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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. You are using up one spot which could have been used for a buyer who buys weapon mat or whatever so of course the price increases that way. Just look at your class and save up a bit more and maybe buy the other stuff aswell.
  2. I am sure everyone here knows damn well you guys cant do something about this expect for the higher ups maybe. What the community is so outraged about are all the bugs, performance, balance issues etc. are so damn obvisous and well talked about but there are to this day no improvements and you keep telling us you`ve sent it to the dev team. The Support will not be able to fix like 99% of issue and alot of times it depends hardly on how much you cashed ingame. (thats a point why i blame you guys but the source issue with the game is in KR). Now there is no way to prove that you actully do your job and sent the stuff over or not, i just assume you actully do your work and sent it to the dev team. In this Situation there are 2 Options which may have happened. 1. Youve got the wrong contact adresses or emails. 2. The Dev team dosent care as long as they get money from EU/NA which results in more and more Pay to win stuff so you can reach the goal they set up for you. Since 1 would mean you are incompetent to an extend where you should be fired right now i assume its 2 cause everything ive seen ingame for the last 2 years tells me you loose players = more Pay to win ingame. So what could you do to fix the issue ? I am sorry but there is only one way, threaten the dev team to shut down the servers here in EU/NA if they dont start working but this will probably result in a dev team which accepts you shutting down the server and the game is gone but atleast this approach would give us a chance of a working dev team. This would mean a big risk of losing a big income (BNS is the biggest income if i am not wrong for NC) and from a Buisness viewpoint this is not a smart decision and you will not do this even tho its the only option. Thats why i recommend everyone who is no longer happy with BNS to quit instead of hoping something will change since nothing will change aslong as we dont get a new dev team!
  3. It dosent matter what they had in it. It matters what the % of their 2 star and 3 star crits are this should be the same for us aswell. There is no other way to know any % and since NC is only driven by $$$ theese days there is no way they will give us the % cause people might do less trove then. What we would need are restrictions by law and i dont talk about any kind of prohibitation it would be enough to force the devs to show actual % and rate the game R for Mature or 18 depending on where you live but till the law finally caught up with the gaming scene it our best bet to look at the other versions of BNS. I mean most stuff we know about the other regions come nearly 1:1 to our server all the time.
  4. Press "J" and search for any purple quest. After you finished the next purple quest press "J" again and finish the next. Keep doing this till you have no purple quests left.
  5. I believe in china they are forced to write down the %. Since it gets programmed in Korea for us and i am sure for CH aswell we should have the same %.
  6. You seem to misunderstand. Most people who say its not worth playing anymore are in the endgame. Early game is still fun you can upgrade fast and your dmg increases fast but in the end the difference between casher and F2P is way to big. The most "grumpy" (never heared that word but i use it now) are thoose who`ve seen PVP and some even liked PVP but what NC did to PVP makes people like me salty. This dosent change the fact that if you play with a guild or atleast one exp friend the early game is very good.
  7. If you want to have no problems finding ground you need atleast 1.7K. If you want to run everything with premates id say 1.4K. With less than 1.6K you will not be accepted in most groups just LFP (expect for Dreamsong Theater cause this needs dmg or mech).
  8. I am sure if you write the support with proof that you actully live in EU now they will transfer it. Assuming you are a casher cause if not they will definetly decline.
  9. They changed nearly nothing so the idea may be good but they didnt change anything for most specs its still way to much dmg. Just for example BM (strongest class ingame) can do up to 15K with one i believe the skill is called flash step and he can use it like 4 times in a row. For PVE they will not even try such a thing i think cause its well known why this DPS Gap exists otherwise they would sell way sell sealing charms and since NC is a company only driven by $$$ nowdays they will not accept an update which would result in less $$$ which is probably not even NC Wests fault cause i am sure there are goals they have to reach.
  10. That may be true and i totally agree but he wants compensation thats something we need to stop. People gamble and expect something not understanding what gambling is to the full extend. You may get the items you want but you probably wont. Alot of casher complain about this in a support ticket and guess what the support does ? They give them up to 42K HM coins for free as compensation. I dont mind them giving out free HM coins but if so they should give it to everyone who complains instead of making big RNG from it where your chances increase by the $$$ you payed ingame.
  11. Thats not the issue here. I am well aware SF is one of the stronger classes in the current game it still cant be compared to third spec bm thou. I dont need much improvement anymore aswell i mean alot of times i beat you and some other rank 1 players too so i would count me in the higher percent of the PVP Skill groups its simply no fun if you either get stalled till time runs out (WL/Destroyer/Warden) or get one shot by untabable aerials (BM/BD but very very rare just like sum). Looking back at a time before awakening there was no class you couldnt outplay and there where no 100 to 0 untabable expect for summoner but this one was 10% rng. You actully needed to fight instead of 24/7 iframe cause one randoom stun could hit you and throw you into air which will do 100% of your health. The only class which could have done this was Warlock but with Soul burn and it was really easy to outplay it since WL had only 2 actual stuns and if one misses he cant aerial you anymore very well. I play multiple classes too so i am not talking about the sight of SF alone i also play KFM, Gunner, Warlock, Blade dancer, Assasin, Force Master.
  12. This Box is not supposed to be for Warden. It works like its meant to be cause it is supposed to be a starting box for Destroyer players but since you dont play destroyer of course you cant use most of the items.
  13. Für sowas nutzt man BNS Buddy. Ist zwar verboten aber NC macht eh nichts. Du kannst eig. die meisten Regeln brechen ist denen Egal.
  14. Go into the lottery and demand that you win the jackpot. Its gamble if you want to pay to win its your decision but NC should not give you any kind of compensation for your own decision if thats what you where looking for. There are plenty of Casher who get between 8K and 42K HM coins from Support cause they complain. Some i talked to actully got great results in their trove but they wanted to know if they can get thoose HM coins for free and they got it. But when i cash or someone else who is not cashing 24/7 we dont get ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤.
  15. Then teach me how. I press X which is pierce through Knockdown it just says resist same for my 4 which is Knockback AOE or my 2 which is a simple stun. I dont know a single skill to destroy the shield and no one who told me its possible could show me to this day how. Sure it might be possible somehow in 6v6 with extrem pay to win stats and Archer or Gunner i guess but to this day no one was able to succesfully show me a counter to Destroyer shield. I am serious at that it would be great if you can tell me so i can finally break Des Shield unfourtunetly in que are only Blade masters mostly third spec and this is no fun so i dont play much PVP nowdays.
  16. I doubt they will care at all but i mean this will be another way to milk players so its still possible. Please make Soul shields, Badges etc. sealeable i want to switch my class but i will not aslong as i have to farm my unity stones etc. again this is the most pay to win ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ in the game ! there is no way i can get the same stones in a reasonable ammount of time with another char ! Anyway i am more than happy with playing Pokemon currently and i plan to pause my PVE till i can switch my class without refarming unity stones etc. P.S. I got warned for bumping this wow. Yes this may be against your rules but the following is against ur rules aswell: 1. Russians playing in EU Server 2. BNS Buddy and any other third party Programm 3. Editing Gamefiles 4. Macros in PVP And there are plenty more but apperantly thoose things are ok to them.
  17. Ingame kann man die Auflösung nicht ändern. Die einzige Möglichkeit ist es dein Betriebssystem auf deine Gewünschte Auflösung zu stellen und danach das Spiel zu starten.
  18. He probably talks about 3v3 and there its mostly true if you reach 1500 you are between top 5 players and russinas only. 200 elo difference is more than possible but the system is created so you should be matched only in a difference of up to 150.
  19. "flen flen flen ich habe am Gewinnspiel teilgenommen und nicht gewonnen flen flen flen". Dann gibst du ebend kein Geld mehr aus ist auch besser für deine Gesundheit aber die Leute müssen endlich kappieren, dass Gewinnspiel ebend keine 100% chance ist sonst würde ich auch jede Woche Lotto spielen ! Ich finde es echt krass, dass der Support für Leute, die Troven teils 45K HM coins verschenkt, damit die Zufrieden sind da lese ich sowas gerne, wenn jemand, der Cashed einfach abgewiesen wird passiert zu selten !
  20. Of course a normal HDD like 100 MB/s wont be much of a problem but imagine you are also using this HDD for your Operating System and other programms at the same time. Another reason could be SATA I. There are still alot of people with Athlon II or whatever the cheap Quad cores are from AMD and in thoose PCs you mostly find Sata II or even Sata I and this is slow af.
  21. Like Cyan wrote himselfe "its just further feedback" i am sure this means not even he himselfe thinks the devs are trying to please us. What has BNS become if not even their own employees have trust in their devs ? but before i write down tons of anti nc stuff i just write "i dont think they are gonna change something soon since there is no such a backlash like the last weapon cost increase update. A significant ammount of people need to leave or atleast stop their premium membership for NC to do something.
  22. Its understandable why people load fast if they have a bad PC but there is no person i could think if who cant afford a SSD nowdays. Even the person with the biggest deb in history can buy a SSD if he can afford a PC at all. Most people complain "ah you guys are to fast i am still loading" but if you ask them to buy a SSD to change something they say "nah i dont need this" there are very few people who want a SSD for BNS if they are using a HDD right now but its needed unfourtunetly.
  23. Not not really just attack the boss. There are insta death zones in boss 1, 4 but as long as you evade boss 4 knockbacks there is litterly no way you can die in this Raid.
  24. Just attack the bosses. There is still mech but you have to consider you needed 150K back then to do VT without problems now alot of players do 3 Million or even more. A total party back then needed around: 12*150K = 1.8 Million. Usually a raid of 12 Players kills the boses before you even encounter mechs.
  25. Still sticking with a summoner rework: Why is this class called summoner ? It summons bees and if the cat is dead he revives (resummons) his cat thats all. Revelations Online actully did something with the summoner class so the name was correct.
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