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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. Imagine getting every patch wrong patch notes and if you point that out you get ignored by devs, community manager and everyone else related to the patch notes. This can anger people thats totally normal. Looking at some of the patches they say KR is at fault they decided this while they could simply fix alot by themselve they simply say "KR is at fault". What stops them from giving premium members the last free Jewels ? What stops them from giving Players fish baits to counter trash events ? People are getting angry cause this Publisher has the power to make the game better even without the devs but the publisher dosent care. If you hope and hope and hope but nothing changes people get angry.
  2. So and how do you report a silver/bronze player ? you cannot see their names and if you can you are using xml which is against TOS aswell. You can run it solo. There is no point in argueing anyway i just think its better to be able to play anytime then forcing people who might only be able to start the game at times they cannot play to quit. Great so we agree here. Third spec etc. yeah its unbalanced af but the rewards are based on your class so everyone has the same chance to get the rewards it simply depends on the skill of the player if we remove the wintrader from ladder like we are discussing here. I dont think ive written alot about the xml cheaters thou thats cause i havent seen alot of them where xml actully gave them a win against me or any other high elo player. Mostly Wind Archer are using XML and Wind archer is so easy to outplay that it dosent matter. Here i dont say there shouldnt be a punishment but the problem is not as big as you guys let it sound. XML is cheating and should be punished but in high elo it matters less in my oppinion cause you still outplay the sameway. Like we already discussed without the HM coin the que would be dead most people play PVP nowdays for thoose. But even if they removed them i wouldnt want them in PVE ways which i assume are non competetive ways. PVE people already have such an advantage in everything while PVP gets patched to death. Now alot of PVE people will say "but we got ...... which is trash" ultimatly none of thoose patches force you to do stuff you dont want to do and none of theese patches make stuff impossible to do ! Thats what i am talking about. But i do agree there are bad patches for PVE too they are simply not as bad as the patches in PVP thou. Not a fault of PVP community like i already told you in another thread. We are demanding this since 2017 atleast maybe 2016 cause back then we had a certain FM with 20 chars who even sold Top 5/30 spots to other people. All you had to do was having FM with lvl 45.
  3. I just did PVP around the same time other people would have done PVE in a day. Probably 6 or 7 hours but keep in mind you need the keys to open the Boxes which are not farmable in PVP so you will have way less gold income if you dont PVE actively.
  4. I know that but still i am against it cause PVE Players will simply afk in arena if they want Soul stones. I am only taking top 10 as example cause most wintraders go to top 5. Unlike PVP, PVE is still playable at all times.
  5. Do you mean giving losing players more zen beans so they can farm better and may play more ? if so i think its a bad idea cause most PVE only players i know have a real bad attitute towards PVP. If some Event tells them to que 1v1 but dosent require to win they simply afk and let themselve be killed and if you give them Beans for that its not gonna be fun. I am not sure what this means since i have no idea what "amnesty" means and google translate didnt help either cause it said it means: Amnestie maybe some german dude can help me understand this i am not even sure what the german translation means or is it possible you used the wrong word for this ? Anyway i guess you say its a bad idea to simply remove them from the rewards/ladder list instead you want them to be removed completly. Since this conversation dosent get anywhere i simply say i doubt the high elo que is gonna profit from banning thoose players that put most of their time in PVP. In the first place we need some fundamental changes like only being able to have 1 char per class in ladder or the removal of third specs aslong as there are classes without one. I know it was KR devs idea but it was also devs idea to put in the daily challenge like they did and this prooves they already forgot what they did to PVP. I am a bit salty towards the time restriction cause 3v3 is and was my favourite thing in BNS but i cannot play it alot anymore and when i play it i have to tryhard real hard to get gold even tho i am one of the better PVP Players in EU. I would love to try and get plat on 3v3 but starting with 1580 the possibility of (pls dont ban me for this moderators) getting a team full of top 5 RU players is to high.
  6. Thats your personall feeling about the situation and i think banning would be a good punishment but we have the problem due to NCsoft great patches the playerbase of active PVP Players is pretty small. If you wanna ban all the wintraders the que will probably stop at 1700 very soon but if you simply remove the reason for them to wintrade at all the playerbase will stay the same or atleast untouched and since they have to play legit now we would have a way better que. Again i agree thoose people need to be banned but our current situation dosent allow this thx to awakening, third specs and the maginificent idea of NCsoft to give us PVP restrictions which is probably not even known in Korea that we got thoose restrictions if i look at our daily challenge. Tag team Daily on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday ? How am i gonna do this ?
  7. How about not giving them in the first place ? They have the statistics all they have to do it look at the top players up to Rank 10 id say of each class and look at their recent matches. They should have certain informations like: How much HP did each player lose, how long did this game take, who was his enemy ? and how big is his winning streak. Just some examples of course. I am sure there are even more informations NCsoft has or could have its simply they are pretty lazy. What do the community managers do the whole day ? why not let them spectate it a bit ? Its not like they are constantly working and doing community manager stuff cause if they did we would have much more answers of them. Not everyone is wintrading but there are certain players thats are highly suspicious cause you know they suck in PVP but somehow managed to get Plat.
  8. Like i wrote already. They dont have to ban ! Removing PVP Rewards of thoose players would do the trick too. Like they did in 2017 back then with some players. Or a timeout for PVP like they already have done in the past too. I do understand its not a smart option to ban what little players you have left even if they are cheating but you can still punish them.
  9. For me and alot of others this would simply mean no more PVE since you cannot get Unity stones for example and you will not be able to take part in Treasure trove etc. The Factor that you play for something makes PVP competetive in my oppinion. You wanna reach a goal you set yourselfe Top 30 for example to get the rewards but if this got removed there is no goal you could reach NCsoft dosent care about wintrading so you cannot even go for Rank 1 or whatever as goal. I wrote NC support about some Wintraders of course i got the usuall Bot Answer they are not allowed to give any information due ot privacy but since the wintraders are still in ladder i asked them how their system works. How they detect Wintraders of course they couldnt give me an answer. As a PVP Player myselfe it feels less like the community is at fault the reasons PVP is in a state new players are simply not interested in it is cause of several patches the community warned Nc about now its simply cause NC dosent take action like they did in 2017 where Wintrading got banned. Patches as example: Awakening, Every Third spec and the biggest reason PVP time restriction. P.S for everyone saying they cant ban thoose people cause PVP wouldnt have players if they did. No thats not true. Back in 2017 a certain Destroyer Wintraded and guess what they did ? They simply removed all PVP rewards of him. What is the reason for Wintrading ? Of course PVP rewards. Do you think they would wintrade if they dont get rewards ?
  10. I wrote it cause there are alot of people that think F9 is the only way to obtain Hmcoins outside of PVP and randoom boxes. And since your text looked like there is no other option to exchange gold i wrote my text. New players assume Gold is worth 1/1 and are confused why no one buys their gold on F9 and some even thing gold is worth more than 1/1 which is simply not true in this day and age. Its super easy earning gold ingame so gold decreased but since the game dosent give a way of selling at such prices its happening outside of the game. I definetly agree that NCsoft should put in another ways to exchange HMcoins or even lower the price in F9 but why should they programm something like this (yeah 1 line of text is to much) if they get the money anyway cause people buy through players directly. Exactly thats something i dont count as a "reasonable time" and since you will never have the same DPS without stuff like this its simply pay to win in 6v6. I dont care about PVE its better if the group does more dmg. Yap and ive never wrote "i like it the way it is" its simply i dont mind it since they can be bought and farmed even if its hard but if you actully want to you can upgrade your soul etc. in a somewhat reasonable time unlike unity stones or Psyches of Soul shields. I totally agree that NC should increase the avaibility cause new player look at the oils and think. "OK the first decent soul is True cosmic how much does it cost ?" " oh xxxxx Gold thats a bit much ? " and new people are not stupid they play with experienced players too alot of new people know True Cosmic is years old. It shouldnt be that expensive for new players to get years old gear.
  11. You couldnt exchange them in the last events so you will most likely not be able to this event either. I guess they will stay ingame and you will never be able to use normal transformation stones again.
  12. Same with 6v6 we are asking since it was released for balanced stats but it never happened. Why do you think they would do it here ? If you can win via Gear it means you will upgrade your gear and what does this mean for NC ? $$$
  13. Maybe people dont use F9 to buy gold cause its totally overpriced there ? 1G is around 0.33 HM/N coins worth but the best deal you can get in F9 is 1G = 1Ncoin which is triple the price. I dont go into a store and buy a PS4 for 600€ if i can get it in the next store for 200€ thats simply stupid. For me it became pay to win when they sold Unity stones i dont even mind the oils that much cause you can still get them ingame via F5. I farmed nearly 3K gold in 2 days without a problem so if i wanted to i could farm 21K Gold in 2 weeks without a problem so if we take 700G per oil i would have 15 Oils per week. To get one Awakened legendary Unity stone (Big stones) how long do you need to farm ? Now i will keep my HM coin from PVP Reward till they sell Unity stones again to get them its the only way without real money to get thoose in a reasonable time.
  14. Someone said you could drop a box of like 50 Flowers for killing other players so i wanted to test it and killed like 13 people after that i thought "he probably lied" and i wanted to stop but then someone whispered me complaining and insulting me that i killed him so instead i hunted his whole guild down. He was so pissed and kept writing me insults this was alot of fun. I do agree that PVP dosent make sense in this region and i am a player that enjoys PVP as much as you can enjoy it in the current state of the game but even i have to say "why" ? You dont get a reward its simply to annoy people. But instead of removing the PVP aspect i would prefer if you get drops from killing players.
  15. In the last 2 weeks i watched several Twitch Streams and saw some actuall new players to PVP and i have to say their Skill shows their rank. Bad Players are in Silver and stay in silver and get opponents that are bad aswell. While it is true sometimes you encounter people that dont belong in the specific skill group its not alot so i disagree here. (Talking about current season which is strongly influenced by the event) How are they supposed to learn if the difficulty dosent increase ? Alot of players simply want 3rd to be banned from PVP simply cause its way to strong. I am one of the higher percent Skill based not the best but i can beat alot of Top 5 players and currently i am one myselfe, i have to say aswell Third specs dosent belong in PVP yet. Well mostly this is correct. There is no reason to play alot of the specs. Even tho Fire FM is very strong its considered troll cause it got huge ass animations you can evade without a problem while ICE can wallbang 100 to 0 and freeze you 24/7.
  16. it would be a que simulator since you wouldnt be able to find a match thats according to the system balanced. Would only work if you remove the whole ranking silver, gold etc. 2. Why should i upgrade my gear for PVP if it dosent increase my chance of winning in the first place ? If my enemys have the same gear it dosent matter if i have max gear or story gear my chances will be the same. The only option NCsoft would have to actully fix BG would remove Gear completly which would sadly mean less income for them since people dont need to cash for PVP items aswell which means thats not an option NCsoft would ever think about.
  17. Hello there, recently a guildmate told me i can craft pet packs with Bloodstones. So i calculated how much profit thats would give me and i came to the conclusion i earn around 60 - 70 Gold with each pet pack since i still need Moonstones etc. Now i calculated how much 12 Bloodstones are actully worth which is 18.000 Zen beans for 18.000 Zen beans you could buy 15 Soul stone boxes which are 585 - 1035 Soul stones thoose soul stones currently earn you atleast 848,25 - 1500,75 Gold so in conclusion you lose up to 1430,75 Gold each time you create a pet pack that way. I understand you are not supposed to be able to earn the same money as you would earn if you have keys to open boxes but this is a bit much can we please change the cost of pet pack ? Instead of 12 Bloodstones i think 12 Bloodstone Fragments are appropriate thats still 2.250 Zen beans and still much more expensive than just getting soul stones. P.S i know Moderators will read this and ignore this just like every post so please stop writing comments like "nothing gonna happen etc." i know nothing is gonna happen.
  18. I am one of thoose players that dosent care about the gear of my teammates if i know we can do it but i completly understand if you get kicked for having less gear than people want you to have. Its their own group if you cant deliver what they want from you its your fault and its totally ok to kick you and i would even go that far to say it would be wrong not to kick you since people like you expect to do every content out there while not upgrading their stuff. If you feel like you can manage the specific dungeon you wanna enter just open a group yourselfe with your own requirements! There are more than enough ways to get good gear even without doing dungeons at all but people like you are simply to lazy to do that stuff and instead you complain about how bad the community is even tho most players to my experience are actully helping and will tell you anything you need to know but carrying you through everything is simply wrong. The reason new players leave is usually due to the lack of knowledge and its not helping if they simply dont ask experieced player and simply expect to get carried through everything just cause NC put some event in that wants you to do certain stuff you simply dont have the gear for yet.
  19. Hello, ive waited for some days now cause i thought you would fix this since its so obvious. Sadly Korean devs dont know they`ve removed the ability to play Tag match on thursday, tuesday etc. but the current daily challenge includes tag match. Guess when tag match is in the daily challenge ? Exactly only at days you cant play this gamemode in the first place. So my request is: Either remove tag team daily from dailys, make tag team avaible at the days you have it as daily or change it to 1v1 daily since you can play 1v1 everyday. Once more this shows Korean devs create patches for KR and do not even look at what they patched into EU/NA themselve. You guys even said the whole idea of PVP time restriction came from KR and now this ? Sorry i am always so anti NCsoft i am just so disappointed in NCsoft cause of things like this. It obvious they dont care about EU/NA.
  20. We are not complaining that they do it we are complaining how they do it. It depends 100% on the ammount of Ncoin youve bought in the past. If you buy Trove keys once you will not be able to get any HM coins from support.
  21. Thats not true. Even tho its against the TOS to play EU/NA from certain places its not being punished by any means. You can do litterly anything ingame aslong as you dont hack gold or do something so broken like making ET Skills of mechanics avaible to use at fishing places. BNS dosent have any kind of Anti Cheat system and Support dosent care about anything aslong as it does not reduce the income.
  22. Hi, i know several people that write with support and say trove sucks (of course they bought some trove keys with Ncoin before) and the support gives them up to 40K Hm coins for free as compensation. Unfourtenatly if i ask the same i dont get HM coins for some reason (i dont buy alot of stuff ingame). I am sure you will ban me if i post a screenshoot of a friend who got hm coins so i will not do that but i have screenshoots. He litterly wrote: "trove sucks hongmoon coins please" and support wrote "we are sorry you are unhappy here are 8k hm coins." Ive also reported this once with screenshoot to the support itselfe. They said this is not allowed and they would investigate this. My friend still got the hm coins and nothing happened to the support staff for this.
  23. I just wanted to write it down here now since ive played enough against third spec destroyers now. NCsoft what the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ? We thought BM third spec was the pinacle of unbalanced op ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. Now you create a warden with mobility like Archer while having even more shields then Blade dancer to defend himselfe. All they had to do was test this class before release and remove for example godmode out of iron clad. I dont mind them being unstunable but they should need to iframe to resist dmg.
  24. Just get what every other class is getting. Only difference is you dont take raid necklace and raid weapon. If you have specific questions about current stuff add me in discord: EinFeuchterTraum#8747 i am answering everything for new players. It not alot of work cause most of them quit after 1 week anyway. I can help you with everything expect for Mechs of Eternal Temple and booth of the newest dungeons hangar 0 and the other one which got released yesterday. I am soul fighter main btw. I can even train you in PVP since i consider my selfe as one of the top SF in EU currently (considering this class is pretty much dead in high elo. only "non eu players" left).
  25. Thats not the problem i dont dislike running dungeons if i only run them once per day. What is taking all of my motivation is that i need to run certain dungeons hundreads of times to get one single item while having alot of lags with an I7 9700K. I mean the performance. FPS. Ping. Etc. with such an auto combat function all of this wouldnt matter anymore in dungeons. Achivements are not something people brag about. They simply need to be done to progress further instead of farming your actual mats etc. you farm something you only need as a key to get the specific item and its not like 10 times which would be ok but up to 600 times cause you also need the cores.
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