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Everything posted by Astarae

  1. FM with infinite knockbacks? Don't they have they same abilities in TOI as Player chars? Being an FM, I don't know how to do any knock backs, let alone infinite.
  2. Yeah, and mention about wanting buffs for GS, and everyone talks about how OP they are...right...
  3. I hope they add more SS, not just the same as last year. Also haven't seen Beach Day available either. But how about some thong varieties? ( this is a mature game, rt?)
  4. I complained to support .. I bought 20 boxes for my 2 mains, that's 2000 tix, I did get the outfits that were at all interesting, but didn't get the sapphire wings on either char. I was told that the trove was working as designed. I wanted to know the odds, and was told they don't have that info -- I pointed out that if that was the case, then how do they know if things are working as designed? i.e. if chances for wings were set at 100% but only .002% got them, how would they know it was working or not? Same if chances were set at 0 based on previous wins in the same even. I.e. Someone did some bulk research over a trove time period and noticed the odds of getting anything good went down over the length of the event. However, the same behavior would happen if the trove lowered an account's odds the more they won. I.e. if you don't get it in the first few boxes, at most (across all accounts, not per char), but you do get some 2+3 crits, then your chances may be adjusted down to prevent you from getting too much. Wanted the wings, and want the Bloodlust ensemble, but can they make them available in trove such that they are possible to get? Naw.....
  5. Yeah, I hear ya, my 3 rd char down the line -- definitely an Alt, is an SF. Can't ever do enough damage cuz at range, DPS sucks and near up, not quite good enough to not have hits plummet or keep aggro. SF should be a class that excels at melee and range, but instead they took melee class abilities, divided by 2 and gave that to SF, and then took FM-abilities/2 and gave those too. Playing at 50% in both areas just doesn't cut it. She was actually my first, but prospects were too low. Now I play GS+FM both as mains.
  6. Instead of dancing or playing with emotes?
  7. I hinted at another reason why some have better response times and no probs -- their login is in a privileged-user/server-priority queue. Right Now and since the server merge it's been real clear, the main delays are on the server -- I see some that could be local, going between areas I can cpu spiking, but when I beam into a heavily populated area like mushins -- 33 FPS average on Channel 1. I switch to channel 2. Bing! over 100 FPS -- same view, same location, just that there are fewer people around. Have noticed a similar effect on ping, but lowest in-game I get is about 98ms, with times in parties having it be more like 130-140ms. By myself, 125ms or lower. That's ALL server, so yeah, the Intel guy might be right -- just using underpowered HW for servers that don't have enough cpu bandwidth for all the users.
  8. It's not about being spoiled, its about not wasting time. The only times i have to read are when I'm waiting on someone or something in the game. So I need to be able to stay in game while I read so I can know what's going on. When I'm playing the game, I don't have time to read notes.
  9. If they went off of most-played, gunners wouldn't be last.
  10. I rarely know a much grab is coming before it happens, like the tank either got knocked back, or died and next I know I'm out of the circle. I framing is not a skill I excel at, as it's either too early or too late if I can get it to take the key.
  11. I've been running with anyone and everyone I can. I haven't asked for equip nor AP, but may have to start being a bit pickier on the top dungeons...DST, Brood and SM, since if people aren't high enough level, you can't burst down those enemies. And if I'm scoring 2x the next closest person and I'm barely holding a bit over 1-1.5 mill cuz I'm taking most of the aggro (GS or FM), my GS doesn't have recovery skills. So doing some of those higher level dungeons now -- can't take my usual crowd (usually have no prob taking HM12's to any of the dungeons from before this last update, now, those 3 are a bit much for lower level chars even if they know mechs, since everyone has to know mechs if the DPS isn't there, and since, more often than not, I go with higher DPS groups, I'm used to bursting it down. If it comes to mechs, many times I'm lost, and noticeably, alot are. But lower level dungeons, I often will go with only 5, sometimes only 3-4. In many dungeons, I find even low level types contribute by distracting the boss, so I don't usually feel like they aren't contributing unless they are afk...
  12. Well, BnS doesn't seem to be about a balance of reality being mixed in -- since unless you are doing domestic violence, in battles, a long distance player's main benefit is about being out of immediate attack range. The idea that almost any player is only a leap or jump away from someone attacking them defeats the main purpose of being a range class. Maybe lower the effectiveness of auto-targeting going from 16m to 22m (perhaps based-on or enhanced-by your accuracy score), but reverting to hits being based on those painted by your target indicator. On top of outrageous jump distances it seems that there should be a real chance of meleé classes getting in the way of them jumping away. How many times have I heard a close character stop someone from running away with the line "I'll be your opponent."
  13. Astarae


    Does turning off the char rendering also eliminate their skill's affect. I've had my character briefly switch into fighting stance more than once. To me, that seems like it is more than just a visual, not sure what effect (if any) it would have had in a battle.
  14. Fortunately have only run into 1(2?) in F8, who questioned why my character wasn't doing the damage they though they should do. Their wording+tone suggested they might be the same person, but char names were different. The second was especially fun as the reason I didn't do high damage is that I was on my back alot after getting aggro due to high damage. They made some comment about me learning my class, but they were a tank class. Said that my DPS would have been just fine if they'd known their tank class (had people 3-4 HM levels below them do significantly better). They just dropped off the server after that. No idea why.
  15. Why is it more infuriating than any other order? Why isn't the 3rd spec released at the same time for all classes? I've never seen a game publisher give special privileges to 2-3 groups out of a dozen, months before other groups. Rationally, do them all at the same time, throw them up on a test server, separate from the main server. Put a copy of everyone's character on the test server or use the same DB for both servers, but set the DB access on the test server for 'copy/update on write'. If you want to see early access and want to help NCSoft test, then play on the test server, but note -- any changes made on the test server won't be propagated back to the main server. The only benefit to players would be ability to see and learn new system (which may change if something is broken). Have a fantasy "vendor" who can give you any type of currency and/or any level of item to your test character at no cost (*free*). The character and any items on the test server will disappear at the end of the test period. Once issues are worked out, release new binary to regular server and disable the test server. Once verified, archive or destroy test server & test world. There could be usefulness in rewarding an account-bound title associated with being a tester for the 3rd-spec release. The test word would: increase engagement of players perhaps, attract new players. Note, I'd only support character creation on the released/normal server. This would have the side effect of ensuring new players are registered and have a character created on the normal server, removing either of those being a "dissuader" of trying the new game after the test period. If there is a need to test character creation, accounts would still be created/registered, first, in the 'current' game. increase testing coverage beyond what is currently done. Allow for simultaneous release of all classes If "to-be-released" game info is to be dissuaded, then: Ask testers not to leak, post or publish data about the new version, while, at the same time, realizing that such bans are all but guaranteed to not stop people talking about it. In that light, I'd only take actions against those posting pre-release info. Even then, only action would be disabling their test account and disabling getting any accomplishment associated this event. To make consequences "scale", I'd toss a ban on future participation for a time period of 6-months × Number_of_violations. One would hope people wouldn't get more than 1 violation. It's not perfect, no system is, but it's also meant to be low-maintenance/cost to implement/achieve. Anyway, have said too much, so....end it here, except to add, sadly, that the current ordering may simply reflect its internal classID number based on the age of the class and the order in which the classes were released. ?
  16. Except that in other areas the win rates are displayed. That makes your chances of winning something far more clear, as well as showing how the chances of winning something can change dynamically.
  17. The above is baloney on wins. The more you win, the more your odds go down. This is speaking from doing way more boxes and watching odds go down the more I did. But in the 1st box on each of my two mains, had 2 3*crits in each. Next 3*crits were around box 7-8, 1 each, and 1 more in 1 of the chars after that. Three more boxes after that and only getting 2-3 2* crits and I quit. BTW, I wasn't just trying to get goods, I was also trying to verify whether or not odds went down as event went down, but am convinced the odds are based on your own earlier wins, which is sadistic in the worst way. And, BTW, though multiple outfits (could have had about 2-3 copies of each outfit, at least) not one set of sapphire wings. The odds of it not appearing in as many runs as I did were less than 1%, or if you look at the 6 items/run as 6 separate chances (which they aren't , as is fairly obvious), but if they were, the odds of it not appearing are less than 0.05% (about 1/2000 chance of it not appearing). So early runs don't come close in predicting future runs. Last trove only did about 4-5 boxes total and thought it wasn't a bad payoff, but that's because I didn't go farther, but this time wanted to see if trove drop off was time or past-record based.
  18. If you are reading while a group starts, or being attacked then that's being lazy too eh? Can't believe how people complain about improvements they don't have to use. It wouldn't be clutter if it is on its own screen. You can't go back to launcher in middle of a raid or many other areas w/o losing your place, and not everyone goes through same launcher. But sure, if they add saving your place in middle of a dungeon or raid, and return you to same place, and pause everyone else while you are looking...oh wait, this is multi-user, guess it might be hard to pause them...
  19. ^^^ That's what I am saying, he throws you out of the center ring w/him into the 'weeds' and your DPS tally goes to 0, so no box. Not to mention had a real moron lead (there seem to be a few) who though that my DPS was my after zeroed tally -- was the same guy who told me I needed to learn my class (fire-FM) and how to burst. I'm pretty sure fire-FM's don't have a burst. I have FM+GS and my FM will out-damage on GS on a long fight, but on a shorter one, will come up way low. Getting thrown out of longui's circle (the big one under the tree), and having your DPS zeroed doesn't help any. He's 1 example of someone who found out I had GC equip, after-the-fact and what used to be a max-soul and kicked me cuz he claimed I wasn't doing enough DPS (even though I res'd him and someone else in bosses 5+6 and frost-sheathed my group about 3 times in those 2 rounds). T Not no more...that's the bug/change/feature. It used to be the way you said, but hasn't been in MSP last 2 weekends or so.
  20. what ff icon? You see a ff icon in the game? Hate to break it to you but a ff-icon isn't in BnS. If you see one, you are already out of the game, proving the point. Now where did you read anything about it "kills the mood to play games"? It breaks immersion (what little there is in this mmo), and therefore does break the mood/mentality of being in the game and not just playing a game. But if you already have a FF icon in your game, you likely don't get that effect. So what's your problem with having the game notes available in the game -- a ff icon out of the game isn't part of the game. Why would you care? Oh, I get it, you're a Grimoir shill!
  21. Seems if you are in party, but don't get registered as doing damage to boss, you don't get the final treasure. So...also seems to be your damage gets reset if longui tosses you out of the circle...which means if you get thrown out of circle right before he dies, you get zip, also if you get dropped and make it back in before boss is killed, but not soon enough to get damage on longui, you get zip -- nice result for stage 6. Can this be fixed? People can't claim its to keep people from being afk, but leader can kick people, so that's not a good reason. Thanks.
  22. The HM levels changed. Calling someone who was HM13 an HM18-20 is new. Same for HM18's that became HM-mid 20's. The materials (Exp points) you put in for a given HM-level are immaterial, they could just as easily have justified keeping the name the same because the elevated HM levels were new per/char -- and it really is the case that just like adding various bits of steel & crystals, you get an item entitled [gun,ring,ear..etc]-mat-class[raven,aransu,celestial...]-level 1-9+awakened-state] that are the level of the item or accessory. Similarly instead of HM1-30, they could have had HM1-5=tourist-1-5,HM6-10=adventurer 1-5, etc. They just didn't name the different levels with different expclasses. I'm NOT saying I would have like a re-rating based solely on HM-levels, BUT neither do I like re-rating your applied costs by title either.
  23. Could you add a window -- maybe even a page in dragon express, where you can scroll through the patch notes? Having to bring up a browser outside of the game and find the notes is a bit of a pain, not to mention it completely breaks any kind of in-game mood/mentality (like immersion). I'll read patchnotes when they come out, but I don't even remember all the major sections, let alone details from the descriptions under each. Tnx.
  24. Was wondering if the extra treasure over the weekend was still active or if that went away with new patch? Didn't see a mention of it in the holy patch notes.... Tnx!
  25. They could have done the same with experience and HM levels. No one forced you to get all that EXP to get to any level, they could have just left people at the same HM level which used to be considered 'higher' than how the same number is considered after the rescale. While you are stating a logical point of view -- an equally logical point of view can be stated to support the opposite. What it comes down to is a choice of supporting players who worked harder to get higher with a scaled replacement or not. Note -- I didn't say they should sub in a maxed out soul -- just one that better reflects the amount of materials put in -- i.e. not even 100%, but say maxsoul = level5-nxtgen, then even boosting maxsoul (or maxsoul-1 or -10) to level2.5-nxtgen would help those who worked to build up their char to feel better, rather than feel like their efforts are 100% wasted by being thrown away. With max value at +65 AP, it wasn't a major factor in AP scores ranging at 1500-over 2000. I don't see the enjoyment factor of having a maxed out soul -- didn't get you anything -- it could help offset deficits in other areas, but that's about it. I've had a fair share of posterior orifices complain about my DPS because I had a GC weap of any level, that and having a high AP caused by soul (et al.) had one idiot kick me from party for not knowing how to burst on an FM like a gunner does. Was news to me that FM's were supposed to have a burst. How does that work? The new HM levels are NEW, no one should have been boosted, by that logic. There is no supposed to, only what is. I've said this before about myself -- it's not about the name of the specific equipment, but how well you do in battle. Doesn't matter that it's a new name or old. Like the guy above, having the new equipment was a reason to kick you (he only had A9). So it's a 2-edged sword, or like with the soul -- some have said that the scaled benefits of new souls fall into the same range as old souls, AND MANY claim that GC3-5 will give you a damage loss compared to A9, so better to save for gc6 and upgrade all at once. That wasn't my experience, but I've seen that before in accessories -- where the newname at lower levels does less damage than the oldname at top level. That's related to people asking what AP +equip to have for the ancient-solo dungeons at the monastery. I still haven't made it past dogboy last I tried. AP+equip names are irrelevant. Same with contest for bloodlust outfit. If you can't enter, then AP+equip are irrelevant. You are presuming there was some fun associated with that. Sorry, doesn't apply. However, I did mention coupons or such allowing me to get the BloodLust ensemble. Now that might be a momentary compensation that was fun.
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