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  1. i do not recall seeing it in f10 in 2018 or 2019 out side of one instance of it being in the daily deals. and i did just say that it originaly came out during the games first aniversery. thats how i got it in the first place
  2. it wasnt a part of the f10 rotation last i remember. i know that it originaly came out and was given away during the games first aniversery for free. there was one instance where it poped up in daily deals but even then it was only the outfit and not the ribbon or mask. and to top it off it only was put there once.
  3. i would like to see the alice outfit be availible again. while i dont think it would be right to make it a cash shop outfit due to how it was originaly aquired making it availible in events would be nice. though i wouldnt mind seeing it in the hm store so i can buy it for a friend.
  4. i have encountered an error pertaining to warden skill illusions. when you have a skill illusion equiped on warden and attempt to use a skill the skill animation does not play. the skill its self is still activating and doing its damage, resource regen or what ever like its suposed to its just the animation its self doesnt play as if the file is missing. this is also not something on my end as this happened for my friend as well with his skill illusion from trove. i can confirm the skill illusions festive winter skill illusion and lotus skill illusion do not work properly on gaurdian spec wardens. i would provide a screen cap but given the issue a screencap wouldnt tell you much since its an issue of something not happening when it should rather than something happening when it shouldnt.
  5. there is a glitch that i am sure you have probly heard of but when hiding charectors if you go to unhide them they end up as floating heads or even sometimes the models can be a bit mangled like here its not game breaking or any thing and is more of a graffical glitch. can be kinda funny but should be patched. its not halloween any more we dont need this
  6. ok if you are getting cc'ed in arena on a destro your not playing the class right.
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