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  1. Since I haven't seen this bug in the "known issues section" I let you know that the stats from the Compound System doesn't appear in F2. You can see the changes by using 'P' but not in F2. Is this gonna be fixed? I am pretty sure that this isn't working as expected.
  2. No issues here? In your MSP video, the party isn't even full, MSP is one of the less laggy raids, and on top of that you are getting around 25fps. This patch is the one that has made me hate the game the most, making the game more laggy than ever and even more unbalanced. This company are telling us, screw people that love BM Fire or Lightning, now if you want to still up to date play Spectral Lag LOL.
  3. Just because of name conflicts this is never gonna happened. And both servers are fill as hell, now we can even do weeklies easily on Tuesday.
  4. Well, I am going to be one more person asking about region transfer. In September I move to Europe and I don't want to stop playing the game, and this is gonna happened gradually if this service doesn't exists. To be honest I don't understand why this is so hard, to make it simple they should more than a character transfer do a character swap. All the materials, gear, money, xp, HM, cosmetics and appearance are swapped, but the names are keep. By this way you avoid names conflicts and also the fact that you maybe haven't an available character slot for the transfer. Then all of the community things are simply lost, TOI, mao, gild crafting, etc. And to be honest I don't care if I lose the community things and also if I have to spend some money for the transfer. The things that I care if that I don't want to lose my A9 weapon, my awakened tiger soul, my GC SS, and so on. To be honest I am never gonna farm again in the EU server all the things I have already done one time, it was sooo much work, time and money.
  5. Well, I am going to be one more person asking about region transfer. In September I move to Europe and I don't want to stop playing the game, and this is gonna happened gradually if this service doesn't exists. To be honest I don't understand why this is so hard, to make it simple they should more than a character transfer do a character swap. All the materials, gear, money, xp, cosmetics and appearance are swapped, but the names are keep. By this way you avoid names conflicts and also the fact that you maybe haven't an available character slot for the transfer. Then all of the community things are simply lost, TOI, mao, gild crafting, etc. And to be honest I don't care if I lose the community things and also if I have to spend some money for the transfer. The things that I care if that I don't want to lose my A9 weapon, my awakened tiger soul, my GC SS, and so on. To be honest I am never gonna farm again in the EU server all the things I have already done one time, it was sooo much work, time and money.
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