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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. I think some offered you that already but its better to have 1 or 2 exp players you can ask anything in my oppinion. So if you want i am answering all your questions just like the others i have in my discord list: EinFeuchterTraum#8747. I prefer to answer via text but usually i answer pretty quick. (everyone without exp is invited to add me aswell) Active Discord servers are usually guild servers and to enter there you mostly need to be part of their guild and since no good guild accepts low levels (you cann not play together thats why) i cannot recommend you to join one yet.
  2. why do you decide to play from thoose country in EU or NA ? Ping will be worse than your own region and if you decide to create an account on EU/NA if you are for example on RU you probably played it before and its common knowledge that you might get banned.
  3. What if the parents are not into games ? they see its a football/Soccer game so it must be ok for the kid to play and since it is rated for everyone there cant be anything dangerous in it. Now you probably say "but they can inform themselve" why should they ? this whole rating system is created for thoose poeple so they know what their kids can play. I dont mind about the addicted anymore but atleast give us some age restrictions so kids cannot buy such games and if its free to play like BNS some age verification. China found a way for that problem kids are not allowed to buy thoose boxes for more than 20€ and adults for 55€ even tho i think it should be 0€ for kids its good that they atleast think about it.
  4. If you have that kind of ping something is either wrong with ur system or you try to connect from NA to EU or EU to NA. I am from EU and if i play on NA my ping is 300 aswell so i wonder how you reach 500 even if i connect to KR i have better ping.
  5. Games like Fifa which force you to buy such packs are rated for 3 year olds while there is no age verification etc. thoose kids are even allowed to buy thoose games without consent of their parents and if they are old enough they will have no right to give the product back to the store aswell. Its not about the credit card only, its also about the way thoose boxes are sold. This kind of gambling is allowed for kids and since a kid is allowed to do whatever they want with their alowance they ofcourse can buy loot boxes which increases the chance of being addicted in the future. And again i have to say this whole debate is not about BNS politics will never look at one game only and they will not give BNS the "ok" just because it is not fifa.
  6. Finally someone who understands me. I am sure @Grimoir is actully an employee from NC-Soft in disguise. I mean how often does he defend them ?
  7. I am trying to explain to you kids are kids and there is no way no matter what circumstance of 100% knowing they will always know how to use money. I am making harder and harder examples since i dont think you understand what my point is. It depends on the cost of course if they say like 20€ a month this game will die very very fast but if its just the regular Premium i mean most players buy it anyway. Most people i know who left always explain it like this: The lack of interest doing stuff the community wants plus pay to win aspects of the game are destroying the game for them. Without thoose boxes the biggest income of NC would vanish and what does this mean ? to get the same or atleast nearly as much money they have to get another ways to earn money. Either by better content or actully listening to the community so we have more player paying for premium. More outfits etc. etc. etc. Also they could just let us buy the stuff we want which would not be a loot box and not forbidden then but even more pay to win thou but if you can buy it instantly it will cost less in total and this means it is less pay to win on the other hand. Most of this stuff wouldnt even be needed if NC would listen to the community.
  8. Well i knew several families where the kid is the smarter one in the family since the parent is metally challenged and since the kid dosent have alot of life exp he might make a mistake thinking stuff which is actully not correct and acidently buy stuff ingame. But well its parent fault then you say. I dont think BSN would be dead in an instant with buy to play they just have to relaunch it with such a model most people buy Premium anyway. The biggest problem PVE dies out is the loot boxes since people dont feel like they belong in this game anymore if they cant buy enough boxes. The second biggest would be NC not listening which they probably dont do cause the money is fine aslong as Loot Boxes are allowed. I even assume we would have even more players than we currently have. NC would have to actully think about how to please their customers that way instead of "who cares about the players as long as the RNG Boxes give enough money !"
  9. Bare minimum is atleast 1. So its ok if one familiy end up in jail or you destroy the whole life of a child cause of loot boxes ? Well the government is not looking at BNS alone they probably dont even know it exists so i am mostly talking about different games.
  10. Why ? the only difference is that gem powders can be bought via F5. If you look at the farming possibilities gem powders are even worse since there is none expect for BT and have no idea if the other raids can give it too but i play since 2016 and ive seen one gem powder from there. Its completly the same if you want to get the stuff in a reasonable time even if you are looking at it in a long way its either you buy it or you wont be able to get it. For Koldrak scales its 600 days farming or F10. Thats longer than your SS will be usefull and for Gem powder its nearly 9 years to get quad or probably more. This game dosent exist for that long.
  11. Sorry but for once i have to say yes thats possible i have them too but i agree with everyone its way to expensive yesterday i transmuted my last one the citrine and i had 7K Gold now i have nothing left all that for 8 AP. So you agree about gem powders but not about: Koldrak scale ? where is the difference ? thoose are booth long term upgrades like you always say.
  12. Its not as easy as that. Kids are humans themselve they can do stuff you are not controlling even if you are the best parent in the whole world but you say its ok to give them a gambling mechanics so they may like it in the future aswell ? Even worse if the kid for some reason gets to addicted which is really easy for kids they can accidently spent ten thousands of € or $ which happened in the past multiple times. Thankfully the devs/publishers usually remove the charge if that happens but what if they dont ? The Governments of thoose countries are not discussing about Blade and soul and i do not either. While i hate the Lootboxes in BNS and want them removed they are not as bad as Fifa for example but since they either forbid it for everyone or no one i cannot talk about BNS only. Still its not like a gambling addict or cares about if its Fifa, BNS or whatever.
  13. Yes currently Warlock is the worst class in 1v1, 3v3, and if you play ice warlock PVE aswell Shadow Warlock on the otherhand is probably mid tier in DPS they can do way more than 7 Million. So if you play Ice you should switch to shadow thats way stronger in PVE.
  14. 1. Not exactly there are plenty of games which are rated for 3 year olds and got loot boxes just look af Fifa for example. What if the kid takes your credit card information while you sleep ? What if they get the data without your consent ? and most importatantly even if you manage to control your kid they still have their allowance where parents are not allowed to decide what they buy with it. So they learn early what a nice feeling it can be to gamble which increases the chance of being addicted when they are adults. 2. Why does this whole gamble thing exist ? The whole reason for this is cause people cant control themselfe otherwise we could just buy the stuff we want instantly. The big "whoop" is that RNG boxes are the reason more and more games get stuff locked behind them and people want the full game if they pay for it in the first place !
  15. Grimoir you are one of the few that i dont want to flame for what he writes cause you are one of the few who is writing positive stuff about PVP but if its PVE related you usually just write big bs. There are several Adults who can be easily addicted which will result in thousands of €€€ or $$$ they spent but what if they dont have that money ? Not everyone is a healthy human being like you there are illnesses which result in something like that and i didnt even include the children yet ! Sure if they are to young you can just remove every kind of micro transaction they did but 1. its a pain in the ass to get to this point and 2nd. depending on the country you are in you may even have to pay for this since there is a rule in online stuff where they are allowed to assume you actully accepted their terms since you cannot prove that you didnt. What does a family do if they have like 50k debt and cant pay it ? either go into jail (the mother or father i guess) or they live very poorly with "insolvenz" insolvency if this is actully the correct english term and if it exists in english countrys. Children usually cant control it since they either dont know what they are doing or believe it or not some are simply stupid they think a credit card is unlimitted and dosent have to be payed back. This all is not considering the fact that thoose Boxes simply destroy the fun in games cause mostly thoose boxes contain stuff players want or even need to progress (not talking about BNS only) and alot nearly every dev locks this stuff behind thoose RNG Boxes and either gives a very very lil chance to get the stuff without thoose boxes or removes the ability to get it completly. If you cannot earn enough money with Premium membership, costumes and maybe some quality of life stuff than you failed as a company ! Talking about BNS now if you need to earn money ask the community what they want how is LOL able to live ? how is Dota 2 able to live ? how is CS go able to live ? even if they have RNG Boxes thoose do not contain any game changing stuff you cannot get without thoose boxes !
  16. Imagine you already got 3 tria legendary gems how long does it take to farm 128 gem powders to upgrade to quad gem ? With Solar energy we need 800 days (4 per day) or 640 days (5 per day) not sure if we get 4 or 5 per day right now thats why i calculate with 5 now. we need 5 gems to be quad which increases the demand so we need: 3200 Days to get all gems at quad if you magically got everythign tri somehow and this is not even the max tier currently i mean the game is not even out for that time ! Of course this is not the only item with such a low avaibility. Koldrak Scale for example another one of the most recent.
  17. I have to say its not players fault thou there where always enough players but the constant trash patches of NC destroyed it. They could bring back alot of players with listening to the last maybe 2 or 3 players who are willing to speak to them about what needs to be done but well we all know they dont care about PVP otherwise we wouldnt be in that situation in the first place. They could ask: Nagisa Yuki (Rank 1 Gunner), Grimoir (he/she seems a bit interested and was doing pvp back then i believe dont know about his skill level thou), SkyFi/Lugurius (Rank 1 FM and Des) or me who is obvisious interested in PVP (would count me in top 5 if we remove all the alts from ranking) but dosent play it much anymore since its just not fun in this state of the game.
  18. First of SF is not about burst dmg its about DPS. Even tho your enemy might do like 13 million Burst and you do like 6 Million their dmg will lower soon and yours will be more stable. If you are referring to Burst dmg aswell. I play Ice so i will not be able to help you much on Earth but if you cannot manage 1 Million with this gear you do something wrong. Have you looked at your skill build ? You sure you play the right build ? A long time i used a wrong build on my Ice SF aswell which lost me houndreds of thousand of DPS maybe its the same for you.
  19. 1v1/3v3: Blade master: Aerial third spec and untargatable for other specs. Destroyer: Shield which cannot be destroyed and heals him. Emberstomb. Summoner: grab through block Force Master: Wallbang, Freeze without pressing a button. Kung Fu Master: Maybe his 8 sec godmode skill which replaces bb ? i dont know think he is pretty balanced. Assasin: Resist etc. without using any kind of skill cause his base stats are sometimes like 90% evade i think its their charge. Blade dancer: The skills which does like 67K if crits, Warlock: Sorry this class is just trash no threat to anyone. Soul fighter: Ressetting his skills after everytime he uses focus chi only 15 seconds thou but still. Gunner: maybe a bit less dmg but this class is fine in my oppinion i even think it should get the 5% heal back from its shield. Warden: Cooldown of Blade ward is way to low and pierce through stuns dont work on him if he blocks even if he is not using blade ward. Zen Archer: To much iframe. Once i saw an archer which was really 98% of the time in iframe while doing insane ammount of dmg. Can shoot through range protection why ? gunner got nerved cause he could do that back then why did they give archer this knowing that was the reason gunner was so op back then ? 6v6: Since i dont see them changing something in the system itselfe and remove the gear i want aerial dmg to be decreased by alot so you dont die by getting into one aerial which is usually not tabbable ! Blade Master third spec: Can move dosent have any kind of animation which shows he is using his shield currently atleast give him some kind of animation ! Destroyer: Shield which cannot be broken can be used infinite times dosent have any cd since it resets for every hit you attack on it ! Summoner: is ok if they decrease the aerial dmg. Force Master: Freeze without attacking u, 24/7 ice up so he cannot die, aoe skill which does nearly one shot, Frost tornado which cannot be countered and destroys nearly every kind of defence in this game. Kung fu master: His Pull on his tremor is sometimes like 30 Meter thats probably desync but that needs to be fixed. Assasin: Stealth needs to be more visable or else you cannot fight back. Blade dancer: would be fixed if aerial dmg gets decreased aswell. Warlock: Shadow got aoe skill which does way to much dmg ! Soul fighter: maybe the same as in 1v1 with skill reset ? Gunner: would be fixed if aerial does less dmg. Warden: same as 1v1 and 3v3 to much blade ward pls make knockback work. Zen Archer: to much iframe. This game is unbalanced af and since nothing happened since August 2018 there is no way NC will ever fix any of theese issue !
  20. sadly they wont do such a thing. I complain about this BS since they announced it. They wanted to increase the ammount of games played but everyone who is actully playing the game knew beforehand. Have you watched their livestreams ? This guy is HM 16 and says he plays this game ! HM 16 ! thats litterly a new player who never touched this game and just started playing this game ! Before they restricted us it was possible to have fun but nowdays its only rank 1 players in que since they are not able to get all their chars up to gold in a reasonable time they are there in silver till the season ends and guess what this brings ? Frustration for everyone who is no able to play in worlds. You either play as good as someone who would take part in worlds or you have no chance thats why litterly no one plays 3v3 anymore its not rewarding !
  21. still way way way way way less than PVP Players need to do and you want to cut their only sources of income ?
  22. you farm the zen bean 4.5K wow look at PVP they need to run 100 times several dungeons. You compare 30 Minutes of work against like 300 Hours of work.
  23. No one forces PVE Players to do PVP there is nothing you cannot farm in PVE but there is plenty you cant farm in PVP and there are no other options than to PVE.
  24. This would reduce the population of 1v1 from like 10 Players to maybe 2. The whole reason people decided to quit PVP is cause 1. NC is not looking into PVP Balancing they only care about PVE Content 2. they cut our possible play time without reason 3. they allow cheating programs and edits.
  25. Welche Schlüssel ? Die Schlüssel für das Casher event gibt es nur über die Tägliche Login Zeit Belohnung 2 pro Tag und die anderen gibt es nur 2 am Tag für den jeweiligen Dungeon. Man kann die nicht farmen.
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