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Everything posted by hdm

  1. As i said in some other post, my guess is that all of this is responsibility of kr, they probably just decided to invest as little money as possible in this game (or maybe in regions that aren't kr, i dont rly know how is the game doing over there) which ends up in very few employees trying to do the most basic stuff to keep the server running, an extremely poor support service, almost null participation from their side in the forums, and of course no bug fixes, or these come after too long time. Probably because the situation of this game has no remedy. Everyone can use any cheat they want without consequences. Botting also hardly ever ends up in a ban. They let these things happen from the start and now it's so extended across the playerbase that its not viable to punish cheating, botting etc, also because many of those are whales who pay €€€ And i would really be surprised if things changed, because i think they just don't care since long ago and everything will remain the same (if not worse) until they consider that maintaining this region is no longer worth the cost, and close the servers (i think this will still take years tho)
  2. That is the case. And i'm pretty sure it's intentional and this all is responsibility of kr, they probably just decided to invest as little money as possible in this game (or maybe in regions that aren't kr, i dont rly know how is the game doing over there) which ends up in very few employees trying to do the most basic stuff to keep the server running, an extremely basic support service and almost null participation from their side in the forums. And i would really be surprised if things changed, because i think they just don't care since long ago and everything will remain the same (if not worse) until they consider that maintaining this region is no longer worth the cost, and close the servers.
  3. idk why you are even surprised at this point xD
  4. If what they want is just money, and they made the game become what it is now on purpose, for the sake of earning money, in my opinion they are just *insert synonymous for not the smartest in their room* honestly. Baiting new or returning players to buy premium once is a short-term and not quite effective strategy to earn money. On the other hand, if from the beginning they had put just a little effort to do things right, to care about the game's problems, players' thoughts, if they were honest and transparent, they would've retained a lot of the players who quitted because of what this game has become. The game would be way more appealing to new and returning players, and I'm pretty sure it would be a way bigger benefit for them in the long term. But they decided to do the opposite, and here we are, at probably the most decadent online game i've ever seen compared to what it was on start, and compared to what it could be now if they made somewhat good decisions (not even everything perfectly). It's extremely sad, for me at least because i really loved (and still love) some things in this game
  5. Well, certainly the sky is not falling, but the game is in fact so abandoned and in such an embarrassing state (in too many ways and for many years now). I don't think it will come to the point of closing eu/na servers this soon obviously, but still the status of this game is just pitiful and i think thats undeniable
  6. hdm


    Let's patiently wait for a totally honest and transparent answer, kappa
  7. Imagine putting gameguard without heartbeat or any decent security measure to prevent it being bypassed by the same file that has been used for TW server for ages now XD Imagine being as cringe as ncsoft 🤦‍♂️
  8. Last week we had 4 spìns (3 for non-premium players i assume), now we have 3 again. Is this intended? If so, why wasn't it mentioned in the maintenance announcement?
  9. Plus the solution isn't to allow everything, like jetpack, cheat engine, gcd, and overall xmls that increase dps removing hits on a skill and stuff like that. If letting qol addons exist would let all that stuff be possible aswell, then fuk qol, be realistic guys. I also agree that these qol features should be added in the game by the devs themselves ofc, but good luck with that.
  10. We can live without qol addons. I do use them aswell, to open boxes faster, transmute faster, etc, and I have also played without them and its NOT the end of the world, stop ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ crying and using silly excuses, whoever quits because of such an irrelevant thing really must have his head pretty much empty.
  11. You really seem to take things personally too much if you call that "uneducated attitude" lmao
  12. Obviously that would be something for the support to handle and compensate getting all the lost stuff back to the player... They give you back something if you discarded it by mistake, ofc they would give you your gear back if you lost it because of a bug that's out of your hand, duh.
  13. You tell people who create other posts on this matter to check this post, but you still arent giving an answer or showing any slight interest. We didnt create this thread to discuss between us, we did to get your attention and to be LISTENED TO, but again you don't care, oh what a surprise.
  14. In any case, disappointed but not surprised that ncwest keeps playing dumb. I guess this game is doomed to be managed by a trash company, unlucky.
  15. Bypass methods were available because of the way they implemented it. There are safe ways to implement an anticheat that would make it very hard to be hacked.
  16. @Hime @Rynara @Amraith I wish I was wrong, but I'm afraid this will most likely be totally futile and they will ignore this thread like it didn't happen. Also I don't know if this was mentioned by anyone (don't have time to read all the replies) but most players would like to be able to customize their skills to some extent, like moving a skill to another key, or disable more than 5 skills (it's currently limited to 5). Some people use xml edits just for "quality of life" and essentially harmless stuff, and personally I don't think that's bad, thats why i think it should be a feature of the game itself. But other players use xml edits to auto-escape in battlegrounds, to avoid wipes in dungeons with the widely known "jetpack", etc. And this is just about XML edits. Then there's cheat engine, which almost everyone has been using in the past dungeon challenge for no-gravity (in addition to the jetpack aswell before it was removed in the UE3 client) to get more orbs and therefore more points. This is ridiculous. No serious or respectable company would have any of their games in such an embarrassing status, where players do whatever they want, and without consequences. And i'm pretty sure that in the end all of this ends up in a loss of money for ncsoft (since thats all you probably care about... but idk if you don't realize or what). Because people decide to stop paying rl money (me, for example), a lot of people just quit, a lot more who could've heard of this game don't even start playing at all when they are told that the game is as ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up as it is. There's not much else to say. Just that it's really depressing that an awesome MMO like bns is being managed like this. We the players would really appreciate that you guys showed at least a little transparency and honesty, but that really never seems to happen. Sad.
  17. @Hime @Rynara @Amraith Still waiting for a word on this matter. For how long are you gonna ignore it? This is a total disrespect, specially to the legit players that were waiting for the anticheat and now not only it's not active but you also dont say a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ word.
  18. @Hime Is any member of the staff gonna say ANYTHING at all about this? Can you not ignore one of the most important things that many ppl were waiting for and is necessary in any decent game?
  19. Planning to do anything about it or are you just gonna play dumb?
  20. You dont even need to investigate much, just sneak in the PUBLIC discords where all that stuff is being posted and updated, i think its not that hard to figure this out, really. For example right now in korea its possible to use edited xmls because the game doesnt check the .pak signatures from what i've read, and as long as the .pak is properly repacked it will work, and if that happens in korea it will be the same here obviously.
  21. Can you even read? Do you know the meaning of "any point in the future"? Does that sound to you like stopping what they are doing? And the main question was merely what version of ue4 is it gonna use anyway.
  22. What exact version of Unreal Engine is the game gonna use? And is there any chance for bns to upgrade to UE5 at any point in the future? Because, from what I've read, games developed on 4.25 will be somewhat "easily" transferable to UE5.
  23. Monkey spotted. Bruh. Wtf are you coming up with here. Nobody is talking about gear or skill, and nobody gives a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about how skilled or geared leitna is. If his gear has anything to do in this matter is in fact because he whaled so much he won't ever get any somewhat severe sanctions, regardless of what he does and how many cheats he uses, just like many others. And your party is one of the top 3 who abuses the jetpack aswell https://prnt.sc/1ee7r7y, go back to your cave
  24. You the staff members should've been the ones doing something about this even if there are no reports. Most top groups on dungeon challenge ranking have unreachable amounts of points, they are only reachable with this ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ jump xml which you dont even have the decency to lock server-side or whatever. Even some groups have names like Jetpack, Jump and run, Jumpsolution, and stuff like that because they DONT ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ care, because they KNOW how incompetent NC is and they know there isn't gonna be a single consequence. Thats how the game is going, having 0 security nor sanctions on cheaters, everyone does whatever tf they want, and most likely it will remain like that, sadly. I guess some things never change. So sad this great game is in such an awful state.
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