but what can you do, it's a business before anything else. 


    I do not want to see this game die. The combat system is great, some skins are utter garbage but some are amazing and obtainable as a free to play player, doing dungeons with friends is fun, I personally love the upgrade system however the path to achieve it is a problem and will push future players (and maybe payers) away.


    I will still keep playing until the day it's too much but I really hope that day doesn't come and I believe something will eventually change. 


    Thank you for reading.

    - Misa





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