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Posts posted by Sorgina

  1. well why they didnt put like preview hongsil´s treasure draw more times to participate in it , imagine ppl that are working and come late, even now i loged supose to duration is 2 hours each everyday and nothing so we cant all participate cause we have to stay in game 24 hours waiting ??

  2. Only me or more ppl having same problem, since 3rd spec warlock released i kill same mobs as before and instead of repairing my weapon 2 times in one week i have to repair it 2 times per day ??? If i kill faster wasnt supose to last longer ??

  3. So i would like to know why every time i try to register to it, nothing happens only get page to play bns free ... is that normal '? Shouldnt receive message saying i aplyed to it sucessufly ?

    Or all players that are registered in NCSoft already get the gift no matter what ?

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