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Everything posted by Belido

  1. I haven't heared about this, but that doesn't mean much.
  2. cool, so I can follow the old saying "Never play on Patchday" for once 😄
  3. also ich habe eben in meine Kristallkugel geschaut und sehe Wartungsarbeiten von 13:00 bis 20:00 Uhr und eine Notfallwartung von 22:00 bis 01:00 Uhr 😄
  4. if not, it will be interesting... damn I can barely remember the mech stuff of Sandstorm Temple 😄
  5. OK you say the Call to arms is something for new players and then you dish out a heroic dungeon list witch covers right the top dungeons? But not enough, the lower dungeons "Brood Chamber and Sandstorm Temple, Dungeon Guide was updated so those dungeons are recommended for HM25". So yes, HM25 is what a new player got to have this days? Sounds more like a carry event to me.
  6. I didn't say it has anything to do with CS, I just took it as example how they probably handle it with the new dungeon. Which would be something like: the dungeon will not be selectable if you got a group with more then 4 members and in case it could happen, it would unselect the dungeon if more then 4 player a recruited. And yes, that also means that I guess, they don't care or don't even know about the common daily trains. But it was just a guess, maybe the also start a new 4-player dungeon mode. But nwm, we will find out in two days and they don't talk anyway.
  7. yes they are like this, no matter when released , so there is no reason against a early handout anyway 😄
  8. Pretty please! As I guess there will be plenty of stuff be changing, so it would be pretty cool to know what is coming 1-2days before and not sometime after midnight before patch day! I don't mind if is not formatted well and if some points are not sure, just at a notice. I just dislike a blind flight into major changes. So pls 😃
  9. I'd guess they do it the similar way the handle ie. for folks joining cold storage while having lockout.
  10. hahah oh yes, I do! When soloing the quick daily cold storage, this very broken aggro crap is my major time sink. I mean, the boss is dead, the boss is looted, the quests are turned in, the boss corpse despawned, why on earth I still need to be in combat for ages? Ofc this also happens in other places, but here it really shows off for me.
  11. we used to have normal mode for a long time, then they added some kill mechs from hardmode to normal mode and called the result easy mode. This is NCwest logic, so only they will know what happens with this buff for us....
  12. you are a liar and it sucks big time to have that costume behind a RNG wall!!! today I was kicked out from game and Koldrak after some major performance issues and downloading UE4 client in background and have Amazon Prime Video running too.. I was told some irregular program stuff was detected, so maybe there is some hope, when they learn to aim....
  13. just buy a cheap NVMe SSD with 2TB just for gaming stuff, like I did and problem is solved 😃
  14. well just a hint, maybe next time, just instead of just talking about stuff, also show it a bit. Well, it is just a bit info on mouse-over, but for some still more interesting then the spoken word.
  15. my must have outfit is in there, I am already flooding F9 😕
  16. Combat UI and System update is announced for November btw
  17. would be worthless anyway, as a duo show never compares to a live server.
  18. Client for UE4 update will be rdy to pre-download tomorrow, but will not work before UE4 update at 8th There will be another Call to Arms Event (CTA), based on doing daily dungeons and weekly. The Cybernetic Outfit, I already wondered about for weeks, will be in Trove starting at 8th September.
  19. still 15min to go, or some days for whatever reason they find....
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