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  1. Where exactly is this "clone" army at? I don't know what you face everyday, but none of them look like clones. FYI I share these presets to use as guidance, reference, and base. Man it's only NA/EU that complains when someone shares a preset, other regions just say "thank you for sharing" tsk tsk. lol
  2. Added a few more presets which were made by me xD They're not great but if anyone wants it, msg me and I'll link you the preset! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. *I only customized the face, body is untouched*
  3. The link to the preset is right below the image ^^ If you're not familiar with downloading presets, here's the guide : http://www.bladeandsoulzone.com/how-to-add-use-character-presets-on-blade-soul/ Just simply click on the link Jin Preset 1 OR Jin Preset 2 (whichever you wanted), and download the image to CharacterCustomize in BnS folder. Then log in the game, and during character creation, click on Manage Appearance and click on the downloaded image. Hope this helped!
  4. First off I don't know if I posted this on the right forum section XD, feel free to move it to where ever. Okay, so I grabbed some popular, nice presets from Korean/ Chinese websites for anyone who is interested to use. I know someone already did a similar post regarding presets, but I wanted to share Korean presets >< Here's the guide on how to download and use presets: http://www.bladeandsoulzone.com/how-to-add-use-character-presets-on-blade-soul/ More presets can be found on these two websites Korean website: http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=3186 Chinese website: http://bbs.17173.com/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=2719&page=1&filter=typeid&typeid=1799 Most of the pictures are photoshopped so please be aware of that when downloading. They might not look exactly the same as the picture. Below are the pictures + the link to preset ^^ Click on the link and download the image and save it in C:\Users\*username*\Pictures\BnS\CharacterCustomize Lyn Preset 1 Yun Preset 1 This is a preset from Chinese website Yun Preset 2 Yun Preset 3 Jin Preset 1 Jin Preset 2 Above preset is a "copy" so if you're interested, check the website below to see the difference between original and the copy ^^ http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=3186&p=12&category=진여&l=10830 To translate a bit for those who can not read Korean, the picture above/ the picture on the left (on the website) is the original. Gon Preset 1 Gon Preset 2 If you want direct link to where I found these presets, let me know^^ I hope this helps those who need or want presets from Korean websites!
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