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Lyn Thunderfox

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Posts posted by Lyn Thunderfox

  1. At this point what I don't understand is why they just don't get rid of the orb ? Think about it :


    1) No need for compensation that way.

    2) People can still do the event for free everyday.

    3) No "orb = loot" rules, people will have to bid = more gold circulating between the players.

    4) Players who spent for Trove still have sparkling chests, against the average player that has only the option of brilliant chests from CS/HM anyway.


    Selling shards in F10 was a cheap unsuccessful way of getting money from people, which I'm pretty sure made people even more angry toward the company rather than anything else. I really do think that to compensate something that is apparently "not designed to be exchanged in antique", then the said item should simply disappear. 


    It's been a double fiasco along with the Demon Spirit stones, and seems to be a very delicate situation for NC Soft/West right now. If you can't give back the items in any designed ways then yes, get rid of this once and for all. 

    I'm not sure if the team can verify how much DS stones people owned, but if there's a way, then a gold compensation would be the best. (f.e. > 10 stones = 100g, just an example)

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  2. Hey, I just wanted to have your third specialisation opinions on what it could be. 


    If you don't have the knowledge of the future specs, mind that you can check the plans KR devs have for them : https://pastebin.com/uBG1EnqC (translated by a reddit member a few months ago)

    Also know that names might be able to change, f.e. Black Tortoise ended up to be Black Wolf for KFM's 3rd specialisation


    Destro "Guardian" : I was thinking of a gameplay based around the shield, but like.. the npcs that does wield shields but in a Destroyer manner obviously. Which could be interesting if you want my opinion.


    FM "Ying Yang" (xd) : using shadow and light, like you used to use fire and ice. Now most of ice skills are ice, and most of fire skills are fire with obviously a few differences. (ccs, pt protect)


    Summoner "Familiar" : we've seen the preview during the world tournament, the giant cat.


    BD "Ghostblade" : probably going to be like Spirit BM, with a few differences.


    WL "Possession" : similar to Summoner, we've seen a very slight preview of that during the world tournament. "Great Thrall" throwing off Dragoncalls :3


    SF "Heavenly Water" : I don't really know to be honest. Seeing the description it feels like you just not gonna need to press Tab to switch stance and that we will have skills such as V on element stance that switch auto to melee stance after the animation has ended. Not really sure about that one to be honest.


    Gunner "Quickfire" : I usually don't really care about Gunners since it's like hold a button to burst 4 billions. However, I'm curious to see this "focusing on close-range abilities", it would be nice to see a ranged class having a spec that let them change their gameplay drastically.


    Warden "Limitbreaker" : just give them TD so there's no more bs between WL and WAR. It's even worse now since all WLs pretty much switch to Shadow, and using TD means losing their Empo. Helix which is not something one would like to do at all. Besides, TD is more useful for melee players, so it'd make sense if Warden has TD more than SB.


    Sin "Shadow" : I kept Assassinat the end because it's complex. We recently got awakening and the spec that was supposed to be called "Void" actually is called by the same name as the third spec. Now mind that it's just translation but I didn't want to create confusion. 

    However, due to the description of "using shadows for the battle", I can suppose the fighting style will be similar to what we can see on the Legacy of the Hongmoon Clan teaser/trailer.



    It's a bit of a shame that third specs are being released one at a time. You'd need more or less a month at best to release every specs, we still have 9 classes left so that's a minimum of 9 months, unless they are changing plans again.

    Also the fact they are making Archer as well. (not sure if all specs will be available for Archer or just two)

    For the end, mind that all these specs ideals are also subject to change despite looking good so far.

    • Like 2
  3. Il y a 17 heures, FlockUndead a dit :

    Good ideas, but as you can see they dont even see the necessity to answer to one of these posts.



    Tho, my first thread about feedback didn't got any answers as well but I could see most of recent changes had been more or less taken from my thread, with a few tweaks to it for some. Unless I happen to be just lucky and see through people's ideas xd


    At least this is what I've been proposing which made it into the live :

    - Riftwalk/Dawnforged being cheaper than Raven, note that the materials idea was because back in the day, Raven wasn't asking for Sacred/Soulstones.

    - Draken accs has been streamlined as well.

    - VT necklace upgrade reduction in a nutshell. (PTS and Moonstones, they did add other stuff but TS disappeared, I guess it's even)

    - Arena chests, tweaked as they don't give ms but ms crystals.

    - Elemental prisms had a reduction cost, before this update at least.

    - Moonwater Brilliant Key got added on DE.

    - The soul as well, a part of it, since Stormbringer can be upgraded directly to Hongmoon 6. Tho it's not enough with all the Soul stages in my opinion.

    - Hexagonals cheaper, and they actually did better than my idea. (20-30 for me, but they ended up with 8 which is pretty good)


    I'm still pushing some ideas, especially the Hongmoon 6->10 upgrade as I explained. Also the Evolved stones, at least in Mandate/CS due to the boost they recently got. I know I proposed the boost as well but that's mostly because the Chinese server also did it.

    And to be fair, there's also ideas I regret, shouldn't be wasting more time with lower dungeons (like Nexus or Sogun) indeed, sadly. Or some that doesn't really matter overall such as the outfit pouches you can transmute or the tweak of old dungeons/open world areas, which is whatever at this point.

    • Like 2
  4. Then take it  :giggle:


    - Evolved stones are still a joke to obtain :

    Make them drop from Moon Refuge,

    All mobs from Celestial Basin + Moon Refuge have a very low chance to drop them,

    Add them on the Cold Storage + Heaven's Mandate loot table,


    - Hongmoon 6 to Hongmoon 10 still requires Sacred Vials which is absolutely ridiculous. That's literally the worse pay:upgrade ratio of this game, your dps barely increases by literally having to "spend" ~3.000 gold. (counting 1 vial = ~300g)

    And no, NC Soft cannot always throw in soul events just for that, at this point instead of doing that, simply make the way of getting to legendary soul already as easy as the event permanently.

    In terms of events instead, focus on helping people to upgrade their Awakened ones via the kind of event we currently have aka, Nebula stones,


    - Being able to salvage non-Hongmoon gems for a chance to get Hongmoon gem powders. (which obviously mean you can fail and get nothing)

    Heptagonal : 1 Hongmoon gem powder

    Octagonal : 4 Hongmoon gem powders

    Gilded : 16 Hongmoon gem powders


    - Element/Jewel transmute recipes : at the moment, picking the « 10g + 5 element/jewel » option to buy legendary element/jewel is not worth it at all, mostly because of the transmutation still taking soulstone crystals,

    I simply propose to replace soulstone crystals by sacred crystals, Would be another small faster step toward progression of accessories/weapons upgrades,


    - "Combat (dungeons/factions), Trade and Community" achievements shared between characters of the same account. Would be a big step toward the « alt characters » players,



    • Like 6
  5. Il y a 3 heures, GMOterminator a dit :

    I always thought the Yuns are equivalent to elves, GOn are like vikings, eh.. similar to Norns in GW2 lol, and Jins are human, and lyns...dwarves i guess lol.

    Let's say it is, on a cliché point of view. (would say "giants" for Gons)



    Also, I think it tells you about the guardian thing on the char. creation screen, tho they only describes Gon as "descendants of the dragons", while Yun inherited of the "phoenix" but I guess it's what the Vermillion Bird is, otherwise there's a slight detail change in the lore.

    Kirin is the term they're using for the Lyn.

  6. What really hurts the community is how the patch begun from absolutely awesome : awakening, unity system, soul event, lv60 voucher


    To absolutely atrocious : "misinformation" of antique items with no compensation for them, talisman upgrade prices off the charts, gold rewards decreased by HALF, different dyad upgrade system.



    The least we can get for the antiques is a special transmute recipe -> 1 freezing orb + 1 black rose feather = 1 frozen feather.

    Also 1 orb of ascension for every 10 white orbs owned + 5 lesser demon spirit stones for every 10 demon spirit stones owned too.


    We still lose something "as intended" but at least the people still have their efforts somehow paying off...



    • Like 1
  7. @Showta That's the reason why it got too far. I am not going in denial about multiple "witnesses" saying that Bethany did a poor job as a Community Manager but as you said, the limit has been crossed when we've got to the namecalling.

    And my point was that being an employee of NC Soft itself, Bethany doubtly was in a constant sexist fight or else things would have been heavy already. I'm not talking about a typical kid throwing an insult every stream, but more of a ruthless spam of sexism thrown at her, I haven't seen this during all the time I've played the game.

    Doesn't mean this kind of behavior has to be cautioned, I am just telling people how some girls have it even harder than Bethany. (some probably even commited suicide due to that kind of harassement)


    As I said previously, that sailor-moon based meme was fine, then there was the few others that was just adding fuel into the fire. Her remark about "not missing reddit" at all was taken furiously by people overall, mostly because about 'ego' I suppose but some really felt anger due to the relation NC soft - reddit which is, let's not lie, absolutely poor.

    Now I know 'official' stuff should be on forums but checking reddit once in a while isn't so bad, especially since the community is alas more active there than on the forums. 


    Right now to be honest, it's just.. done. Bethany left, and wishes for her luck and success wherever she goes work next. She doesn't look like a bad person and as I said on my first comment, there can be multiple reasons for what I felt through her, a person seemingly not enjoying the game during the streams. (which doesn't mean was her own fault)

    Dont get me started on the community, I just need to check faction chat + F8 to know what's going on. I'm not giving a point to Bethany for her job as CM, but I'm not giving a point either to the community on how most handled that news of her quitting the CM job.


    But now it's better if people would focus on what's left with a response from NC Soft itself on how the Blade and Soul staff is going because at the moment losing the whole "streaming crew" just makes people wonder about the future of this game, which is understandable.



    Peace o/

  8. 4 hours ago, Mezzoluna said:

    Or maybe, JUST maybe she didn't like doing the BnS streams because of all the sexist comments she'd receive in chat EVERY time.  It's the same tasteless crap that you see in faction/region chat in game.. BnS is full of toxic players so of course BnS streams are going to have some of those same people spreading their toxicity there.

    I don't know, what I mostly see on the few times I check the chat is the usual "p2w". It's streaming, they talk, I only need to listen and watch the screen, not some wannabe chat. I know it's CM 's job to check it out to answer potential questions but when the chat doesn't seems to have an actual moderation or whatsover, this isn't really doable nor worth the effort, in my opinion.


    It's also about toughing up. I know sh*t comments isn't the nicest, I have been victim of that as well but turning around this pot at this point isn't making things going forward as well.


    I also know Reddit was a ***** due to that news, she left so just drop it off already. Some made funny "memes" (the sailormoon based one didn't bother me much) but some other did took things too far.

    Now let's not really always put the blame on the sexist comments shall we ? Not that I don't condemn them, but as a CM of a game company, you can be sure she was much more safe than any random female players which can potentially have it way worse. 

    Here's an exemple : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8xWkT72t-NV3-DOB9gKJeQ

    While some others female have it less frustrating as they are streamers with good relation toward certain people of the game company.

  9. I've seen the reddit being a ****** of emotions so I'll post there.


    I am not going to lie, that all the experiences I had watching Liinxy on the different preview streams still let me a little poor taste in my mouth. I'm only going to say one thing about it : it just didn't feel like Liinxy actually enjoyed the streaming that much, always had a feeling of "I'm not liking the game so much" coming from her. I don't know it felt, "forced" ? There can be multiple reasons, so it's not really the problem, it is just what it is.


    This isn't really an opinion, this is simply a feeling, I might be wrong after all. 



    Thus said, thanks for going through these years with us all o/

    Good luck for your future (gaming ?) projects :3

  10. It's actually true but what this person doesn't say is that these people are most likely players that started the game at release, without giving it up in the long way. 


    I myself haven't spend a cent on this game, and currently I'm at :

    Awk. Cosmic 2 soul

    Aransu 6

    Both awakened BT accs 

    Awakened VT neck

    Virtuous heart 1

    Divinity brac s10

    Fused Soul Badge (Limitless)

    VT mystic badge 

    VT 8 ss

    First stage of legendary pet (enough for PvE anyway)

    Gems - 3 octas, 5 heptas (soon octa ruby, so count half gems being octas)


    What I blame on the newest content is how the Nightfall Sanctuary raid skyrocketed the dps required to clear the raid, not to forget some classes gets cucked with their dps event with full VT like my main Shadow WL.

    And what's more infuriating ? The mechs are being nerfed, but it's useless because you KNOW you still have the same dps requirement to meet, more or less. So yeah, the problem is having to grind so much for oils in order to complete what ? A 20 IQ raid ? Pretty disappointing.


    The question isn't about grinding itself, it's if it's worth grinding for the content you want to play.

  11.  What's the point of putting mobs in the open world now if they are useless since there are no quests anymore ? (no reasons to kill them)


    What's so confusing about random blue triangles ? If anything, ANY first character should go through them to learn their char much better, instead of pushing them up to dungeons they have no idea what to do in and make everyone waste their time and 'wipe'.

    It's not hard either to make the choice of not doing them after you get your second character, if you want to make any..



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