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Posts posted by EvaLynBoder

  1. So I logged in after some time and noticed that my Collections gave me a popup of 12. Which was weird to me, since I always immediately activated them when I got it.

    However, now all the complete icons are blue again, yet when I click on them it says they are already completed before and give nothing. It also says I am 'clueless' since I have no completed collections active...despite having quite a few.


    Anyone knows what's up with this?






    No idea what caused it, but relogging seems to have fixed it.


  2. 11 hours ago, Cyan said:

    The Google Doc that initially went out did have inaccurate information based off inaccurate documentation we had internally. We corrected this on the document so the costs seen in game are intended. That being said, there are no current plans to adjust the costs, but the feedback will be shared with the development team.

    So remember how you said before that things are tested in a "test" server?
    This was the BIGGEST thing in the patch. And you're saying NO-ONE took the 5 seconds to check if your "test server" had the proper upgrade costs compared to the google docs you gave us?
    The google docs people used to prepare? Clear out some of their Transformation Stones to get Premium ones?
    And then, when the patch hit, they had no use for their Premium stones AND had to spend more to get their original Transformation stones back because you increased crafting price?


    I mean, I'm literally expecting nothing anymore since the shitshow that was the White Orb fiasco where the stream gave blatant false information, but somehow you guys manage to ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ things up EVERY single big patch since.

    If I was unable to learn from my mistakes and not double-check patch notes at my job, I'd be fired more quickly than you can shake a stick at. And you all managed to do it not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times in a row.

    • Like 3
  3. 7 hours ago, Amduscas said:

    Since this thread has already been necro'd; as a summoner I don't see how I can counter the suction/daze. The fight is easy aside from that, but taking that a couple times just wrecks me. :HajoonConfused:

    You press F when he sucks you in. Then SS about half a second later to evade the big roomwide hit. And then stand still and block his spinning move towards you.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    So....giving players the option to mail outfits as they asked, giving them fishing as they asked, you call "BS" ? And then you go around talking how they dont listen to the community, its a bit hypocritic isnt it?

    Players didn't just ask for fishing. They asked for fishing as shown in KR.
    Selective listening is still bad.

  5. 3 years ago up until last week, literally every time we complained about patches:

    "We just do the same as korea" (remember the bugged mess that was the gunner patch or the level 55 bosses?)

    Today when we complain about patches "We do not do the same as korea"



    I used to be part of the problem. I spent hundreds of dollars on premium and trove over the course of the years (haven't been here since beginning, but Poharan was still endgame content when I started). But this message. The lies, conceit and misdirections ever since the White Orb fiasco to this point have made me decide to quit too.
    I still love the gameplay and I might pop up if story continues. But other than that, I'm done.

    • Like 3
  6. 16 hours ago, PetPuggi said:

    In other words... NCS priority system


    P1: cash shop and trove

    P2: none

    P3: none

    P4: everything else


    Man I wish my department at work functioned like that. People will get 3 hour lunch breaks and every Friday off.

    You're missing:

    "Wrong voice with wrong NPC."
    Remember when we had emergency maintenance to fix that? Surely THAT required immediate attention and couldn't be fixed on a regular maintenance.

    • Like 2
  7. 36 minutes ago, Hated said:

    You never could swap ET badges.

    Not what I said.
    I said people that progress from VT to ET.
    VT-gear, earth is stronger.
    TT/ET gear, wind is stronger.
    So at some point during the transition you'd have to go from Dynasty badge to Aransu badge. Which was free. And not anymore after the patch.
    Especially nice if you made it awakened.

  8. Even with high ping there should be no way you'll never have a poison stack on the boss.

    Disable both other F skills (Doom n Bloom and Burr Toss). That way they both will never mess up the Flying Nettles and you can use it whenever it's available.


  9. 2 minutes ago, Backstabpuss said:

    What is wrong with people today. He was refering to Grand Celestial weapon ....not the shitty 1h one. With 1hour one you cant do nothing.

    And even with Grand celestial you wont pull 1.2-1.3k dps if you dont have other gg gear.

    The 1hour weapon is equivalent to GC 9 lol
    And that last part is exactly what I'm saying.

  10. 1 hour ago, Backstabpuss said:

    And how did you get the wep? CUz you neeed drops from stage 4 for it.  Just admit you dont even play.

    This is actually incorrect.

    You get the 1 hour weapon by doing stage 3 turtle + the easy Mausoleum.

    That said, I am full VT and have never done TT yet. Do have 3 TT soulshields (thanks trove), but even with 1 hour weapon, full drink, food and charm buffs I cannot get to turtle. I can get up to 6%.

    You need TT accessories and/or more soulshields to get stage 4 turtle done. Let alone the hard Mausoleum.

    So yeah, this complete event is not doable by the vast majority.
    1-3 and the easy Mausoleum are not too hard (even for alts). But the high rewards are locked behind TT-geared only.

    • Like 2
  11. This is horrid for everyone who makes (and could still make) Sacred Oils.
    Seeing one of the harder resources in the game to make one of the highest wanted things of the game be reduced to 1 copper without any compensation is terrible.

    Even worse is that up until the moment that the patch hit, we were under the impression because of you guys that we would not lose our Oil-making items.

    This royally screwed everyone over with Demon Spirit Stones. Else we would've used them in the past week to at least make the Sacred Oils.


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