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  1. Just to play devil's advocate here, have you tried logging onto NA? I know you said you never played there because your from Romania, but in troubleshooting anything, you should attempt all possibilities. Also you mention your usual username doesn't work? Do you mean your old account username? If you've changed the username you are using, then obviously you are logging into a new account, and your characters will not be there from your old account. If your talking character names, you can't make characters with the same name as the ones you had before, nor will any attempt to put those names in on the character creation screen allow you to gain access to your characters from before. If you are logging onto your old account, same email and password, and same server, and have verified that your toons are not on NA by actually physically logging onto NA, then you need to submit a support ticket to the GM's and have them go through the logs of your account to see what happened to your characters.
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