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Posts posted by krusader

  1. Killiefish and Nemises you' r right on how to beat him, but what he point out is also the lazy mech put on this boss. And Here can't say that dev did something ridiculous. Even you Killie agree somewhere on fact that finaly the best is to burst him instead of using brain, and yeah, more time come, more they do boss that way . The dreamsong theather first boss is certainly the most evident show of failure on making people using tactic.

  2. il y a 26 minutes, Ildary a dit :

    a) alrdy done in maintenance

    b) learn to play pvp tbh^^ its no way impossible to kill stage10 in trial arena, learn the starting atk pattern, counter it, cc lock, repeat, done. The stage 10 can be easily killed with idk 1,7k AP or so

    c) i returned when last arena was resetted (archer patch), got to 1,9k ap till now, so it is nowhere to impossible to clear trial arena till it resets next AND in addition to that... it is meant to be a challenge, not to be cleared by a 1,4k newbie on the first day...


    €: just cleared first five stage 10 with 2 stars each (not rly tryharded) before the maintenance hit, it took me +- 40min

    yeah, lower HP, let s keep cheated AI, and just have HIGHT AP cause the game goes more brainless with big power, no tech needed ;)

  3. il y a 8 minutes, LilyFU a dit :

    not a popular opinion but is time for NCS to ban BNSBuddy.

    i know ppl will start with the excuses of i need for performance. but that program only helps cheaters and makes NCS job of dealing with this problem more difficult.

    So NCS do your job fix the game and ban BNSBuddy or this fiesta it will never end

    Real Cheater will find another way, don t worry for them.

    The open box & quick transmute, i ll use because this game, to the view of the dev, is "make all to have people loose time on this game" with stupid 1Km corridor with nothing to do but run to get to next spot, etc etc . They certainly know what is annoying to the player, but as long as we keep willing to play (and pay!), they keep those bullshit thing.

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