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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. Well you are right knowing NCsoft even if we had pvp soul etc. it would be just another thing they would make pay to win by selling PVP Oils in F10 for example so that was a bad idea of mine. One guy had the idea to put in a HMcoin selling NPC into the game i think thats a pretty good idea thou cause nothing in F10 would be exclusive to paying people that way it wouldnt be pay to win it would be actually pay to progress and i doubt their income would sink from that. If you are looking exculisvely at PVE thats right and i agree you dont need max gear for that. But PVP is still an advantage having max stuff so it should be accesable by everyone or changed so you cannot use something like this but PVP sould would be wrong i have to agree here with Cor. Thats why its Pay to win unlike many say.
  2. Stop it already. Even if i agree with "you dont have to buy it" if we are talking about PVE but there is 6v6 aswell and nowdays they sell gear which gives you advantages in PVP. How are you gonna get max pet gems ? how are you gonna get max soul ......... If i compare my dmg to some whale in 6v6 i need to combo him or get him into my 100/0 aerial to maybe kill him while the enemy just presses right click once and does 500K. I am 100% sure most of thoose whales didnt get their stuff by farming. It would be another story if NC would finally create PVP Soul etc. and make PVE stuff completly unusable in 6v6 thou but knowing NCsoft this will not happen plus looking at F10 and their recently released income of 2019 i doubt this game is gonna survive 2020. Publishers always go full Pay to win just before they discontinue their product.
  3. PVP is already nerfed to death stop trying to make even more players quit ! PVP Players dont wanna run dungeons all day! I agree here i mean you pay for it with real money it should be worth something but i would go so far that i want them to give us like atleast 400Hmcoins per day cause of their Pay to win stuff you have to buy. Premium should be enough to play the game not thousands of € you have to spend. We had this topic already i understand you dont like PVP but look at the playerbase and now think about it why do we have such a low playerbase ? It simply cause litterly every patch is made for PVE which destroys PVP. Sure i know there are also patches to PVE which suck but to this day there was nothing that destoyed PVE to such an extend that you couldnt play it anymore.
  4. Sell it for bronze ? throw it away ? Keep it so it can waste your inventory ? This is old stuff you cannot use anymore since it got changed to different stuff which is way faster to obtain.
  5. I dont play alot but i have no problem with top 5 players depending on their class of course. So i think i can tell when something is sketchy. Since you dont wanna prove your statement its like you just said "i cant proof it but since i cant win they have to cheat !". Sorry i dont wanna insult you but it sound like you just play bad and think everyone else is cheating. Just play a bit PVP and record it. You dont even have to edit the vid (expect for the name cause thats shaming and blaming on forums and is banable) just record it, upload it and write down where you think he or she is cheating its that simple.
  6. OK thx i was thinking Wingrise might be a bad choice cause of Wind Gyre not resetting upon Blue Buff but im going to get Wingrise then.
  7. This is my KFM currently. Gonna upgrade to GC 9 if i get the weapon mat soon but thats it i think. https://bnstree.com/character/eu/Kizutsukeru But if you say Wingrise is way better thats an upgrade i dont mind since its not expensive.
  8. Theese items are for all classes expect for the Mystic and Soul Badge he dosent need to upgrade them to stage 10 just use them for the Warlock.
  9. I am for this aswell even tho i dont think the gold sell market will be destroyed by this. There are still enough items you cannot buy with HM coins so people will still ask for Premium etc. to buy off others. Only scenario i can think of would be: 1. F9 increases in price. 2. Pay to win decreases since you actully have a way of getting the F10 stuff with farming. 3. Income decreases for Ncsoft cause the need for Ncoins decreases alot (Thats why this is not happening) Some people already said they think it will benefit NC but thats not gonna happen, currently people are forced to buy Ncoin cause HMcoin are nearly unobtainable thats probably their biggest income. If you now remove that need to buy Ncoin and instead let them choose to just farm gold and sell it so they can buy the stuff aswell there simply will be less Ncoin. There is no way this would benefit NCsoft it could only better the situation of the game and since Pay to win would be no more we would probably get some players back aswell but its NCsoft they dont care about players they care about the money we all know that. (I wonder if i get banned for this)
  10. Like most stuff you need in this game sorry there is no efficient way to farm them. You could spam SST.
  11. May i ask which one ? i decided to play it as main for some time so it would be cool seeing a free DPS increase.
  12. You are right cause of the new Badge range stance is not needed anymore if you combine it with non raid weapon cause you will not have any cooldown on your burst. If this is to boring for you tho you can play with ranged stance but you have to much cooldown reduction then this is why Raid weapon is better if you decide to play this way. Personally i prefer non raid weapon cause you dont have to raid for it but its your own decision of course. My DPS increase was nearly 1 Million DPS from not playing ranged anymore.
  13. Mal abgesehen davon, dass der 9700k 8 Kerne hat habe ich den selben PC nur 32GB ram und eine RTX 2070. Welche Magie betreibst du, dass du so gute FPS hast ? bei mir ist das eine Slideshow in Raids und in 6v6. Das ist auch der Hauptgrund, warum ich nicht mehr Aktiv spiele.
  14. This questions is stupid sorry but even if its a free to play game this dosent mean it needs to be pay to win to sustain itselfe. Looking at how much they work their cost cant be that much i think Premium may already be enough for them to nearly sustain themselve and now imagine if they would care about their players. 1. we would have alot more players. 2. we would have alot of people paying for Premium and we would have alot more players that may buy Outfits for example. I doubt their income would be muss less than right now but the playerbase would be far more if they would actully listen to the community. Of course no one expects them to work for free we just want them to work to keep the game alive not to destroy it and pay to win means quitting players which means less potential customers and this results in a smaller playerbase which results again in less players wanting to play this game and this means less potential customers. I dont know how you think but more potential Customers > Less Customers that pay alot cause if you cannot give a big playerbase to your customers even the biggest whale will eventually stop playing. Is freaking risky how their buisness is only relying on Whales. What happens if they quit and trust me alot of them did already due to the performance issue. Instead of actively working against the demise of the ammount of players they decide "lets make it easy and put in more pay to win" lookin at the past we had way less pay to win but still NC had more income how do you explain this ? Looking at the balancing of their classes i dont think this is a secret anymore. Everytime a third spec or new class comes its op af and it stays like this. Awakening needs alot of changes already but then they gave us third specs and every single third spec is op af. I am not 100% sure about assasin yet thou it dosent feel that strong to me.
  15. Ranged stance is not used at all anymore since you dont play raid weapon here a vid of the combo:
  16. I would agree with that logic if we didnt just had a big ass Tresure thingie Event which most people used their HM coins for. Now you might say but you can get HM coins even without Season rewards which would be simply false cause gold is by far not worth 1:1 and you cannot sell lower. In addition to that thoose items they sell are either not obtainable at all via free to play or need years or atleast months to obtain. I dont think i am gonna come back unless UE4 amazes me cause of such practices. I want reasonable ways to farm stuff not gear gated behind real money !
  17. 1. Wrong section 2. There are some informations you should give 3. first look into the clan recruitment section of forum and read through it maybe there is a guild you`d like. About the informations you should give: 1. Nationality alot of guilds want you to speak the same language as them 2. When are you active and for how long ? 3. What are you looking for ? PVE ? Raids ? PVP ? 4. How much gear do you have ? 5. Which class do you play ? (This is answered already in this post of yours) I just recommend you to get into any guild for now they should atleast beat the third raid thou otherwise you cant expect much from such a guild. P.S i am not a guild leader or anything i just want to give you an advice.
  18. There is a reason they sell powders like crazy in F10 now and it was not a mistake. Everything is working just fine so there will be no reductions or adjustments since there is no issue here.
  19. Like i wrote multiple times in other threads already: add #8747EinFeuchterTraum in Discord for any kind of BNS related questions. Only thing i cannot explain is: fourth Raid mechs (ET), Hardmode Mechs of Hangar 0.
  20. Its not hard but for a new player kind of expensive. 1. You need to finish story 2. you need to do Tower of infninty daily 3. You need to save up for Divine Grace stones 4. You need to save up for the second badge you need to fuse with the pink one. Its the violette i believe. (get the pink and see what you can fuse it with there is only one option.) 5. Now you should be ready to fuse them booth together and you have Wingrise. But thats probably around 1K Gold atleast which can be a pain for completly new players. I recommend since no one will care about your DPS in early. Just play the game till you have somewhat okish gear so you can run third raid (Nightfall century). When youve reached this threshhold its gonna be fast getting wingrise since you will have ways to get Divine Grace stones for free.
  21. It never goes above a certain FPS Number or are you talking about raids etc. ? Raids is normal to have such FPS and for some in dungeons too but if you can only achive 30 there is a solution. You need to edit your registry of Windows cant remember the exact path thou. There is data you have to delete.
  22. Simple. Get the Wingrise Soulbadge and turn on Simple mode.
  23. @Miggy Miggs While we agree Warden is way more tanky and is pretty much unkillable if played right we are talking about KFM and KFM only right now so i didnt want to write down every single balance flaw this game has this would be way to much text to read i thought but since we need it for a discussion here i will write about other classes too. KFM is not the only class without one shot if played right of course there is no class that can oneshot you with without any other skills used or atleast i didnt experience something like this yet. Blade Master: dosent have a one shot thingy. He needs Z and then Lightning draw or he used third spec aerial but booth are more than 1 skill and booth can be countered. Destroyer: Nothing a destroyer did every one shotted me so no idea. Summoner: His 2 coulld be a one shot but its a skill shot and very hard to hit so he will need to combo you. Force Master: Dosent seem to have any one shot stuff. Kung fu Master: Like we agree no oneshot even tho its alot of dmg. Assasin: Aerial is still a combo which can be protected via freeze etc. Blade dancer: Needs to combo Warlock: Shadow Warlock can do a big aoe but it never one shotted me. Soul fighter: Donsent have one shot its still a combo aswell. Gunslinger: Aerial combo Warden: Yeah this charge is a oneshot but 1. its very hard to land it 2. if you dont use a second skill (Bladeward) you can be stuned and it wont be used. So it is a oneshot but i am not sure if we can call it one cause of blade ward. Zen Archer: Havent experienced anything i could one shot yet. In Short no class got a oneshot but skills which do so much dmg it nearly a one shot.
  24. Lets see it was announced around 2017 i believe thats 3 years developement time. Knowing most Devs announce stuff when they already finished something they should have had atleast a bit of UE4 finished back then. Now looking at thoose 3 years they only managed to develope lvl 45 content which is already a huge failure they also brought a buggy and not even finished beta. To me it looks like they are doing a very bad job in this time they should have finished the whole game already and where is the PS4 version ? Such a lvl 45 Version would be perfect for console but thats another story.
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