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vastayan's Achievements

  1. Here: https://i.imgur.com/jZ3PTqP.jpg Character Name: loorina (Loorina) Server: Jinsoyun Short Description of the Loading Screen: While death blow moment happening to Jyansei, his student Ryu rescue him with taking that hit and fall off the cliff. Master Jyansei and other students felt so sorry for him but then one day they learnt Ryu is still alive. They confused but happy too. So, they try to take/win back him. Only thing they didn't know yet he is not same person anymore. Because of nefarious plans of Scarlet Empress, Ryu kills all his "friends"... I wanted to draw Jyansei with all this pain, sorrow and revenge. Here, in this moment, she punished Scarlet Empress, killed her but still couldn't handle intense sorrow of her loss... *(I draw her in Temple of Succession with clothes and weapons which we can get after beat Scarlet Empress in game.)* I think this is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the game. Despite of being cold, sorrowful, sad feelings, this story has deeply meaningful and impressive atmosphere.
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