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kili888's Achievements

  1. They aren't it's just a f** up by NC 🙂 they'll probably fix it soon
  2. They are in the transmute tab just quite a bit further down 😉
  3. Love it when you get 25 Pet Pods removed you got before all this shti went down, nice job NC. Oh and there go my Outfits I optained from NCoin purchases aswell, nice. What you're doing here is stealing money from people basically, take items they paid money for and go like oops.
  4. And as it seems PvP is back to what it was queing vs the same opponent 5 times in a row, and the only thing you see is BM DES BD. Like you have about 0 chances if you liek to play WL GUN SF WD, when there is someone like BM who can oneshot you with 3 diffrent combos AND has 2 escpaes out of stun (who even thought of this like wth?). Do you guys think PvP needs a complete rebalancing overhall overall or no? Yeah I might be a little salty, but PvP felt so refreshing after the recent "event", and now it's back to trash tire queue times and same class over and over.
  5. So BnS was talking about some sort of "Clan Renewal" in the Develope's letter. I'm pretty sure most people forgot about it already, but is there actually something coming up, or no? https://imgur.com/gallery/8ZtY4IY
  6. Why exactly are you playing on EU if you are an "Asian player"? It's not like there aren't any servers in Asia.
  7. yeah like hello what the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ is that why is that allowed
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