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Lyn Thunderfox

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Posts posted by Lyn Thunderfox

  1. Le 17/04/2019 à 19:56, Cappie a dit :

    Yep, I wonder why the community (what is left of it) has a negative attitude about everything ncsoft does now a days... it might have something to do with them not learning from their mistakes and scams?

    Because they don't consider those as "mistakes and scams", simple.

  2. Il y a 1 heure, Jurisz a dit :

    Ultimately this game was designed to be waifu bait with beautiful combat and scenery with money making machine ingame design.

    Like pretty much any Korean games/mmos fyi.



    Now I'm not gonna quote the other post I'm answering to because it's tl;dr so I'll just pin



    The reason Warframe also does good is because the studio/company only owns this one game, added to the fact it's a western company so they fit their business model much better in their own "region" than any eastern games will ever do.

    NC Soft meanwhile, doesn't only have Blade and Soul to take care of. They have GW 2 + Lineage/2 + Aion + all the other mobile games. Not to mention these said mobile games make literally almost twice more revenue than any of their PC games combined by the way xd.


    Only mistake NC Soft is doing, like most of Korean companies, is thinking everyone should catter with pleasure to their economic model. Did they ever wonder why it never worked in the west ? Look at RNG boxes for example, look at how western companies like EA got literally bullied for having put RNG boxes/micro-transaction to SW : Battlefront 2. There was also the controversy with Middle-Earth : Shadow of War, everyone lost their sh!t that time.. micro-transactions leading to pay to "win" is very controversial here.


    Now there are 2 problems >

    1) The simplest one is that everyone has a different definition of "win" in gaming. While I'm indeed salty of gear difference, you don't really win anything in PvE. For me it's pay to win the moment it grants a player an unfair advantage to another one in a competitive environment.

    PvP is, PvE is not, simple as that.

    However there are people competing in getting maxed gear, and those I guess will not appreciate the fact you can gear just by going Trove mode against a guy that wasted a year or so gearing up to the max, farming the game... while someone with 55555555 Trove keys just be like "XD".


    2) Yeah their economic model sucks here but people are complaining like NC Soft should be a effing charity just for them. Sorry it's still a company like any other, they're here to make money not to be your maids or something.

    I will repeat : yes that model is bad but so far, if you think about it, it's still working. Trove is horrible, yet you pretty much see a big part of the players being like "WTB/S 80000 Trove keys XD" so for a community that refuses and dislike pay to "win", they sure like to make profit of "controversial rng" features right.

    Maybe it will stop working if a very big part of the community really has enough of this model.



    About your comments on the game, it's not at fault. The problem is, once again, the community in general. The mechanics are hard ? lmao, most of them requires you to just stop dps and press WASD.


    You don't need Aransu 6+ to clear Brood Chamber, nor Dreamsong Theater or The Shadowmoor. Let alone everything from Drowing Deeps -> Sandstorm Temple.

    Normal mode is normal for a reason, everyone should be able to join those. The problem is as I said, the community wants to clear everything in 10 seconds, instead of taking time to clear what they actually need to clear. 

    Hard mode is cattered for high geared/"skilled" players, however I do think normal mode should train you for hard mode. I do understand normal mode should be nerfed compared to hard mode but to the point of removing every single wipe of the dungeons, it's stupid and doesn't give any interests for the player to play this game at all.


    If you clear Temple of Eluvium normally, it's for people to GET their Aransu weapon, but no people will recruit you IF you have own Aransu which doesn't make sense. Like I said above, people don't like this game, they want to clear everything fast, new players are spoonfed and veteran players have nothing interesting to do because everything about mechanics is being nerfed to the ground... instead of actually reducing boss HP so the dps requirement can be lowered down while you still need knowledge and efforts to clear said content. (that way if you are "bad", you can still pay to "win" to get gear so you can skip these mechs, win-win situation for NC Soft and the players)


    Now I admit the economic model is kinda in a fault for that and it's for one thing only : Trove needs to stop with the pay to SKIP PROGRESS. If people Trove for dyad gems and super wings/cosmetics or 500 onyx scales/gc steel, fine. But stop putting the effing badges and weapon mats on Trove, it's stupid someone can just go in there, swipe 1k keys and be maxed VT without knowing what to really do in this game. 

    That's also the problem for free players : since everything is on F5, instead of having to do the raids, you should simply "farm gold to buy everything from F5 and not get carried on VT" when 160k was actually the min. req for HQ. Anyone can pull out 160k with the lowest gear you can get just by clearing the "gear" quests such as -The dead refuse to die- or -Know thine enemy-.

    So yeah despite that, NC Soft never told you either to require 1.5k for Temple of Eluvium. If you think NC Soft is bad, maybe the players should already take responsability for their own sh!t but they didn't so now, the game is going to "die" and it's not only NC Soft's fault for sure. 

    • Like 1
  3. Le 12/04/2019 à 10:28, Grimoir a dit :

    they are not merging NA with EU, and very likely never will. They are just merging servers within the region. So both NA servers together and EU servers together.

    It will be done if the game ever descend further below in playerbase, like it happened with a certain game from Nexon.

  4. My opinion on it is that there's a mix of both good and bad :


    For the good, you need to first ask yourself if the event is actually worth it. The Resurgence emblems gives rewards like Lycan's fire wings, TT soul shield 1-3, GC steel, Onyx scales, Divine Orb fragment and octagonal gems.


    The wings are cosmetics and the rest is better off getting them normally rather than with this event at all :

    > TT soul shields, you can get 1-5 from MSP and MSP stage 6 requires less gear for sure than what this event is even asking for. Besides imagine everyone would be able to do the event ? Everyone would end up with TT 1-3 ? Trust me that's already a huge boost and VT ss should still be the "most non-free accessible soul shield" in my opinion.

    > GC steel meh, progressing through TT should be the way to go.

    > Onyx scales -> multiple fragments from DST/BC, whole scales from BC.

    > Divine orb frags are for people attempting challenge mode, which most of them are end-geared anyway.

    > octas gems are good I admit, they should just make the powders a tad more accessible. However Heptas are more than fine for a starter/progressing player, AP is already boosted by enough via. high lvls also not to mention AP is far from being everything, % of bonus damage from accs/soul/etc is far more valuable.


    It does suck that the fancy cosmetics are being locked behind that huge wall but multiple people said it already : if you are here for the must-get-to-progress items, they are available through Legendary Orbs, there shouldn't be complaints overall. It's far from being a pay2win event and the reasons why will be said in the bad, ironically. For example, ping, if you Trove your gear up to GC3 and have 300ms, you might still not make it despite having "p2w" your gear that up.



    Now, for the bad... not everyone despite their gear, can sustain 1.3m/s of dps.


    There is a good reason to be thrown up by this event and it's the fact not everyone has 90ms in-game. Most of people actually do have an ok/mediocre ping at best. I play Warlock and my Helix count can get crippled even if I'm only past 40ms because it's just bs how this game acts for most of the classes in general.  

    I do admit as well that the gear needed is pretty high, just check the LFP function on F8 for Burning Mausoleum it requires Grand Celestial 3 lol and here we have another problem : the event weapon isn't as good as it seems. Slower procs makes it not so much of an increase for some classes and you're more likely better off staying with Aransu 6+ 


    However, are people playing this game good enough too ? And right there I'm talking about micro-management of your rotation.

    Look, frankly I kind of doubt it, just check how people are playing this game :

    + they ask 1.5-1.6k for VT, I did joined some of them and they're still traps LOL Not being able to clear mechanics at all, let alone knowing them if you reduce the party to 1.4k.

    + they can't even make a fast run of BT with mid-maxed BT gear, they need maxed VT gear. (lol)

    + they're asking 1.4~1.5k as well for braindead dungeons with little to no mechs needed anymore. (The Shadowmoor is an absolute joke now)


    People are mostly bad and it's a fact. I might sound like a jerk but that's the truth. People need to stop being spoonfeed like no tomorrow, faction chats are the ways to realise how bad the situation is nowadays. People don't love the game itself in reality (high geared players mostly), people don't care about this game, they go in, pick a class and instead of discovering it, literally asks every single question about it such as "WHICH BADGE DO I TAKE ?" "BALEFUL OR SERAPH ? XXXXXXXXXXD" "flYiNG kiCK oR dRaGOn fiST ??!!?!".


    But I also don't think this forum is the good place for that, just check how many people were thrown up by the first Realmrift Supply Chain event. You needed to do mechanics all over again, people complained. The second time, this event bore its fruits : absolutely no reactions needed, overpowered Soju spam and just mashing buttons, resulting in literally free VT ss if you were lucky enough. Very interesting indeed.

    People might act I'm some elitist/hardcore player but funny enough, I don't even play the game that much either, I am just astonished about how people can find this game "hard", all you need to do is to educate yourself about Blade and Soul and put in a little effort in playing along the game. 


    Now thus said for the players, maybe NC Soft needs to step up their game too. Players need to grind, but don't let them grind for nothing too aka. shitty rng on soul shields for example, or horrible blocking via. legendary jewels. (500g to get stage 4 accs xd^^)

    • Like 1
  5. If they'd lower the health points of all bosses, it would make the raid more available for slightly lowered geared since you'd need less dps but would still be punished for missing mechs or rewarded by clearing them which would "self-damage" the boss.


    Literally no reasons to nerf mechs if the amount of HP is more or less the same, all it does is making people want to get even higher gear because the bosses are only sandbags while they literally requires no skill to clear because there's barely any mechs anymore. 

    But as I said, HP remains the same, DPS requirement remains the same too.

  6. il y a une heure, MassiveEgo a dit :

    1 orb fragment is near 10g. That's 60g for an orb. I'd say that's a big chunk of cash for just b2 loot.

    NA I guess ? Because it's like 3g on EU.


    Still, MOML is stupid and should disappear, it's not like 95% of the orb users pays for their orb. If you do pay, then I suggest to stop wasting money. I know because of the event it makes things harder but once the event is over, just clear Winter Mane in CS then bring a shard for Jinsoyun. (still risk of getting scammed tho, unfortunately)

    + the loot is not worth it anyway

    + bid = more money circulating

    + hepta gem taken by a orb user that has gilded gems is retarded

    + orb should be deleted anyway xd


    Bad design in every way.

  7. It depends on the class as well. Mine is Warlock (Scourge) so..


    The class I just burst/PvE down with ease > Destroyer, Summoner and Soul Fighter :

    - Destroyer can get annoying but it's really when they're up to like F85 or higher. Otherwise almost all my skills goes through their spin so whatever.

    - Summoner it's simple as well, just burst the cat while using C then the Summoner is useless. You still have to watch out for Ivy Poison and that debuff slowing you down a lot. If they use Petal Storm just lure them out of there. Abuse ccs against them too.

    - More or less the same for Soul Fighter, might wanna watch out their ground punch that knockbacks and their instant stun approach as their opener tho, but otherwise they just spam with no other cc most of the time so just burst them down.


    The class I burst but can be annoying sometimes > Force Master and Blade Dancer :

    - Force Master barely has any way to avoid my damage unless they use Frost Armor for 2 years. The cancer part comes from their ability to wallbang the f- out of you. In higher floors, your HP just melts and you can't even do anything about it.

    - Blade Dancer are alikeDestro, but have the cancer potential from their Blade Master cousins. (escapes, projectile resist, cc chain with high slash damage)


    The class that give me cancer > Blade Master :

    - It's Blade Dancer but with 500000 seconds Block which means most of my skills will not pierce their defense. Only ones that does are aoes that Blade Masters can simply side-step out. On top of that, same as BD : 200000 escapes, projectile resist, cc chain with high damage from slashes. (50k one lightning hit, yeah) 


    The class with absolute aids > Assassin and Kung-Fu Master :

    - Assassin is simple : probably 90% of their hits are cc. On top of that, they're literally in perma-stealth and the only way for me to remove them from stealth is using my Thrall and press E, in hope that the Sin didn't get away and that Fall-In actually does hit him or else, he'll stay in stealth... cc's you, goes back to stealth... infinitely... that's just the most boring match you'll have in ToI.


    - Yet, I thought not being able to play the game at all because of Assassin was very annoying, I managed to find even WORSE than Assassin : Kung-Fu Master. If you think not being able to play is the worst then you're wrong. 

    Let me tell you what KFM does > you still can't even play the game but in a whole different way, at least Sin cc you every hit and you can just afk but KFM... oh man, you're in for a very furious time, they will resist every one of your attack.




    You finally managed to find an opening after all these counter/resist/block in lower floors against KFM ? No problem, enjoy managing their 4 escapes. Now add their faster inhuman reactions the more you climb up the tower. I don't know about other ranged classes but one thing for sure, it's one of my worst match-up as a Warlock. Against BMs and KFMs I felt like I was slightly more successful if I just play melee but it doesn't change everything I've said above.



    What about my own class Warlock ? They're usually fine, but I've kept them for the end because I know about my main class. They're not hard at all but a few details made me realise about how broken Tower of Infinity is now, there was a reason Korea disabled it at awakening launch.

    For anyone that plays Warlock there, you know your Quell blocks attack for 2s and has a 3s cooldown right ? Well, Warlock bots.. enjoy their pre-patch Quell which consists of the same 2s block but with a 2s cooldown. Yes you got it by now, they can spam their Quell while you are unable to.


    So it's not gamebreaking but if Warlock can have such a mix of pre-awakening + post-awakening skills, I do not want to imagine if it's the same case for classes such as Assassin or Kung-Fu Master.

    I've seen multiple reddit posts recently talking about it, having bots that literally blocks WHILE moving at the SAME time. And I pass a lot of bs like that..


    I managed to get my pink badge on my Warlock but on my Summoner I just gave up and ended up throwing my ToI tickets away, this is unbelievably making me furious to the point it's not sane, it's unhealthy to go through such a bs mode. I really wanted to go a step further with my Summy but not only ToI is absolutely broken, the pink fusions aren't even here yet anyway..



  8. Il y a 4 heures, Fiana a dit :

    no it's not easy, i've had enough stress running BC and TSM with F8... A9 gear my ass, those guys barely able to do any mech

    It's alarming if people can't even control their own character. All you have to do in BC is WASD + use your Block.

  9. Late answer, legit forgot but it's there anyway. 


    Your post doesn't really answer my question at all. I asked if 30 sec/1 min of clear difference is a waste of time. And when I talk about not being entitled to the "carry", I'm talking about people leaving because they see a party made of HM13 (and no, I know, HM 13-15s themselves does it as well) so they obviously think "low dps".

    What's more funny is most of the time I've seen people barely sustaining better than I do with much better gear than mine so I'm doubtful about the "carrying" if anything.


    I've even cleared VT/SK on this Summoner, ~6 people were dealing a sustain of 800k-1m. This, was carrying.

    But your usual F8 that deals barely 100k more than me and complains about "carrying" with their aransu while we have raven ? I'm not so sure at all. (also the fact they know less 'mechs' than I do)


    In short stop judging players by their gear. A player that know how dungeons works + have a basic understanding of their own alts easily sustain ~200k with low BT gear. Raven 3 is "free" (Naryu tablets + RK mat that is obtainable via. Moon Refuge) and you literally have a whole free set of BT soul shields after the quests. 

    Besides, you just get 2 high VT geared players and the dungeon is already a joke, most of the mechs are duo in normal mode, literally takes my alt + another knowledgeable player and the daily purple train is completed at 75%.


    The only part I agree with game design being at fault is that what it does is it literally throws new players into a cage full of "whatever dangerous" without giving anything to them for survival. The game ends up with players having no idea what "Volberus looks for his prey" even means. Don't "guide" me because no one else has any ideas about those, something in(game should be done. The new thing with the "ctrl J" shortcut is basically useless, maybe start from there because it's anything but a "game guide" at all.

  10. It's not about dps, but prolly about technique. They'll surely nerf something like no wipe if conduction fails at Ransacked Treasury or no more death zone in Kamahage in Dreamsong Theater. (tho I'm not sure how they can pull that off, unless he just becomes boss 2 and it's only about braindead dps)


    Besides I don't recall any major nerfs in dungeons from Korea, weird. Pretty sure we got the whole package already.

  11. Meanwhile I main Warlock with 2 cc and 1 viable escape. (2 if you count F)

    I'm trying to stick to Scourge, and oh boy, you have even less cc and utility than before :


    > All skills such as Vampiric Drain, Ghostly Scream or Graveyard have to be used via Quell. So Warlock blocking spam was broken and it got a 3 sec cooldown instead of 2, but somehow a KFM with counter spam + resist 400000 sec at every dodge (he has at least 3 of them, fair enough) is fair and balanced. Alright then.


    - Ghostly Scream is a single daze, and it's worse than pre-awakening daze Imprison in terms of utility, at least Imprison was straight up daze on first hit. Now with Ghostly Scream as I said, you have to use Quell so it's not hard to predict a possible use of Ghostly Scream, simply be on the defensive against a WL that Quell's.

    - Vampiric Drain is a trash immobile skill that has a 2.5 sec full animation. T w o - p o i n t - f i v e. Lmao

    - Graveyard is a double sword edge. 


    > Ravaging Curse is easy to dodge as well, tho it's good that it pierces defense and parry. 


    People been telling me that Distortion is much better and focused on PvP but I don't really know. Sure you gain mobility, but again : lacks of viable ccs + is it seriously hard to dodge Dragoncall even insta-cast ? You have 2 freaking dragons as animation.

    Better mobility just feels like you are a slightly more annoying class to chase, and that's it.


    Recently the only buff Warlock got in PvP on Korea is Wingstorm piercing through parry and defense. Not sure if that makes out for all this... doubtfully.



    Even Tower of Infinity has become aids for Warlock. Full resist/block KFMs and boring "I stay Block for 2 years" BMs. 5 mins stealth from Sins as well but this was always the same thing even pre-awakening anyway xd.


  12. 1553993901-screenshot-190327-004.png




    I literally have Raven 3 with basic accs and yet, I can still solo first boss before enrage. Not gonna lie it was close, think I had like 25 sec before enrage.. however how is it that people still need 1.4k for a "fast" clear ? You can see I'm doing ~200k sustain, 5 of me and the whole party deals 1.2m/s which is literally 12m every 10 sec. Boss 1 would be like 1 minute, now I know you're gonna tell me that with VT it'd be 30sec but really at this point, we're getting to a point where 30 sec is a waste of time ? xd


    I just don't know man. It makes sense for top dungeons to require "top" gear but everything up to Sandstorm Temple is a joke now literally no chance of wiping, except Ransacked Treasury but it's not really bound to any main achievement such as Hellion accs to get via Hellion cores, etc. 

    Yet nothing changed in F8, especially with awakening. Hell I actually even solo EC/DT/NF on this Summoner xd, what ?


    NC $oft already did they part by giving legit free stuff via quests, maybe it's time we do ours ? Or else, hypocrisy at its finest. And no, I'm not a fan of NC Soft, I don't hate it but I don't really care either way too. I just enjoy playing, and with some efforts we could actually make the game playable enough for people. 

    By the way, we are also not entitled to your "carry", the only thing you carry is damage. High gear players will carry when they're able to handle almost if not all mechs alone which I usually do with my Warlock. (doing 3/4 of mechs in RT is fun xd)

  13. Le 27/03/2019 à 14:55, Prototypemind a dit :

    Honestly, the thing I don't get is people who support not the game but its horrible systems. We just had the orb fiasco as yet another means of completely invalidating the effort players have put into the game and only rewarding spending even more money to be able to enjoy the new "event". You can't currently get gem powders anywhere but trove.  To each their own, but I play a game to progress by playing, not by swiping my card. NCSoft just took another step towards seeing exactly how far they can push players and still milk them. You're giving them a resounding response that you just don't care how much garbage they throw at you, you'll keep eating it and smiling while you pour more money into the game.

    I got one powder from Moyun and Shuna treasure chest xd 


    Imo they should really bring back "boss treasure chest" on dungeons, especially Winter Mane and Jinsoyun since they're on daily lockout anyway. 

  14. il y a 32 minutes, Grimoir a dit :

    Woudlnt adding them to the achievement merchant completely defeat the purpose? thats why most of the outfits there do not count for the collection system. The collection system is meant as a rewards for players who are very active and do runs.

    Wrong, Hollow Victories collection achievement is made of : Wildwood, Wildwood Crown and Rootwell weapon. Both outfit and accessory are available to merchant after getting the speedkill achievement and it's not like the weapon is very hard to get either.


    What I don't understand is why the outfits have stopped appearing on merchant since the release of Drowning Deeps. Just make it the same as SSM/HH cosmetics :/

  15. il y a 27 minutes, Granger a dit :

    This whole new stones system is gated behind those orbs, and the event... sooo... yeah hardly surprising they did this to the orbs.

    Besides, the orbs are just one of the many things they ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up to offer paid solutions for.

    I mean, you still get the sparkling chests from Trove so it's pretty stupid in my opinion. If that's what they really aims for, some people there needs some business lessons because they sure are bad at it lol. 

  16. It's a general feedback thread, feel free.


    Now I'll be honest and say that this game, being a free 2 play, need to be """pay 2 win""", allow me to explain : the game isn't free, it needs money to run off. I already see people coming that there's no need to make super gambling/addicting features such as Trove and which I totally agree but it is how it is, people can be easily fed from addiction and it's not like it's proper to gaming only. Fast-food is probably the best example I can find other than gaming, and there's even less common ones such as jewelry/clothing. (you can't tell me buying a pair of shoes for 1000€ because it's from an "unique brand" is sane f.e.)


    We people have feelings, we can think by ourselves which means we can do pretty much everything we want, this also includes manipulation for a gain of cause. This is the exact case right here, it's people appreciating the gaming environement, knowing well human's behavior and exploit it for funds, all for the sake of their company. As I said, they're not the only ones, any industries is the same, their goal is to make what they created works. Of course, not everyone is perfect and do mistakes.. food for thoughts.

    Blablabla Trove pay 2 win, but yet it does work. Look, despite the white orb/dss controversy, there's still a lot of people buying 500-1000 Trove keys so this fiasco doesn't seems to be the biggest deal ever.


    What you can do best is finding a way between the two "sides". You make "p2w" happy and you make "f2p" happy as well. On another thread, I've proposed to simply remove the Orb of Ascension as it ruined the event overall, because not only the f2p side is angry about this fiasco. You might Trove however you want, doesn't mean you'll roll Orb of Ascension everytime, so there's still a barrier on this item even for "p2w" players.


    The reason I'm saying that is because I've read your ideas. I don't disagree with them but I'm unsure if most will work as well as you perfectly described.


    1) This for example, they'd have to make a ridiculous ratio such as 1:10 or 1:20 or even more.. while I think it's fair for a few items like Soulstones or even Elysian Orbs, it would be absolutely broken for let's say Moonstones. The only place you get Moonstones from are battlegrounds which are whalefests = most of the time players that 'paid' for their gear, which gives income to the company. Being able to gain Moonstones for "free" (aka. grinding) is not a good idea for them.

    If people want Moonstones, the developers need to focus on making Battleground better instead, it's not easy to find a real solution that profits both. You'd want to keep the whales to spend their money to gear themselves for BG while satisfying the "average geared" that can't really do it to play the mode w/o being frustrated by being OHKO by every single skill while you deal them 20k HP of damage out of their 500k+ HP.


    2) I've forgot about Pet Aura to be honest, it's a fair point. Awakened random pets aren't gamebreaking even in Battleground so there's no reasons to keep Pet Pack between heroic stages.


    3) The reason it spikes is because you gain a "whole new lvl" of power. I'm fine with them reducing the higher lvl of souls when we'll get the next tier after true Tiger/Dragon. However I keep my stance on heroic stages, yes maybe they'll remove oils when we get said next tier but by the time you can get Awakened Hongmoon/Ascending without spending an oil, you'll have 5 to 6 tier of soul to go through until maxed which is horrifying trust me.


    4) Also for Moon Refuge. When it comes to CB a price much higher than 1000 would be needed, else it would be "too easy". Let's not forget the item shouldn't be obtained after 2 peach quest if you want people to still give them the envy to 'swipe'. But I agree, adding Evolved to merchants is a good idea, just manage their price to something reasonable.


    5) No I agree with this one as well, they have 400+ outfits they can make money from and they sell 10 of them + 3 from rotations xd. Big loss of potential income here.


    6) In general, no matter the accessory, you use ~100 legendary jewels to max it out with average luck. Maybe this can be lower a little indeed but my biggest problem in reality is that I have to spend as much jewels for Skybreak accs than for Celestial Emperor ones which makes absolutely non sense. On my alt Summoner I have to go through that process again of upgrading my BT accs and it's bad because I know I have to spend yet another 100 jewels for that while on main I'll need the same at TT gear.

    Alright the breakthrough mats are obviously not the same but it's still make no sense for 3 years old accs to be "only a bit cheaper" than 1 year old ones. The same thing could apply to other accs. (PvE and PvP)


    7) I think PTS are fine since they removed a lot of them for being used for upgrading accessories. I think that they should just keep that way instead of removing the fail chance. Again, about BT accs, they still need PTS for Breakthrough.. I'd rather see them using tons of normal TS than using 1 PTS.

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