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Everything posted by PetPuggi

  1. This patch was one of the biggest screwups and laughing stock in BNS history, where's the usual compensation? Anything event-related was pretty much unplayable in the first 1-2 weeks, and tbh I still have zero motivation to do any event crap right now since the rewards are an absolute joke (been that way for the last year at least but this time is biggest joke of them all), but where's your usual "sorry for the screwup again, here's your 2 event currency and a doggy bone"?
  2. Went into this place on my alt for the first time just to see how helpful it would be for my alt, since I've had the firm belief this entire moon refuge area is a complete utter waste of time and should be deleted from the game, and I'm absolutely 100% right. First of all the rewards in this place are a complete joke. Not only does it spawn once in a blue moon, but your total rewards EVEN IF THERE ARE NO OTHER PLAYERS in the instance might come out to be like 5-10 ms crystals and 10-20 ely crystals since those boxes has <10% chance of dropping a ms crystal. Now for sure there will be other players, so your rewards will usually be something like 2 ms crystals and 5 ely crystals. Yeah totally helpful for gear upgrades, that might afford you 1/10 of a single raven stage. That's not even the biggest problem. The biggest problem is it's open, geared PVP, or should I say straight out PK. Moon Refuge is supposed to be a new player friendly zone (even though it fails miserably at that). In theory this panda village is supposed to be a great source of mats for new players right? Of course not, this is BNS we're talking about. Who actually even bothers with this place that's meant to help low geared people now? Whales only, because all you see when you go in are whales running around one-shotting everyone else. Yeah totally new player friendly eh? I'm sure the 2k AP 3rd spec BM's wiping out the entire map of newbie archers in <20sec will feel proud of his grand total of 10 ms crystals and 20 ely crystals. Reminds me of SSP in the level 50 days with the bullshit scale dialed up to 10/10.
  3. It doesn't matter if they're trying to make baby steps to fix the current disaster. People are easily forgetting what the net changes are here even after their "promised" fixes (which is still a big question mark, like who even 100% trusts NCW's promises now?). You take 5 steps backwards, then take 1 step forward, what do you get? You get 4 steps backwards, which is nowhere near what players deserve and people should NOT be content with it and all of a sudden start opening up their wallets again. So what are the net changes? Everything below DST is still messed up. Harder difficulty + greatly nerfed rewards (not just gold, but mats). Even if they eventually fix this, the net change will simply be the state they were in pre-patch, but nerfed rewards. You still have daily challenge rotations that are a complete pain to do cause all solo quests and CB were removed, replaced by completely pointless places like refuge which should just be deleted from this game as not even completely new players would bother grinding for stuff there. Not to mention decreased rewards for all of this (afaik the 5g was removed?) They just added material bundles in F10, for ncoin only, right after they massively nerfed mats in game. Just wow Did people not notice their new fix states you will only get 1 orb shard instead of 2? One word. WHY? Are they that desperate for $ to resort to making a few quick bucks from F10 on dungeon entry tickets?? Everything above DST you have slightly reduced difficulty, but nerfed rewards, which simply balances out. This is nothing to be super happy about Why should we be content with this? This is what they promised, not a favour they're doing us. Would you be happy if your Tesla's OS broke down and suddenly starts limiting your speed to 20mph, then they issued a patch to raise it to 40mph, when originally it's more like 250mph? "Oh but they did make an improvement" is not valid when the net changes are still negative. They've still got another 4 steps forward to make before they even get back to the state of the game before this patch, let alone make an improvement. It's really sad a majority of this community has such low standards now that simply delivering a patch correctly is now considered greatly exceeding expectations and thinks the company should be lauded (aka supported with our wallets) for that. Delivering stuff that are promised is what they SHOULD do, not what they do only after weeks and months of repeated criticisms and threatening to not open wallets.
  4. This spells it out in simple English, clear as day. No they don't.
  5. I'm surprised they didn't add "kill mystery man 10 times" as one of the dailies. Though even that would arguably be more useful than this moon refuge trash which drops absolutely NOTHING useful, as at least the 24 man harbour might drop outfits. This entire moon refuge area is a complete, utter waste of harddrive space and pixels, with the vendor selling stuff that not even a fresh new level 60 out of story newb would find useful, which further proves the devs has ZERO idea of the in-game economy.
  6. Got this from reddit. More food for thought aka oil on fire for current disaster. Current event: Amount of nebula stones needed to get both soul and heart to a completely outdated tier (awakened ascending / true HM heart) = 58 nebula stones = 464 event currency How to get said currency? Work your ass off in the completely bugged dungeons Max # of event currency you can get per person, even with premium, is 334, nowhere near enough, because as usual the thing is character bound You still need to spend roughly 1000 ss/300ms/1000 sacred/300 ely crystals, which is no small amount considering they nerfed the crap out of everything in this game, even quests, and made MSP completely unplayable Exact same garbage outfits that no one wants that has been used in the last 3 events already? Events from over a year ago, and I believe it happened 2-3 times: Easily get the exact same item with event currency ALONE (and some gold) You didn't need to waste ANY valuable ms/elysian crystals on your alts' basic soul/pet (before the white knights start spewing "expecting max gear for free") Always at least one great looking NEW costume each event Essentially you've got an event that "helps" (huge quotation marks) you get exact same gear from over a year ago which is way outdated now, that's three times harder to get. A good company trying to save their dying game will at least try not to go backwards but copy their past event by letting you keep the basic ascending soul / HM heart with just event currency, and possibly go a step further and offer discounts on the NEXT tier (since we're in 2019 not 2018). But of course logic has no context when it comes to this game. Oh and don't forget, you can instantly buy awakened ascending soul / true HM heart with mastercard via le master bundle in cash shop (hm coin excluded of course)! That can't be a coincidence can it? What's next, an event that gives 25% discount on raven upgrades that required you to grind 6 dailies a day? Anyone else miss when events weren't complete garbage? Almost so long ago it feels like nostalgia. Guess I should be thankful I no longer have any reason to log on for anything other than free trove open, and once per week for TT raid. It's like trying to quit smoking by using a particularly nasty brand of cigs.
  7. In other words... NCS priority system P1: cash shop and trove P2: none P3: none P4: everything else Man I wish my department at work functioned like that. People will get 3 hour lunch breaks and every Friday off.
  8. They never release lyn version anytime soon, just like how they don't release all available hairstyles even when they clearly exist in the files already. That way people will be forced to buy a race change voucher.
  9. 1 step forward? That's an insane amount of optimism you have there. I was thinking more like 1 step backward plus another 6 steps backward.
  10. Guide on max gear in p2w Korean MMO without spending money. LOL. How are people even responding to this with a straight face. Maybe you should also go check out those "get rich within 30 days with no investment" guides as well.
  11. You do realize that: There are NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES between EM and NM. You're honestly naive enough to think NCW would all of a sudden make all dungeons below BC soloable to non-whales and essentially be CS/HM v2? Like I said in opening post, they're gonna slap on a nominal "10% decrease in HP" and call that BS "easy mode", aka renaming NM to EM just to give them an excuse to nerf the crap out of everything. I mean why stop here? Why not just rename EM to "mentally handicapped mode", decrease drops by another 95%, because "players don't deserve to get more than 20silver and 1/5 of a moonstone crystal because the mode is meant for people who don't know how to use a mouse and keyboard"? That'll get players to play even more which is exactly what you want right? More effort for less rewards NM is already "go in pew pew" for anything except BC/WC. Don't pretend NM is all of a sudden something challenging that's worth the regular amount of drops What do you get when you put together 1 and 2? A guide on how to screw over 90% of your player base.
  12. You've got a dying game here, no one's gonna argue that. Some people say it's already dead, w/e that's up to debate. How do you attempt to save it? Well this is NCW/NCS's way: Releasing more pay2win gear to squeeze more milk out of stone. Yes that is totally going to attract new players to install game or players who quit game to return, "brand new whale-level tier items that only cost $5000USD to unlock! (Fineprint) Or of course you can spend two and half years grinding for it" Cashgrab casino simulator which more and more people agree are complete scams due to highly questionable drop rates and reward choices Renaming "normal" to "easy" to give them an excuse to reduce drops even further because that'll totally get people to whip out that credit card. Please don't give me the BS this will "attract undergeared players". First of all it's not even confirmed "easy mode" is really "easy mode", for all we know the only different could be the name as a facade. Second of all it's literally impossible to wipe in any normal mode dungeon except WC/BC/DST. If you wipe in them, well maybe you shouldn't join a BC party with story gear to start with? New players will just get the same dungeon experience aka braindead simulator as before, and all older players will get pissed off with nerfed rewards. So what's the benefit for us here? NCW's wallet, that's what the benefit is. Think about it, if they really wanted to help players why would they remove normal mode? Because keeping normal mode would no longer give them an excuse to force a drop rate nerf, as no one in the right mind would join easy mode Increasing amount of dailies required to get basic reward from 3 to 4, and from 5 to 8. Also removing celestial basin's daily which was critical for alts. What's next, removing CS/HM too (or are they already removed, didn't check)? Yeah totally alt-friendly. Now instead of spending half an hour each alt, you spend an hour or more each. That'll encourage those players to play more! If you want to release new pay2win crap and a casino simulator, at least make it so the rest of the patch is actually beneficial for players, both new and old. When you couple pay2win additions with massive nerfs in drops and increased effort required to get them, what do you think is going to happen?? Releasing a new "archer" class is like trying to put out a forest fire with a bucket of water. It's about run of the mill as run of the mill classes can get. How much hype will "archer", the most common class in MMO history, spark in a dying game? It's laughable to release an archer class near the end of an MMO's shelf life when literally every other game in existence has this overplayed class since launch day. It's also funny on the "system changes" and archer class news page they put up, they didn't even bother polishing it with any marketing speech this time like "this is a great chance to return to the game" or "best chance for newcomers to join the game" that they usually do for these big patches, cause all that page talks about are more tiers of pay2win gears. Players are not that stupid. At this point I don't see how anyone, even the white knights here, could tolerate this absolute mind-boggling decision making anymore.
  13. Lol. If you think "glint of aura" is overly sexy you obviously haven't seen the other entries. You think a tummy-revealing dress is more sexy than almost naked with pasties or a tube top?
  14. Solution? Don’t ever waste your time in the future designing art for a game that spits in your face for your effort and rapidly waning respect for it. I’m sure the number of artists who are interested in participating next year essentially halved or even less. Good job NCW as usual at helping to worsen publisher-player relationship. I would say this is even worse than ripping off whales cause artistic talent and time is worth way more than swiping $100 from hongmoon wallet.
  15. You really shouldn’t bother arguing with a die hard white knight like him. It’s like trying to prove theory of relativity to an ostrich. You know you’re right but it’ll never acknowledge you’re right. It’s hard not to assume he’s some kind of really complex defensive bot programmed by the staff that makes Siri look like a joke.
  16. Good idea. Unless you have eidetic memory it's impossible to remember why you blacklisted the 80 people on your list, which in my opinion and 95% of others, is a pathetically small list since I get that filled in like 1-2 months. Then I have to start randomly deleting people off the list in order to block new ones. Tbh I'm pretty sure everyone just uses the spammer list once the blacklist is filled, but that doesn't turn their name grey so you won't even know you've got them blocked.
  17. Maybe you should learn to read beyond the first sentence. Either that or you enjoy running aimlessly and loading screens in this game aka wasting time.
  18. You really can't place the NPC at a worse location, and it doesn't help due to the fact that there's no warehouse NPC inside MSP either. Visiting the NPC during a MSP run? People will think you're leeching. Visiting after a run? You have to run all the way to MSP entrance, load, then run like 5 miles to the damn NPC, only to find out oops, forgot to bring my green/yellow/purple stones or sacred orbs cause they're in my storage. Then you have to tp back to Zaiwei, wait for loading screen, then run another 5 miles to the warehouse cause it's nowhere near the MSP entrance, get your stuff, run another 5 miles back to MSP entrance, load in, then run another 5 miles to the rat to trade. Oh of course being premium solves that issue, hooray. When buying items from a vendor takes almost as long to complete MSP 1-3 you know you've got some r/crappydesign. Solution: just place the MSP vendor beside the warehouse NPC in Zaiwei? Or even better, just put him inside dragon express? I don't get what NCS/NCW is trying to achieve by making the NPC as difficult to access as possible, it's not even like you have to pay a ticket to enter MSP? For the CS merchant I guess they're trying to get you to buy a CS reset to enter. Getting to this MSP merchant is nothing but a waste of time.
  19. Is this per character or per account? Is there any in-game indication you've already participated for that day so you don't end up getting screwed at the end of the week?
  20. Is this per character or per account? Is there any in-game indication you've already participated for that day?
  21. A whale flexing that he can do 1.1mil dps to a dummy that pretty much doesn't fight back, and considers that a great achievement for a headpat. Lol. Move along, nothing to see here.
  22. Right now afaik it only holds about 10 icons which is nowhere near enough. MOST of the important buff/debuffs aren't even shown on this bar making it really frustrating in some fights where you're forced to guess when your buff/debuff will be over. This is especially annoying with things like: Warden V duration - I have to guess how many sec I have on V? This is detrimental in some raids. And no it doesn't have 100% uptime in all fights Soulburn global cooldown - with multiple wardens/WL's in the party you're forced to guess what the global cooldown is because it definitely won't be in sync with your own skill's cooldown, or simply wait until all the other non-important buff/debuffs disappear from your bar before this one shows up Alpha call - same reason as SB with multiple gunners in party Sheath/HM block/stealth - same reason as above Soul/bracelet/heart buff - these are buried so far back in the buff/debuff backlog you almost NEVER see them onscreen Why are we not able to extend this bar to two rows? That would pretty much solve everything. Afaik even with BNSbuddy you're not able to extend the bar for some reason, as if these buffs are hardcoded to only appear in certain slots. 1st row - all the important buff/debuffs from boss mechs + all of the personal cooldowns like warden's V + soul/bracelet/heart buff 2nd row - all global cooldowns like SB stickied in the front, with all the non-important ones behind it
  23. 50%+ of F8 either has a broken "N" key on their keyboard or just like wasting people's time. When was the last time you've been in F8 and looting didn't take the full 20sec for each item? Why in the world do we need 20sec to decide if we want some crap like "artisan mat box"? These trash should have a 5sec timer at most. It's especially the worst then people purposely wait the full 20sec before upping a bid just to troll you, hoping you'd get annoyed and leave party. Timers should be changed to: Blue items - 5sec Purple items - 10sec Legendary - 20sec
  24. It's great you nerfed it for NA, but let's do some math here, as this is still more gear requirement than turtle event. 184mil / 180 sec = 1mil dps requirement. But this boss is NOT a stationary training dummy like turtle. Literally every other attack CC's you, so you're forced to constantly iframe, run around or block. This dramatically reduces your F12 parse dps. I'd say you're looking at 60-70% of your F12 parse, so people still need roughly 1.5mil dps requirement to beat this thing. What do you need to get 1.5mil dps? You're looking at GC9, true tiger soul/early stages of new endtier soul, TT8 with good rolls, and full tri gems. Again, this is not something people can achieve "just by working hard", you actually need to have played for 1-2 years to get this, or a bit shorter if you have no life and play like 8 hours a day. TLDR: event has pretty much the same amount of pay2win-ness as turtle event. Higher dps requirement (1.5mil compared to 1.2mil for turtle) but taken into consideration "people had 2-3 more months to gear up from turtle event" so some white knights might argue it's roughly the same amount of wallet check.
  25. Maybe you should learn to read cause your posts sound beyond idiotic and illogical, even worse than Grimoir's. Purple title? Where the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ did I mention "whole point of beating event is to get purple title" in any of my posts? Either you're new to the game that you didn't know how the last event worked or you have short term memory. Here's a recap: you get exclusive costumes and useful mats if you beat the last tier of the event, aka whale-only tier. You think maxed out whales need GC steels or TT soul shields 1-3? No one gives a piece of ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ for some title. Proving your point? About what? I like how you just completely ignore my statement about it's impossible to farm up to max gear unless you've played for a long time. You think any player can just farm 24/7 and get to GC9/max soul in a short period of time? Saying that is "proving your point"? LOL. No, it's proving MY point. Classic example of brainless white knighting.
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